Assuming that music can be expressive, I try to answer the question whether musical expressiveness has epistemic value. The article has six parts. In the first part, I provide examples of what music can express. I suggest that it can express inner states with phenomenal character. In the second part, I build up an argument in favor of the claim that, granted its expressiveness, music can convey conceptual content which is not verbal, and which cannot be expressed verbally. This conclusion is limited to concepts like lyrical, nostalgic, melancholy, joyful, distressful etc. In the third part, I explain what musical expressive content is, in contrast and by analogy to, propositional content. In the fourth part, I apply Mitchell Green’s multi- space model of artistic expression to music. I argue that Green’s theory of expression provides a powerful explanation of how a musical sequence can express states with phenomenal character. In the fifth part, I use that model to define adequacy conditions for musical expressive ascriptions. In the last part, I attempt to explain musical knowledge by combining Green’s multi-space model with Sosa-style virtue epistemology.
The ice jam in a river can significantly change the flow field in winter and early spring. The presence of bridge piers further complicates the hydraulic process by interacting between the ice jam and bridge piers. Using the data collected from experiments in a laboratory flume, the evolution of an ice jam around bridge piers having three different diameters has been investigated in this study. Compared to results without-pier, it was found that the formation of an ice jam in the downstream of bridge pier is faster than that in the upstream. The thickness distribution of the ice jam shows clearly different characteristics in front and behind of bridge piers at different stages of the ice jam.
The main objective of this study is to assess the effect of hysteresis of soil hydraulic properties on model predictions of soil water movement in a variably saturated soil. The model predictions are generated by the S1D model, which is based on numerical solution of one-dimensional Richards’ equation. The analysis is made for a loamy sand soil located in a small headwater catchment. The model is used to simulate the development of soil water pressure during three successive vegetation seasons. Three major simulation scenarios are formulated: the first scenario assumes no hysteresis in soil hydraulic properties, the second scenario involves a predefined hypothetical hysteresis, while the third scenario is based on optimized hysteresis, determined through the inverse modeling procedure. The analysis of the simulation results suggests that, in our case, ignoring hysteresis does not lead to any significant deviation of the model predictions from the observed soil water system responses. and Možnosti efektivně matematicky modelovat proudění vody v přirozených půdních formacích omezuje komplikovanost určení půdních hydraulických charakteristik, a to nejen s ohledem na jejich prostorovou a časovou variabilitu, ale také hysterezi. Příspěvek je zaměřen na testování vlivu hystereze na výsledky simulací proudění půdní vody v podmínkách malého horského povodí. Numerický model S1D, řešící Richardsovu rovnici v jednorozměrném tvaru, byl použit k výpočtu sezónního vývoje tlaku půdní vody. V simulacích byla alternativně uvažována hystereze retenční křivky. Odchylky mezi odezvami modelu a měřeními byly minimalizovány optimalizací scaling faktorů. Rozsáhlý srovnávací soubor uskutečněných optimalizací umožnil posoudit rozdíly modelové odezvy dvou hysterezních a jedné nehysterezní varianty a kvantifikovat dopad zanedbání hystereze na přesnost předpovědi modelu. Neuvažování hystereze v našem případě nezhoršuje schopnost modelu popsat změny půdní vlhkosti.
The goal of this study was to evaluate the effect of products from a municipal wastewater treatment plant on the H2O and CO2 effluxes from two soils. The net H2O and CO2 effluxes were measured at the surface of nine beds with two different soils (Cambisol and Arenosol) and two crops (maize or vegetables). Soils in some beds were amended with stabilized sewage sludge (bed with Cambisol and maize) or composted sewage sludge (two beds with Cambisol and both crops) or were irrigated with treated wastewater (two beds with Cambisol and both crops, and one bed with Arenosol and vegetable). Remaining beds were irrigated with tap water (two beds with Cambisol and both crops, and one bed with Arenosol and vegetable). While stabilized and composted sewage sludge positively affected the CO2 emission, the effect of treated wastewater was not confirmed. Different treatments had negligible effect on the water efflux, which was mainly affected by the plant canopy that influence the temperature of the soil surface. Statistical analyses showed that trends of the CO2 efflux with respect to various scenarios measured on different days changed during the season. No significant correlations were found between the average H2O and CO2 effluxes and measured soil properties.
One of the basic questions related to the safety of dikes and river levees is the size of the freeboard. One of the important parameters for freeboard design is the height of waves and wave run-up on levee slopes. Routine and standardised calculations of wave run-up deal with the freeboards of dams where wind waves originate on the still water of the reservoir. In the case of running water in streams (thereinafter only ''currents'') the effect of wave and current interaction on wave run-up is usually not taken into account due to the lack of reliable knowledge regarding the phenomenon. In the Czech Republic this question is topical in the case of large rivers such as the Elbe, the Vltava and the Morava. Within the framework of the projects Hydralab III and NAZV QI 92A139, hydraulic research and further analysis focused on wave run-up as a result of the combination of current and wind wave parameters were performed. The laboratory research was carried out in a hydraulic flume with a wavemaker on the right bank and a levee with a slope of 1:3 installed on the left bank opposite the wavemaker. Waves were generated both perpendicular and oblique to the levee axis; the angle of oblique wave attack varied within the range of ± 30°. The aim of this paper is to compare the results of the mentioned research with recommendations mentioned in the Czech National Standard CSN 75 0255 Calculation of wave effects on water structures and to quantify the effect of current on the wave run-up height. and Jednou ze základních otázek spojených s bezpečností hráze je návrh převýšení její koruny nad maximální hladinou vzdouvané vody. Důležitým parametrem ovlivňujícím návrh převýšení je výška vln vybíhajících po svahu hráze. Běžné postupy výpočtu výšky výběhu vlny na svah jsou realizovány za předpokladu, že vlny vznikají na stojatých vodách. Vliv proudění se obvykle vzhledem k nízké úrovni znalostí tohoto jevu na tekoucích vodách zanedbává. V podmínkách České Republiky je otázka vlivu proudění na výšku výběhu relevantní zejména na velkých tocích jako Labe, Vltava nebo Morava. V rámci projektů Hydralab III a NAZV QI 92A139 byl uskutečněn hydraulický výzkum a analýza dat se speciálním zaměřením na výšku výběhu větrových vln při započtení vlivu proudění. Výzkum byl realizován na modelu hráze se sklonem svahu 1 : 3, který byl umístěn ve zkušební nádrži osazené vlnoproduktorem vedeným rovnoběžně s modelem hráze. Vlny zde byly generovány jednak kolmo vzhledem k podélné ose hráze, jednak šikmo v rozsahu úhlů ± 30°. Výsledky výzkumu byly porovnány s doporučeními uvedenými v České státní normě ČSN 75 0255 Výpočet účinků vln na stavby na vodních nádržích a zdržích.
