Úvod: Přítomnost spolknutých cizích těles v zažívacím traktu patří mezi časté problémy u dětí. Nejčastější výskyt je u dětí od 6 měsíců do 5 let. Většina spolknutých předmětů vyjde per vias naturales, 10–20 % spolknutých těles vyžaduje endoskopické vynětí. Závažné a život ohrožující stavy způsobují spolknutá cizí tělesa asi v 1 % všech případů. Kazuistika: Jedná se o případ dvouleté dívky, u které byla diagnostikována náhlá příhoda břišní, pro niž byla operována. Peroperačně byl nalezen volvulus tenkého střeva a několik střevních píštělí. Příčinou tohoto nálezu byly spolknuté magnetické kuličky a k nim magnetickou silou přitažené spolknuté kovové těleso. Závěr: V případě spolknutí více než jednoho magnetického tělesa je nutné pacienta hospitalizovat a endoskopicky cizí tělesa extrahovat. Neměnící se poloha magnetů v průběhu 24–48 hodin v místě nedostupném pro endoskop je indikací k akutní operaci., Introduction: The occurrence of swallowed foreign bodies in the digestive system is a common problem in children with the highest incidence in children aged six months to five years. Most swallowed objects leave the human body per vias naturales while 10–20% of swallowed foreign bodies need to be removed with an endoscope. Serious and life-threatening situations are caused by the ingestion of foreign bodies in about 1% of all cases. Case report: The authors present a case of a two-year-old girl diagnosed with acute abdomen for which she was operated on. A small bowel volvulus and several intestinal fistulas were found intraoperatively. The cause of this finding was the ingestion of magnetic balls and a swallowed metal body drawn to them by magnetic force. Conclusion: If more than one magnetic body is ingested, it is necessary to admit the patient to hospital and to remove these foreign bodies using an endoscope. The position of the magnets which is not changing in a location inaccessible for an endoscope during 24−48 hours is an indication for urgent operation., and D. Kubačková, J. Nosek, V. Třeška, V. Vacek, K. Pizingerová
The role of the striatal adenylyl cyclase (AC) and cholinergic systems in the learning and expression of new forepaw movements (reaching with prolonged pushing on a fixed piston) was studied in male Wistar rats. Motor learning processes, prenatal hypoxia, and cholinergic drugs changed the properties of the AC system in the striatum. After learning, the striatal basal AC activity was decreased compared to untrained control rats. In addition, the AC activity was more decreased in animals with a good ability to learn compared to poor learners (up to 31 % and 51 %, correspondingly; p<0.01). Rats subjected to prenatal hypoxia (13-14th days of embryogenesis) had a lower ability to learn the new movements requiring tactile control and the striatal AC activity in these rats was 1.8 times higher (p<0.001) than controls. In vitro application of the cholinergic agonist carbachol (CARB) 10-5 M (corresponding to ~ 0.3 µg), as well as the antagonist scopolomine (SCOP) 10-5 M (~ 0.3 µg) decreased AC activity in the synaptosomal fraction of the striatum. In vivo injections of CARB (0.3-3 µg/1µl) or SCOP (0.3-3 µg/1µl) into the ventral striatum (nucleus accumbens) modified the newly learned sensorimotor skill. After CARB injections the rats performed slower movements with more prolonged pushing. After SCOP the rats could not retain the learned pushing movement. These in vivo and in vitro data suggest that the cholinergic mediator system of the striatum is involved in learning sensory-controlled forepaw movements as well as the regulation of new motor skills by modulating the AC signal transduction process in the striatum. The data confirmed that modification of the striatal AC system resulted in the modulation of reaching behavior and better expression of the learned reflex., I. A. Zhuravin, N. M. Dubrovskaya, S. A. Plesneva., and Obsahuje bibliografii