Antiphospholipid antibodies (APA) are a generic term describing antibodies that recognize various phospholipids. Hepatocyte damage is a cardinal event in the course of alcoholic liver injury and autoantibodies against phospholipids could play an important role in this process. APA in alcoholic patients seem to reflect membrane lesions, impairment of immunological reactivity, liver disease progression and they correlate significantly with disease severity. LDL oxidation is supposed to be one of the most important pathogenic mechanisms of atherosclerosis and antibodies against oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) are some kind of an epiphcnomenon of this process. The scope of our study was to determine some autoantibodies (IgG-oxLDL and antiphospholipid antibodies) and their possible changes in alcoholic patients. We studied IgG-oxLDL and four APA - anticardiolipin antibodies (ACA), antiphosphatidylserine antibodies (APSA) antiphosphatidyl- ethanolamine antibodies (APE) and antiphosphatidylcholine antibodies (APCA) in 35 alcoholic patients with mildly affected liver function at the beginning of the abuse treatment. The control group consisted of 60 healthy blood donors. In the studied group, we obtained positive results concerning total ACA in 17.1 % of alcoholic patients (8.3% in the control group), 11.4% IgG-ACA (6.7%), 8.6% IgM-ACA (3.3%), 14.3% total APE (6.7 %), 14.3 % total APCA (8.3 %) and 20 % total APSA (8.3 % in the control group). The IgG-oxLDL (406.4 ±52.5 vs 499.9 ±52.5 mU/ml) was not affected in alcoholic patients. We conclude that the autoantibodies against oxLDL are present in sera of alcoholics and healthy blood donors. Based on our results which revealed a wide range of IgG-oxLDL titres in the healthy population, this parameter does not appear to be very promising for the evaluation of the risk of atherosclerosis. Alcoholics with only mild affection of liver functions did not exhibit a significantly higher prevalence of all studied antiphospholipid antibodies (ACA, APSA, APE, APCA) which could lead to membrane lesions in these patients.
Antibody-mediated rejection (ABMR) is a major obstacle to the long-term success in kidney transplantation. Diagnosis of ABMR is determined according to the internationally recognized Banff criteria. However, a significant proportion of patients does not meet all the defined criteria, and the outcome of such cases remains poorly understood. The histology of ABMR frequently lacks sensitivity and specificity. More importantly, mixed forms of ABMR and T cell-mediated rejection as well as findings of nonspecific injury are common in clinical settings. Donor-specific anti-HLA antibodies (DSA) are detectable only in half of the ABMR cases by histology. Prognostic role of non-HLA antibodies against various endothelial proteins has been discussed. Antibody independent NK cell activation reflecting killer-cells’ inhibitory receptor incompatibility is suggested in microvascular inflammation in DSA negative patients. Molecular assessment of ABMR has been prioritized to overcome high interobserver variability and improve diagnostics in mixed forms of rejections and in DSA negative cases. Finally, donor-derived cell-free DNA detected in a recipient’s peripheral blood sample has been proposed as a noninvasive marker for diagnosis of graft rejection, and thus might serve as a liquid biopsy in the near future. Despite all achievements, diagnosing ABMR in kidney allografts remains to be a challenge in a significant number of cases.
Concept of autoimmune basis of infertility is still controversial, particularly regarding the presence of non-organ specific autoantibodies. Non-organ specific anticardiolipin (aCL) and antithyroglobulin (TgAt) antibodies were detected in infertile women. Both partners were evaluated according to the criteria of The American Society for Reproductive Medicine. All the results were normal in cases of unexplained infertility. Antisperm antibodies (ASA) were determined by a mixed antiglobulin reaction (MAR) and the Kibrick agglutination assay, aCL by commercial ELISA, TgAt by commercial RIA. Fertile women had children. Subjects were grouped in fertile (n=27), infertile (n=65), and cases of unexplained infertility (n=42). In fertile women, aCL was below the negative cut-off value (100 %), while women with unexplained infertility were positive in 23.8 %. Anticardiolipin (aCL) antibodies were detected in 21.5 % of infertile patients, most of them with unexplained infertility (15.4 %). Other positive women had partners with ASA (4.6 %), or exhibited a negative postcoital test (1.5 %). In this study aCL were not detected in women with ASA. TgAt incidence was increased in infertile (20 %) and unexplained infertility group (21.4 %) compared to the fertile controls (18.5 %). Increased incidence of aCL and TgAt in infertile women supports the contention that these autoantibodies contribute to the infertility.
