Childcare leave schemes are one of the key measures that affect the ability of women and men to balance their work and family lives. Both the length of the parental leave period and the amount of the benefit have the potential to shape the timing of a subsequent birth. Important changes have been introduced into the Czech parental benefit scheme over the last 10 years in terms of both the scheme’s flexibility and the monthly amount of the benefit, which has provided a unique opportunity for studying the links between the institutional conditions of parenthood and the behaviour of real stakeholders. Using data on births from the Czech Statistical Office and the parity-cohort analytical approach, we investigate changes in the spacing of second and third births among women who had their first or second child between 1986 and 2013. The results revealed an increase in the second- and third-birth rate during the second and third year following a delivery, together with a decrease in the second- and third-birth rate during the fourth year and later among mothers exposed to changes in the parental benefit scheme. These changes in reproductive behaviour noticeably coincided with the incentives that have been provided since 2008 by the increased flexibility of the parental leave scheme and the author argues that the option to increase the monthly amount of the parental benefit together with the flexibility of its use has contributed to the closer spacing of births, most notably among more educated women.
Tato studie, která je první hlubší sondou do dějin Ústavu teoretické a aplikované mechaniky Československé akademie věd, obrací svou pozornost k organizačnímu a dislokačnímu vývoji pracoviště. Historie Ústavu teoretické a aplikované mechaniky Československé akademie věd spadá již do roku 1921, kdy byl ustaven jeho přímý předchůdce Výzkumný a zkušební ústav hmot a konstrukcí stavebních (od roku 1947 Kloknerův výzkumný a zkušební ústav hmot a konstrukcí stavebních) ČVUT. Tomu byla na počátku padesátých let při zakládání ČSAV přisouzena prvořadá důležitost, když se stal jádrem prvního technicky zaměřeného akademického ústavu, Ústavu teoretické a aplikované mechaniky (ÚTAM). Vývoj organizační struktury nového pracoviště byl poměrně spletitý a odrážel nejen úroveň vědeckovýzkumného pokroku řešené problematiky a požadavky vedení Akademie na náplň činnosti ÚTAM, ale nepřímo také aktuální kondici československé společnosti a ekonomiky. Neméně zajímavá byla i dislokační situace ústavu spjatá převážně s bývalým klášterem Na Slovanech (Emauzy), jehož byl ÚTAM určen operativním správcem. Tento objekt byl pro převážně stavebnicky orientované pracovníky Akademie velkou výzvou, ale i značným omezením: zajištění adekvátních pracovních podmínek pro zaměstnance a vybudování experimentální základny bylo třeba uvádět v soulad s respektováním historické hodnoty svěřených prostor. and This study, the first substantial survey of the history of the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (CSAS ITAM), focuses on redeployment and organizational developments at the institute. The history of the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences goes back to 1921, when its first direct predecessor was established, the Research and Experimental Institute for Materials and Building Structures (as of 1947 Klokner's Research and Experimental Institute for Materials and Building Structures) at the Czech Technical University. This was ascribed primary importance in the early 1950s when the CSAS was established, as it formed the core of the first technicallybased Academic institute, the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ITAM). The development of the organizational structure of this new institute was fairly complex, reflecting not only the level of scientific research progress achieved within the areas under review, as well as Academy requirements on ITAM activities, but also indirectly the state of the Czechoslovak economy and society at that time. Of no less interest was the redeployment situation at the institute associated primarily with the old Na Slovanech (Emmaus) monastery, which was allocated to ITAM by the operations administrator. For the primarily construction-oriented Academy staff this building was a great challenge, as well as a considerable constraint: adequate working conditions needed to be acquired for employees and an experimental base needed to be created, while respecting the historical value of the premises. Translated by Melvyn Clarke
Die Strukturänderungen der Besiedlung im 13. und in der ersten Hälfte des 14. Jahrhunderts. (Versuch einer Modellskizze in den Regionen Zemplin und Spiš).