The first part of the article outlines Bohr's complementary way of thinking with which he amongst others approached the solution of atomic events in his three famous articles On the constitution of atoms and molecules from 1913. It also shows Bohr not only as a physicist, but as an interdisciplinary thinker and philanthropist. The second part gives a summary of the conference commemorating the centenar of the Bohr model of the atom, which claims to at least to partially for some gaps in the perception of this remarkable figure., Výklad stability atomu podal Niels Bohr ve svých třech stěžejních článcích nazvaných O konstituci atomů a molekul v roce 1913. V nich jedinečným způsobem aplikoval na Rutherfordův model atomu dosud nespojované předpoklady (klasické předpoklady a Planckovu kvantovou hypotézu nebo Balmerovu-Rydbergovu konstantu). To mu umožnilo podat vysvětlení čárového spektra (nejenom) vodíku a v neposlední řadě ho jeho teorie dovedla až k revolučnímu pojetí struktury molekul. V české odborné a laicky zainteresované veřejnosti tak přetrvává představa Bohra především jako fyzika nebo jen strůjce modelu atomu vodíku. Takový obraz o Bohrovi je velmi zavádějící. Ve fyzice Bohr dosáhl řady dalších významných příspěvků a současně byl interdisciplinárním myslitelem, jenž se zabýval filosofií, psychologií, biologií nebo jazykem. Nárokem konference ke stému výročí Bohrova modelu atomu tak bylo alespoň zčásti zaplnit některá bílá místa ve vnímání této pozoruhodné osobnosti., Patrik Čermák, Filip Grygar., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
In this article the development of blue light emitting diodes (LEDs, awarded by the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2014) is described from the point of view of material science and technology. Further, both challenges and benefits from the use of gallium nitride for LEDs are discussed in the article., Josef Stejskal, Jindřich Leitner, Zdeněk Sofer., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The Nobel prize in physics was in 2013 awarded to Belgian theorist François Englert and English theorist Peter W. Higgs "for the theoretical discovery of a mechanism that contributes to our understanding of the origin of mass of subatomic particles, and which recently was confirmed through the discovery of the predicted fundamental particle, by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN´s Large Hadron Collider"., Tomáš Blažek., and Obsahuje bibliografii
We summarise the important steps and breakthroughs since the first solar neutrino detection by Raymond Davis, Jr. and the subsequent confusion known as the "solar neutrino puzzle", to the two key experiments (Super-K and SNO) that made it very clear that neutrinos, the lightest and most elusive of leptons, undergo a peculiar quantum-mechanical transformation along the path from their source to the detector. To that end, we attempt to describe the basic experimental techniques that made these discoveries possible as well as the important features of the theoretical picture, which subsequently emerged during the same period. and Michal Malinský.
Nobelovu cenu za fyziku za rok 2010 získali Andre Geim a Konstantin Novoselov. Královská švédská akademie věd zdůvodnila její udělení slovy „for groundbreaking experiments regarding the two-dimensional material graphene“, tedy za průlomové experimenty týkající se dvojrozměrného uhlíkového krystalu – grafenu. Od udělení ceny 5. října 2010 zveřejnila česká média mnoho článků jak o laureátech, tak i o podstatě a významu jejich objevu; znamenitým zdrojem informací jsou zejména webové stránky Nobelovy nadace. V našem příspěvku se proto omezíme jen na shrnutí nejdůležitějších skutečností. and Ludvík Smrčka.
This year’s Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded for work in the field of condensed matter physics. The winning Laureate’s pioneering work from the early 1970s and 1980s opened up ways for new and exotic phases of matter, based on the concept of topology, previously used only in mathematics. D. J. Thouless and J. M. Kosterlitz theoretically predicted the existence of unconventional phase transitions in two-dimensional systems. These topological transitions occur at finite temperatures and are governed by dissociation of pairs of nanoscopic topological objects. This scenario explained the mechanism of phase transitions in two-dimensional magnets as well as the occurrence of superconductivity and superfluidity in thin films. F. D. M. Haldane discovered how topological concepts can be used to understand ground-state properties of magnetic chains with integer spin, which belong to the so-called Haldane phase. Another example, which has recently gained a lot of attention, is a topological insulator, a material with non-trivial topological order, which behaves as an insulator in its bulk but whose surface contains topologically protected conducting states. The topological insulator as well as the magnetic chain form the Haldane phase represent symmetry protected by topological states. Over the last decade, this area developed into a frontline research in condensed matter physics, as topological materials could be used in next generation electronics, superconductors and quantum information science. Last but not least, current research reveals secrets of exotic states of matter discovered by this year’s Nobel Laureates., Alžbeta Orendáčová, Slavomír Gabáni, Martin Orendáč., and Obsahuje bibliografii