Influence of the pattern of effective rainfall on modeled hydrograph was investigated in the study. The modelling was performed with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers hydrograph package HEC-HMS 3.2 and calibrated and validated on measured hydrographs of Glinscica watershed. Six different models of rainfall loss were applied and their effect on modeled hydrograph was evaluated. Peak discharge, time of peak discharge and runoff volume were compared. The best results with the lowest RMSE in the study was obtained with the SCS curve number loss method. Also synthetic hyetographs of different probability and duration were used. Three positions of the maximum rainfall intensity at 25, 50 and 75 % of the rainfall duration were applied. The results showed essential differences in simulated time to peak and also differences in peak discharge. The differences in time to peak increases considerably with the increasing of the rainfall duration. Finally, the results of constant intensity distribution of rainfall of different durations were compared with those obtained with typical rainfall distribution with the position of the maximum intensity at 50 %. Results showed considerable differences in peak discharge and time to peak by longer durations of the rainfall. and Práca obsahuje výsledky výskumu vplyvu efektívnych zrážok na modelovaný hydrograf. Odtok bol modelovaný pomocou nástroja U.S. Army Corps of Engineers hydrograph package HEC-HMS 3.2, potom kalibrovaný a verifikovaný na meraných hydrografoch povodia Glinscica. Vplyv zrážok na modelovaný hydrograf bol vypočítaný pre šesť rôznych modelov priebehu zrážok. Porovnali sme maximálne prietoky, časy ich trvania a odtečené množstvá. Najlepšie výsledky s najnižším RMSE sme získali s SCS modelom odtoku. Použili sme tiež syntetické hyetografy rozdielnej pravdepodobnosti a trvania. Použili sa tri polohy maximálnych intenzít zrážok; pre 25, 50 a 75 % ich trvania. Výsledky ukázali zásadný rozdiel v simulovaných časoch maximálneho prietoku a tiež rozdiely v maximálnych prietokoch. Rozdiely v časoch dosiahnutia maximálnych odtokov sa výrazne zvyšovali s časom trvania zrážky. Nakoniec sme porovnali výsledky výpočtov s konštantnými intenzitami rozdelenia s rôznym trvaním zrážky s tými, ktoré boli vypočítané s použitím typických rozdelení, s polohou maximálnej intenzity zrážok pri 50 % ich trvania. Výsledky ukazujú významné rozdiely v maximálnych prietokoch a v časoch ich dosiahnutia v závislosti od trvania zrážky.
The present study focuses on the possible influence of large-scale climatic patterns on precipitation, temperature, and discharge in two distinct river basins in the Czech Republic. The first one is a flat lowland basin of the Cidlina River and the second one represents a more mountainous type of climate (the Blanice River). The large-scale climatic patterns used comprise monthly averages of teleconnection patterns, sea level pressure values, and two geopotential heights (850 hPa and 500 hPa). The correlations for corresponding months and also up to a three months lead time were investigated. The relations concerning the corresponding months proved to be most reliable in the winter period of the year. The behaviour of both selected river basins with respect to these predictors is rather similar in character. However, higher values of correlation coefficients are reached in the case of the Cidlina River basin. Considering the prediction abilities with a certain lead time, the results seem to be more promising for the winter and spring periods in both basins. In the Cidlina River basin, they are likely to be beneficial also for the late summer and autumn period.
Substantial evidence shows that the frequency of hydrological extremes has been changing and is likely to continue to change in the near future. Non-stationary models for flood frequency analyses are one method of accounting for these changes in estimating design values. The objective of the present study is to compare four models in terms of goodness of fit, their uncertainties, the parameter estimation methods and the implications for estimating flood quantiles. Stationary and non-stationary models using the GEV distribution were considered, with parameters dependent on time and on annual precipitation. Furthermore, in order to study the influence of the parameter estimation approach on the results, the maximum likelihood (MLE) and Bayesian Monte Carlo Markov chain (MCMC) methods were compared. The methods were tested for two gauging stations in Slovenia that exhibit significantly increasing trends in annual maximum (AM) discharge series. The comparison of the models suggests that the stationary model tends to underestimate flood quantiles relative to the non-stationary models in recent years. The model with annual precipitation as a covariate exhibits the best goodness-of-fit performance. For a 10% increase in annual precipitation, the 10-year flood increases by 8%. Use of the model for design purposes requires scenarios of future annual precipitation. It is argued that these may be obtained more reliably than scenarios of extreme event precipitation which makes the proposed model more practically useful than alternative models.