Fabrication of plasmonic nanoantennas with resonance frequencies in visible range is often challenging due to the necessity of exposure of nonconductive substrates. This work is focused in comparison of conventional fabrication approach using conductive polymer layers and alternative variable pressure electron beam lithography (VP-EBL) method. We have also studied the stability of VP-EBL process for long exposures. and Výroba plazmonických nanoantén s rezonančními frekvencemi ve viditelné oblasti pomocí elektronové litografie mnohdy přináší nutnost expozice nevodivých substrátů. Tato práce je zaměřena na porovnání výsledků dosažitelných konvenčním přístupem za použití vodivých polymerů a alternativního postupu v podobě litografie za variabilního tlaku (VP-EBL). Dále je testována stabilita VP-EBL procesu pro dlouhodobé expozice.
The aim of our study was to evaluate the potential differences in blood pressure (BP) profile in subjects with different forms of primary aldosteronism (PA). Simultaneously, we studied the effects of PA treatment on BP curve. We therefore monitored 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure values in 22 subjects with aldosterone-producing adenoma (APA), 22 subjects with idiopathic hyperaldosteronism (IHA) and 33 subjects with essential hypertension (EH) as controls. We found a significantly attenuated nighttime systolic BP decline in the APA group (P=0.02). Patients with IHA had lower nighttime systolic BP values (P=0.01) and also a diastolic BP decline (P=0.02) during the night in comparison with EH. We did not detect any significant differences in BP profile characteristics between APA and IHA. Specific treatment of primary aldosteronism (adrenalectomy, treatment with spironolactone) led to the normalization of the BP curve with a marked BP decline. Our study thus demonstrates a blunted diurnal BP variability in patients with primary aldosteronism the specific treatment of which normalized previously attenuated nocturnal BP fall., T. Zelinka, J. Widimský., and Obsahuje bibliografii
In order to understand friction processes in wheel/rail contact a new experimental device has been developed. Twin-disc approach has been used to determine adhesion curves in wheel-rail contact under various conditions. This paper describes some details about the design of the twin-disc experimental device. Finally, preliminary results are discussed. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
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