Article deals with stastical evaluation of aluminium surface quality created by means of abrasive waterjet. It was evaluated the influence of the factors on the surface quality in 1, 6 and 11 mm depth. According statistical evaluation of the surface quality by means of factor analysis, results that for the evaluation of the quality average roughness is insufficient. and V príspevku sa pojednáva o štatistickom hodnotení povrchu hliníka vytvoreného abrazívnym vodným prúdom. Bol vyhodnotený vplyv faktorov na kvalitu povrchu v hĺbke 1, 6 a 11 mm. Zo štatistického hodnotenia kvality povrchu pomocou faktorovej analýzy vyplynulo, že nestačí iba charakteristika parametra profilu drsnosti Ra.
In this paper we analyze the use of statistics and associated problems, in three Czech biological journals in the year 2000. We investigated 23 articles Folia Biologica, 60 articles in Folia Microbiologica, and 88 articles in Physiological Research. The highest frequency of publications with statistical content have used descriptive statistics and t-test. The most usual mistake concerns the absence of reference about the used statistical software and insufficient description of the data. We have compared our results with the results of similar studies in some other medical journals. The use of important statistical methods is comparable with those used in most medical journals, the proportion of articles, in which the applied method is described insufficiently is moderately low., T. Pilčík., and Obsahuje bibliografii