The MORČE tagger is a software for morphological disambiguation (part-of-speech tagging) of Czech text. The algorithm is statistical, based on an idea of so-called "Averaged Perceptron" published by Michael Collins in 2002.
System for querying annotated treebanks in PML format. The querying uses it own query language with graphical representation. It has two different implementations (SQL and Perl) and several clients (TrEd, browser-based, command line interface).
Tree Editor
TrEd is a fully customizable and programmable graphical editor and viewer for tree-like structures. Among other projects, it was used as the main annotation tool for syntactical and tectogrammatical annotations in The Prague Dependency Treebank, as well as for decision-tree based morphological annotation of The Prague Arabic Dependency Treebank.
Victor is a web page cleaning tool. It is aimed at removing menu, ads, footers, headers, etc. from HTML web pages, so that only main web page content remains. Victor is based on a conditional random fields algorithm.
Victoria is an on-line HTML web page annotation tool suitable for selecting texts on the web pages. It can be used to mark important/interesting parts of web pages for further processing.