1. Abusir and Saqqara in the Year 2005. Proceedings of the conference held in Prague (June 27 - July 5, 2005). [Eds.]: Miroslav Bárta - Filip Coppens - Jaromír Krejčí. Publisher: Czech Institute of Egyptology :, Faculty of Arts :, and Charles University in Prague Rights: unknown
2. Discourses - Diskurse. Essays for - Beiträge zu Mikuláš Teich & Alice Teichova. [Ed.]: Gertrude Enderle-Burcel - Eduard Kubů - Jiří Šouša - Dieter Stiefel. Publisher: Charles University in Prague Rights: unknown
3. My things changed things. Social development and cultural exchange in prehistory, antiquity, and the Middle Ages. [Eds.]: Petra Maříková Vlčková - Jana Mynářová - Martin Tomášek. Publisher: Charles University in Prague Rights: unknown
4. University and its students. International symposium of students and professors. Prague, Czech Republic, September 9-12, 1998. [Ed.]: Severin Daum - Tomáš Krůta. Publisher: Charles University in Prague Rights: unknown