Quaternary ammonium salts, besides having an inhibitory effect which was studied by Králová eí al. (1992), exhibited at low concentrations a stimulating effect upon the oxygen evolution rate in spinách chloroplasts. The stimulation is caused by changes in arrangement of thylakoid membranes due to a detergent-like effect of the compoimds.
The effects of 5 pmols of adipokinetic hormone (Lom-AKH-I) on both the locomotion and mobilization of lipids were studied in 10-day-old diapausing adult females of the short-winged (brachypterous) morph of Pyrrhocoris apterus (L.). The results revealed that AKH stimulation of locomotion in this bug is wing-morph independent. The stimulatory effect of AKH on locomotion was shown to be positively correlated with its effect on lipid mobilization., Radomír Socha, Dalibor Kodrík, Rostislav Zemek, and Lit
Pharmacological preconditioning by diazoxide and a model of experimental streptozotocin-induced acute diabetes mellitus (STZ-DM) provided similar levels of cardioprotection assessed as limiting myocardial infarct size. The aim was to explore the possibility of existence of another in vitro mechanism, which could be contributory to cardioprotection mediated by diazoxide treatment. Mitochondrial membrane fluidity and ATP synthase activity in isolated heart mitochondria were determined under the influence of two factors, STZ-DM condition and treatment with diazoxide. Both factors independently increased the ATP synthase activity (p<0.05), as no interaction effect was observed upon the combination of STZ-DM with diazoxide. On the other hand, the mitochondrial membrane fluidity was significantly increased by STZ-DM only; no significant main effect for diazoxide was found. Based on the results from measurements of enzyme kinetics, we assume a direct interaction of diazoxide with the molecule of ATP synthase stimulated its activity by noncompetitive activation. Our present work revealed, for the first time, that cardioprotection induced by diazoxide may not be caused exclusively by mitochondrial KATP opening, but presumably also by a direct interaction of diazoxide with ATP synthase, although the mechanisms for achieving this activation cannot be fully delineated., M. Jašová, I. Kancirová, M. Muráriková, V. Farkašová, I. Waczulíková, T. Ravingerová, A. Ziegelhöffer, M. Ferko., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The stimulating effect of 1-alkyl-1-ethyl piperidinium bromides on the oxygen evolution rate in spinách chloroplasts was caused by rearrangement of thylakoid membrane.
Současné laserové systémy s výkonem na petawattové úrovni obsahují většinou ve své koncové části optické kompresory s ohromnými difrakčními mřížkami. Bude tomu tak navždy, nebo se najde metody, jak vyrobit petawattové laserové svazky v laboratoři na optickém stole? V článku je objasněn princip stimulovaného zpětného Ramanova rozptylu v plazmatu, který by takovouto metodou mohl být., Current laser systems at petawatt-level outputs usually include huge diffraction gratings in the rear-end of optical compressors. Will this be the case forever, or has a new method appeared which makes the production of petawatt laser beams feasible even on an optical lab table? The article explains the principle of the stimulated Raman backscattering in laser plasma which could be the way., Hana Turčičová., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Cieľ: Na základe štyroch faktorov – kompetencie a skúsenosti sestry; možnosti a kvalita vzdelávania; stav pacienta; organizačné faktory opísať skúsenosť sestier s využívaním ošetrovateľskej diagnostiky vo výučbe a praxi. Metodika: Na zber empirických údajov sme použili dotazník vlastnej konštrukcie s otvorenými otázkami, zameraný na reflexiu stimulov a bariér pri využívaní ošetrovateľských diagnóz v oblastiach vzdelávanie, klinická prax a výskum. Na spracovanie a vyhodnotenie získaných údajov sme využili kvalitatívnu analýzu dát. Do výskumného súboru boli zaradení štyria respondenti, bývalí študenti doktorandského štúdia. Výsledky: Pri identifikovaní stimulov, ako aj bariér v používaní ošetrovateľských diagnóz dominovali v našom výskume faktory z oblasti vzdelávania, kompetencií a organizácie ošetrovateľskej starostlivosti. Pri identifikácii stimulov a bariér sa respondenti zamerali skôr na technické a administratívne aspekty práce s diagnózami ako na ich praktickú utilizáciu a reálne benefity pre pacienta. Závery: Ošetrovateľské diagnózy v klinickej praxi sú vnímame predovšetkým ako problém teoretického vymedzenia a nie východiska pre intervencie, tak ako to je napríklad pri diagnostike v iných odboroch (v medicíne, psychológii a podobne). Konkrétne príklady benefitov správnej a negatívnych konzekvencií nesprávnej diagnostiky by tak mohli prispieť k efektívnejšiemu prepojeniu teórie s praxou vo vzdelávaní. Pri prekonávaní bariéry v tejto oblasti je nutné zamerať sa najprv na kultiváciu postoja sestier a praktický význam diagnostikovania., Aim: Regarding four factors - the competence and experience of nurses, opportunities and quality of education, complexity of a patient’s situation, and organizational factors - describe the experience with the use of nursing diagnosis in nursing education and practice. Methods: To collect empirical data, we used a questionnaire of our own design with open questions, focused on the reflection of incentives and barriers by using nursing diagnoses in the areas of education, clinical practice and research. For the processing and evaluation of the data, we used qualitative data analysis. Four respondents, former PhD students were included in the research file. Results: To identify incentives as well as barriers by using nursing diagnoses factors of education, competence and organization of nursing care dominated in our study. When identifying the incentives and barriers to the use of nursing diagnoses in our study were dominated by. In addition to this respondents focused more on the technical and administrative working aspects with diagnoses as to their practical utilization and real benefits to the patient. Conclusion: Nursing diagnosis in clinical practice are perceived primarily as a theoretical definition of the problem and not as the basis for intervention, as it is in the case of the diagnosis in other fields (in medicine, psychology, etc.). Specific examples of benefits of good and negative consequences of the incorrect diagnosis could contribute to more effective interconnection of the theory and practice in education., Katarína Žiaková, Elena Gurková, Radka Šerfelová, Juraj Čáp, and Literatura