The study focuses on the preparations, organization and the realization of the general census of the year 1857. Its goal is to present the way of ascertaining the data and the characteristics pre-defined in census sheets. The attention will be rendered also to other documents connected to the census, the specific processing and presentation of data for every settlement unit and the possibilities of their further use in the study of culture and lifestyle. By way of illustration the results of the census will be documented on the example of the city Trnava. and Miriam Mikušová.
V minulém roce byla na stránkách periodika Naše společnost publikována empirická stať s názvem „Náboženské vyznání v České republice z perspektivy inter a intragenerační transmise“ [Paleček, Vido 2014]. Tato práce představila možný metodologický postup, jehož prostřednictvím je možno zjišťovat míru úspěšnosti přenosu religiozity ve společnosti během neustálého procesu generační obměny. Je obecně známo, že současná ČR se v tradičních formách religiozity řadí mezi nejvíce sekulární nejen mezi zeměmi post-komunistickými, ale i v kontextu celé Evropy [Hamplová 2000; Lambert 2004; Meulemann 2004; Need, Evans 2001; Nešpor 2010a; Tomka 2010]. Avšak, i když je ČR pouze jednou ze zemí, jejichž historie byly poznamenány 40ti lety komunistické státní moci, přesto se mezi těmito zeměmi řadí k nejvíce sekulárním. Je možno uvažovat, zda se protináboženská politika v ČR lišila oproti této politice v dalších zemích s komunistickou totalitní mocí nebo se lidé v těchto zemích naopak lišily odolností vůči této politice. V náhledu výše citovaného metodologického postupu může otázka znít, zda a jak se lišila úspěšnost předávání tradiční religiozity mezi generacemi v ČR oproti dalším post-komunistickým zemím a jaké byly možné příčiny těchto rozdílů. Sledovanými formami tradiční religiozity budou v této práci deklarované náboženské vyznání a návštěvnost na bohoslužbách v kostelích., This paper is focused on changing rates of church affiliation and church attendance in the course of intergenerational and intragenerational transmission on the cases of four post-communist countries of central Europe: the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland. It is a generally accepted fact that the rates of traditional forms of religiosity in the Czech society declined continuously during the second half of the 20th century, while such an enormous decline was not indicated in other post-communist countries of Central Europe. These differences and their causes are main question for this analytical work. Contemporary religiosity is dependent on rates of its reproduction between generations. Inter- and intragenerational transmission was influenced by two basic factors: First, by an anti-religious policy, which varied between the communist regimes, and second by the resistance of some people and families against that concrete anti-religious policy. The rapid secularisation of Czech society was due to those two factors., Antonín Paleček., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Despite the fact that the problem of sexual harassment at universities has been broadly explored in western and mainly American sociology since the mid-1970s, the first sociological survey to focus on this topic in the Czech Republic was conducted in late 2008 and early 2009. This quantitative survey covered 700 students and was carried out at a faculty of a university in Prague. The paper presents the main findings from this survey, such as the student’s experiences with sexual harassment from their teachers and their attitudes towards sexual harassment. The author found that the prevalence of sexual harassment in the particular faculty was relatively high and that students are extremely tolerant of ‘soft’ forms of harassment, especially gender harassment., Marta Vohlídalová., 3 grafy, 1 tab., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The problem of sexual harassment at universities has been explored in western and mainly American sociology since the mid-1970s. Since then, anti-harassment policies and procedures (including follow-up victim care) have been introduced at most Anglo-Saxon universities designing how to deal with ‘harassers’ and ‘victims’. In the Czech Republic, empirical research on this issue and on university anti-harassment policies is still lacking. The aim of this article is to introduce the methods and procedures employed at Anglo-American universities in an effort to tackle sexual harassment. The experiences of these academic institutions represent an indispensable source of information and inspiration for the Czech higher education environment., Kateřina Šaldová, Barbora Tupá, Marta Vohlídalová., Obsahuje bibliografii, and Anglické resumé
The authors analyse the discourse of Green Ways (GW), a company using multi-level marketing where women comprise the majority of distributors. The article shows that however multi-level marketing is advertised as a highly flexible form of employment suitable for those who want to combine family life with work, it is rather a way of marketing than an employment opportunity. A significant role in this business is played by women on parental leave who earn self-esteem based in the neoliberal values of self-reliance and entrepreneurial success, rather than FINANCIAL income. The analysis links their ways of describing the character and benefits of selling GW products with the ideology presented in GW manuals for distributors. Using Bourdieu’s theory, the authors point out how GW constructs the symbolic oppositional binary in line with the neoliberal notion of an efficient individual., Irena Lištiaková, Lucie Jarkovská., and Obsahuje seznam literatury