Land use change is a phenomenon appearing in many part of world, not only in a local scale, but also at global level. This phenomenon can be resulting from climatic variation or from human activities on the land surface. It is rightfully assumed that the vegetation cover has a key impact on the rainfall-runoff process. For instance induced deforestation may cause disastrous flood; (after the flood in the Odra River and the Morava River basin in 1997 this phenomenon has been frequently disscussed). Among the appropriate tools to study the rainfall-runoff process changes are hydrological models. In the present work, three lumped conceptual models have been used, each emphasizing more or less processes which contribute to the water cycle on the landscape and in deeper zones. The model SAC-SMA, the BROOK´90 and the TOP-model have been used for the investigation in the hilly basin of Vltava River at Lenora. A daily time step has been used for all the models. Although the models have different structures, their results indicate similar tendency in runoff differences. and Změny ve využívání krajiny jsou procesem, objevujícím se v různých místech na Zemi, nejen na lokální úrovni, ale i v globálním měřítku. Proměnlivost odtoku je jednak důsledkem klimatické variability a jednak lidské činnosti v povodí. Všeobecně je uznáván klíčový význam vegetační pokrývky pro vývoj srážko-odtokového procesu. Zejména nucené odlesňování může způsobovat ničivé povodně; to bylo námětem častých diskusí i o povodni na Moravě a Odře v roce 1997. Mezi vhodné nástroje pro zkoumání jeho různých aspektů lze bezpochyby zařadit hydrologické modely. V předkládané práci byly pro daný účel užity tři různé modely srážko-odtokového procesu, zvýrazňující více či méně různé části hydrologického cyklu na povrchu území, či v podpovrchových zónách. V experimentech pro horskou část povodí Vltavy po Lenoru byly pro hodnocení odtokových změn užity modely SAC-SMA, BROOK´90 a TOPmodel. Pro simulace byly k dispozici denní časové řady srážek, odtoků a teplot vzduchu z období 40 roků. I když struktura užitých modelů je odlišná, výsledky indikují jasné a podobné tendence ve změnách odtokových diferencí.
Investigations indicate that correct estimation of seasonal thermal stratification in a dam reservoir is very important for the dam reservoir water quality modeling and water management problems. The main aim of this study is to develop a hydrodynamics model of an actual dam reservoir in three dimensions for simulating a real dam reservoir flows for different seasons. The model is developed using nonlinear and unsteady continuity, momentum, energy and k-ε turbulence model equations. In order to include the Coriolis force effect on the flow in a dam reservoir, Coriolis force parameter is also added the model equations. Those equations are constructed using actual dimensions, shape, boundary and initial conditions of the dam and reservoir. Temperature profiles and flow visualizations are used to evaluate flow conditions in the reservoir. Reservoir flow’s process and parameters are determined all over the reservoir. The mathematical model developed is capable of simulating the flow and thermal characteristics of the reservoir system for seasonal heat exchanges. Model simulations results obtained are compared with field measurements obtained from gauging stations for flows in different seasons. The results show a good agreement with the field measurements.
Editors of several journals in the field of hydrology met during the General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union–EGU in Vienna in April 2017. This event was a follow-up of similar meetings held in 2013 and 2015. These meetings enable the group of editors to review the current status of the journals and the publication process, and to share thoughts on future strategies. Journals were represented at the 2017 meeting by their editors, as shown in the list of authors. The main points on invigorating hydrological research through journal publications are communicated in this joint editorial published in the above journals.
John McDowell argues that ethical behavior cannot be grounded in an external set of normative rules. Instead, he proposes to ground ethical behavior in being a virtuous person. A fully virtuous person is able to identify unambiguously any moral fact she is confronted with. McDowell’s strategy seems to be, prima facie, an attractive one as it escapes some of the most serious problems that beset normative ethics. The concept of a virtuous person runs, however, into its own difficulties. It does not seem to be easily compatible with what we know about human psychology, namely about the normal perception and cognition. The aim of the paper is to expose the core of the incompatibility., John McDowell tvrdí, že etické chování nemůže být založeno na externím souboru normativních pravidel. Místo toho navrhuje, aby etické chování bylo uznáno za ctnostného člověka. Plně ctnostná osoba je schopna jednoznačně identifikovat jakýkoli morální fakt, se kterým je konfrontována. McDowellova strategie se zdá být na první pohled atraktivní, protože uniká některým z nejzávažnějších problémů, které sužují normativní etiku. Koncept ctnostného člověka však běží do vlastních potíží. Nezdá se, že by bylo snadno kompatibilní s tím, co víme o lidské psychologii, konkrétně o normálním vnímání a poznání. Cílem příspěvku je odhalit jádro neslučitelnosti., and Ivo Dragoun
In this paper I argue that the enkratic principle in its classic formulation may not be a requirement of rationality. The investigation of whether it is leads to some important methodological insights into the study of rationality. I also consider the possibility that we should consider rational requirements as a subset of a broader category of agential requirements., V tomto příspěvku tvrdím, že enkratický princip ve své klasické formulaci nemusí být požadavkem racionality. Šetření, zda vede k některým důležitým metodickým pohledům na studium racionality. Také zvažuji možnost, že bychom měli zvážit racionální požadavky jako podmnožinu širší kategorie agenčních požadavků., and Andrew Reisner
This paper's primary purpose is to show that there is a peculiar alternative to scientism whose central thesis is not about sources of knowledge or the existence of various objects, but it aims at setting out a strategy to help decide which of the two mutually exclusive beliefs is the better one to adopt. Scientophilia, to coin a term, recommends preferring, without any discussion, a position consistent with the consensus of credible and reliable experts in a given domain. In case there is no such agreement, mainly because peers disagree with each other, or experts are difficult to identify, it is recommended for a scientophile to suspend judgment. Scientophilia is not a position on science or human knowledge boundaries, but it deals with the practical side of belief change. Verdicts made by this approach are partially similar to those offered by mild scientism, as scientophilia puts scientific knowledge as one of the most reliable sources. However, it is also consistent with mild antiscientism, as in some particular cases (for example, Moorean truths), it assigns reliable expertise to non-scientific experts. Therefore it is a third way.