Cesta k objevu a následnému zkoumání vlastností kosmického zářeni byla a je stejně klikatá jako dráhy nabitých částic tohoto záření v propastech vesmíru. Ohlédnutí za prehistorií i historií výzkumu kosmických paprsků by mohlo být podnětem k vyřešení záhad, které se ani po stoletém úsilí mnoha badatelů nepodařilo rozluštit., The path to the discovery and subsequent study of the properties of the rather mysterious cosmic rays was, and still is as tortuous as the trajectories of charged particles in the depths of the universe. Looking back to the prehistory and history of cosmic-ray research might therefore serve as a stimulus for deciphering the puzzles that resist to be solved in spite of a hundred-year effort by many brilliant scientists., Jiří Grygar., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
In 2017, 100 years elapsed since the introduction of the cosmological constant into the equations of general theory of relativity. In this paper we show which role the cosmological constant played in the beginning, what its status is today, and when it became a commonly accepted part of the physical description of reality as a suitable representative of the vacuum energy or, more generally, the so-called dark energy responsible for the current accelerated expansion of our universe. Finally, we discuss possible astrophysical manifestations of the cosmological constant., V roce 2017 uplynulo 100 let od zavedení kosmologické konstanty do rovnic obecné teorie relativity. V referátu ukazujeme, jakou roli hrála kosmologická konstanta na počátku a jaký je její status dnes, kdy se stala běžně přijímanou součástí fyzikálního popisu reality jako vhodný představitel energie vakua či obecně tzv. temné energie zodpovědné za současnou urychlovanou expanzi našeho vesmíru. Na závěr diskutujeme možné astrofyzikální projevy kosmologické konstanty., Petr Slaný, Zdeněk Stuchlík., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The changes in funeral practices in Czech society which occured during the 20th century were more significant than those that took place during the whole of the second millenium. Traditional Roman Catholic Christian funerals which were performed at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries are described as a starting point from which the focus moves to a study of the major changes which took place from then onwards.