Miroslav Šepták v této zprávě informuje o sympoziu „Stavovský stát, idea a historie“, které dne 4. listopadu 2009 v Praze na Vyšehradě uspořádalo Centrum právněhistorického výzkumu Historického ústavu Akademie věd ČR a Právnické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy ve spolupráci s Masarykovým ústavem a Archivem Akademie věd ČR., This is Miroslav Šepták’s report of a small conference called ‘The Corporative State: The Idea and Its History’, organized by the Legal History Centre of the History Institute, at the Academy of Sciences, and the Law Faculty of Charles University, in collaboration with the Masaryk Institute and Archive, also at the Academy of Sciences, on 4 November 2009., and Kronika
The database actually contains two sets of recordings, both recorded in the moving or stationary vehicles (passenger cars or trucks). All data were recorded within the project “Intelligent Electronic Record of the Operation and Vehicle Performance” whose aim is to develop a voice-operated software for registering the vehicle operation data.
The first part (full_noises.zip) consists of relatively long recordings from the vehicle cabin, containing spontaneous speech from the vehicle crew. The recordings are accompanied with detailed transcripts in the Transcriber XML-based format (.trs). Due to the recording settings, the audio contains many different noises, only sparsely interspersed with speech. As such, the set is suitable for robust estimation of the voice activity detector parameters.
The second set (prompts.zip) consists of short prompts that were recorded in the controlled setting – the speakers either answered simple questions or they repeated commands and short phrases. The prompts were recorded by 26 different speakers. Each speaker recorded at least two sessions (with identical set of prompts) – first in stationary vehicle, with low level of noise (those recordings are marked by –A_ in the file name) and second while actually driving the car (marked by –B_ or, since several speakers recorded 3 sessions, by –C_). The recordings from this set are suitable mostly for training of the robust domain-specific speech recognizer and also ASR test purposes.
Príspevok pojednáva o teoretických a praktických aspektoch podávania, vybavovania a prešetrovania sťažností a podávania a vybavovania petícií v podmienkach Slovenskej republiky. Zaoberáme sa v jednotlivých častiach príspevku prijímaním sťažností, príslušnosťou orgánu verejnej správy na vybavenie sťažnosti, prešetrovaním a vybavovaním sťažností. Pozornosť venujeme obsahu a výkonu petičného práva ako aj postupu pri podávaní a vybavovaní petícií. Príspevok sme doplnili o grafické spracovanie počtu podaných sťažností a petícií v rezorte zdravotníctva v rokoch 2007–2014 and This paper deals with theoretical and practical aspects of submission, handling and investigation of complaints and the submission and processing of petitions in the Slovak Republic. In different parts of the paper we deal with taking complaints, membership of a public authority for dealing with complaints, investigations of complaints. In the paper we pay attention to the content and performance of right of petition, as well as the procedure for filing and processing of petitions. We completed this paper about the graphical processing of the number of complaints and petitions in the health sector in 2007–2014
Príspevok pojednáva o teoretických a praktických aspektoch podávania, vybavovania a prešetrovania sťažností a podávania a vybavovania petícií v podmienkach Slovenskej republiky. Zaoberáme sa v jednotlivých častiach príspevku prijímaním sťažností, príslušnosťou orgánu verejnej správy na vybavenie sťažnosti, prešetrovaním a vybavovaním sťažností. Pozornosť venujeme obsahu a výkonu petičného práva ako aj postupu pri podávaní a vybavovaní petícií. Príspevok sme doplnili o grafické spracovanie počtu podaných sťažností a petícií v rezorte zdravotníctva v rokoch 2007–2014., This paper deals with theoretical and practical aspects of submission, handling and investigation of complaints and the submission and processing of petitions in the Slovak Republic. In different parts of the paper we deal with taking complaints, membership of a public authority for dealing with complaints, investigations of complaints. In the paper we pay attention to the content and performance of right of petition, as well as the procedure for filing and processing of petitions. We completed this paper about the graphical processing of the number of complaints and petitions in the health sector in 2007–2014., Alžběta Benedikovičová, Jolana Těšinová, and Literatura