Mnoho vědeckých jmen ptáků je odvozeno od antických mýtických jmen. Důvodem je mimo jiné to, že bohové za trest nebo z dalších příčin proměňovali mýtické postavy v ptáky. Příklady uvádí druhý díl seriálu., Many scientific names of birds are derived from ancient Greek and Roman mythical names. One of the reasons is that gods used to turn mythical characters into birds as a punishment or for other causes. The examples are given in the second part of the series., and Tomáš Pavlík.
Mytogenní vědecká jména plazů často pocházejí od antických nestvůr a podsvětních bytostí. U obojživelníků se setkáváme s vodními božstvy a nymfami. Názvy ryb bývají odvozeny na jedné straně od mýtických oblud, na straně druhé pak od krasavic a krasavců., Mythical scientific names of reptiles are often inspired by ancient monsters and underworld beings. Among amphibians we can meet water gods and goddesses, and nymphs. The names of fishes are frequently derived either from mythic monsters or from beauties and heroes., and Tomáš Pavlík.
Použití jmen mytologických postav v nomenklatuře bezobratlých živočichů je velmi rozsáhlé. Ježovky, krabi, měkkýši, červi – ti všichni často nesou jména antických mýtických bytostí, a to s odkazem na své vzezření, způsob života či oblast výskytu., The use of the names of mythological characters in the nomenclature of invertebrates is very common. Urchins, crabs, molluscs, worms – all of them often bear the names of ancient mythical beings, referring to their appearances, ways of life or habitats., and Tomáš Pavlík.
Entomologická nomenklatura obsahuje nesčetné množství názvů odvozených od jmen antických mytologických postav. Zoologové již od doby Carla Linného s oblibou přidělovali takováto jména zvláště motýlům a broukům. Jména bývala často tvořena bez motivu, jindy entomologové brali ohled na vztah živočicha a mýtické postavy (vzhled, chování, region). Pátý díl seriálu představuje alespoň výběr příkladů., Entomological nomenclature contains an enormous number of names derived from the names of ancient mythological characters. Ever since Carl Linne's times zoologists have liked giving such names to butterflies and beetles. The names were often formed without any motives, other times entomologists considered the relationship between the animal and the mythological character (appearance, behaviour or region). The fifth part of the series presents at least some selected names of insects., and Tomáš Pavlík.
Botanická a mykologická nomenklatura je plná názvů převzatých z antické mytologie. Krása rostlin a hub přinesla do názvosloví mladé bohy a bohyně, motivem pro využití jmen byly také léčivé účinky nebo jedovatost, vzezření či místo výskytu rostlin a hub., Botanical and mycological nomenclature is full of names borrowed from ancient mythology. The beauty of plants and fungi brought young gods and goddesses into nomenclature. Another motive for using the names were the healing properties or toxicity, the appearance and the habitat of plants and fungi., and Tomáš Pavlík.
Vědecká jména živočichů a rostlin jsou různého původu. Často bývají odvozena od osobních jmen, a to i fiktivních postav. V prvním díle seriálu se představí někteří nositelé jmen božstev, héróů a dalších antických mýtických bytostí mezi savci., Scientific names of animals and plants are of various origins, often derived from personal names, and even from fictitious characters. In the first part of the series some bearers of the names of divine beings, heroes and other ancient mythical creatures among the mammals are introduced., Tomáš Pavlík., and Obsahuje seznam literatury