Publikace podle recenzenta přináší zajímavý pohled na slovenský autonomistický proud v meziválečném Československu z dosud nezpracovaného úhlu, a to optikou amerických a kanadských Slováků. Nejedná se pouze o přehledovou práci o slovenském autonomistickém hnutí, nýbrž také o hlubokou sondu do politického, náboženského a kulturního prostředí severoamerických krajanů, jež mělo významný vliv na aktivitu slovenského politického hnutí v první Československé republice. Autor dokumentuje jak vztahy a kontakty politiků na Slovensku s krajanskou obcí v Severní Americe, tak proměny jejích názorů na státoprávní uspořádání Československa a postavení Slováků v něm, které dospěly přes počáteční dílčí rozpory k jednoznačnému autonomistickému stanovisku., This publication, whose title translates as ‘The American Slovaks’ contribution to the movement for an autonomous Slovakia, 1918-38’, provides, according to the reviewer, an interesting view of a trend in inter-war Czechoslovakia seen from the hitherto ignored angle of the Slovaks living in the USA and Canada. This is not only a general survey of the movement for Slovak autonomy; it is also an in-depth examination of the political, religious, and cultural milieux of Slovaks living in North America, which had an important influence on the Slovak political movement in the first Czechoslovak Republic. The author documents the relations between politicians in Slovakia and the Slovak communities in North America, and also discusses the changes in their views on the constitutional arrangement of Czechoslovakia and the Slovaks’ status within it, which led, despite initial conflicts, to a clear autonomist stance., [autor recenze] Marek Šmíd., and Obsahuje bibliografii
This study focuses on the early modern history of the monastic library of the Order of St Augustine at St Thomas in Prague. On the basis of archival sources (monastic chronicles, the catalogue of the members of the Order) and research into provenances in extant collections, this paper primarily aims to map the development of the Augustinian library in the 16th and 17th centuries. Provenance research has discovered that the monastic library was mainly used for monastic studies and for preaching and pastoral activities of the Augustinians. The research into book provenances has revealed numerous personal ties between the Lesser Town Augustinians and people at the court of Rudolph II. The results of the archival and provenance research have not confirmed the hypothesis of the complete looting of the library at the end of the Thirty Years’ War, but neither have they clearly proved the true extent of the losses suffered by the library. The research has shown the primary role of the library within the Order of St Augustine in the Czech lands and has indicated the position of the library in a broader social and cultural context., Veronika Sladká., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy