Saproxylic beetles are one of the most studied groups of organisms. This article summarize the key habitat featuresposition, insolation, diameter, decay stage and tree species – which influence the general distribution of beetles dependent on dead wood. and Jakub Horák.
Článek o vývoji vztahu akvaristiky a vědeckého výzkumu je zaměřen především na aspekty taxonomie, etologie a rozmnožování. Stručně jsou zmíněny počátky akvaristiky stojící na základech tehdejší vědy, a uvedena jména významných osobností, které ovlivnily vývoj chovu ozdobných ryb. Je zdůrazněn termín akvariologie, zavedený pro multidisciplinární vědecké základy akvaristiky., This article deals with the mutual relations between the aquarium hobby and scientific research, especially with respect to taxonomy, ethology and breeding. The beginnings of aquaristics, based on earlier scientific sources, are mentioned, and leading figures pioneering the developments in keeping tropical fish are also introduced. The term aquariology, applied to the multidisciplinary scientific basis of ornamental fish farming, is highlighted., Jindřich Novák., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Střevlík uherský (Carabus hugaricus hungaricus) je druhem dlouhostébelných panonských stepí. Patří mezi zvláště chráněné brouky a je rovněž druhem evropsky významným. V České republice přežívá už pouze na Pouzdřanské stepi a na Pálavě. V článku shrnujeme výsledky výzkumů jeho stanovištních preferencí, demografie a mobility, diskutujeme možnosti jeho ochrany a zároveň se dotýkáme bolestivého tématu ochranářské péče o lokality tohoto druhu., The Carabus hungaricus ground beetle is a highly endangered, dry-grassland specialist listed in the EU Habitats Directive. In the Czech Republic, the beetle survives on the last two sites including the Pouzdřany steppe, and the Pálava hills. Here we report results of extensive mark-recapture studies of this species, including its habitat preference, demography, and dispersal abilities. Furthermore, we discuss the options for its conservation and conservation management of the two inhabited sites., Lukáš Čížek ... [et al.]., and Pokračování čl. na str. CXV kuléru Živy 5/2014
Phoridae (scuttle flies) are widely distributed, occur in many types of habitats and are ecologically versatile, which makes them an excellent bioindicator group for evaluating faunal diversity. The structure of scuttle fly communities was compared in two Mediterranean habitats in the Montseny Natural Park (Catalonia, Spain) that differ in vegetation and microclimate: beech forest and highland scrubland. 3684 male individuals belonging to 135 species of scuttle flies were identified. Scuttle flies were more abundant in beech forest than scrubland. Observed and estimated species richness were lower in scrubland than in beech forest, while diversity was similar in both habitats. Community evenness was greater in scrubland than beech forest. Therefore, the percentage of dominant and subdominant species was higher in scrubland than beech forest, while the percentage of rare species was higher in beech forest than scrubland. Scuttle fly species composition was significantly different in the two habitats, but it was similar among plots within the same habitat. Megaselia pectoralis (Wood, 1910) and Megaselia subpleuralis (Wood, 1909) were the dominant species in beech forest, while Megaselia pusilla (Meigen, 1830), Megaselia pumila (Meigen, 1830), Megaselia superciliata (Wood, 1910) and Megaselia diversa (Wood, 1909) were the dominant species in scrubland. Trophic specialization was higher in beech forest than scrubland. Saprophages were the dominant trophic group in beech forest, while fungivores and polyphages were dominant in scrubland. The high biodiversity of scuttle flies recorded in the Montseny Natural Park indicates that there is also a high diversity of other taxa there and that these Mediterranean mountains are of high conservation status., Carlos García-Romera, José A. Barrientos., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Fossil molluscan successions from ca 450 sites provide evidence of the paleo-environmental history of the Czech Republic and Slovakia during the Quaternary. They not only reflect the Quaternary cycle of warm and cold phases but also a number of various events, such as the impact of the cold oscillation at 8,2 ky BP or the detailed reconstruction in time and space of the habitat patchwork in areas where other fossils are sparse or absent, particularly in karstlands, in the full scale of elevations. and Vojen Ložek.
Clear-cutting, the main method of harvesting in many forests in the world, causes a series of dramatic environmental changes to the forest habitat and removes habitat resources for arboreal and epigeal species. It results in considerable changes in the composition of both plant and animal communities. Ants have many critical roles in the maintenance and functioning of forest ecosystems. Therefore, the response of ants to clear-cutting and the time it takes for an ant community to recover after clear-cutting are important indicators of the effect of this harvesting technique on the forest ecosystem. We investigated ground-dwelling ant communities during secondary succession of deciduous forests in Transylvania, Romania. Using space-for-time substitution, we explored a chronosequence from clear-cuts to mature forests (> 120 years). The object was to determine if cutting has measurable effects on ant community structure, and if ant species richness differs between successional stages. We recorded a total of 24 species of ants, 11 characteristic of forests and seven of open landscape. Ant species richness was higher in clear-cuts compared to closed-canopy and old stands. Number of ant individuals was highest in young age classes and lowest in closed-canopy age classes. There was no drastic change in species richness during the succession, however differences in community composition at different stages were recorded. Open landscape species are able to rapidly colonize following disturbance but disappear when the forest sites mature and many forest ant species are capable of surviving clear cutting., Ioan Tăuşan, Jens Dauber, Maria R. Trică, Bálint Markó., and Obsahuje bibliografii