The aim of our study was to evaluate the potential differences in blood pressure (BP) profile in subjects with different forms of primary aldosteronism (PA). Simultaneously, we studied the effects of PA treatment on BP curve. We therefore monitored 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure values in 22 subjects with aldosterone-producing adenoma (APA), 22 subjects with idiopathic hyperaldosteronism (IHA) and 33 subjects with essential hypertension (EH) as controls. We found a significantly attenuated nighttime systolic BP decline in the APA group (P=0.02). Patients with IHA had lower nighttime systolic BP values (P=0.01) and also a diastolic BP decline (P=0.02) during the night in comparison with EH. We did not detect any significant differences in BP profile characteristics between APA and IHA. Specific treatment of primary aldosteronism (adrenalectomy, treatment with spironolactone) led to the normalization of the BP curve with a marked BP decline. Our study thus demonstrates a blunted diurnal BP variability in patients with primary aldosteronism the specific treatment of which normalized previously attenuated nocturnal BP fall., T. Zelinka, J. Widimský., and Obsahuje bibliografii
In order to understand friction processes in wheel/rail contact a new experimental device has been developed. Twin-disc approach has been used to determine adhesion curves in wheel-rail contact under various conditions. This paper describes some details about the design of the twin-disc experimental device. Finally, preliminary results are discussed. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Stať má dvě části: po typologickém úvodu autor v prvé části zkoumá úlohu životnosti při formovaní aktivní větné perspektivy v PrelE. V druhé části se zabýva frekvencí pádových forem. Autor si je vědom rozdílu mezi první systémově-strukturní a druhou kvantitativní částí stati. Konstatuje, že v dosavadním jazykovědném bádání bývají oba přístupy nedostatečně propojeny, což má mimo jiné příčinu v dosud značně oddělovaném myšlení o langue a o parole. Následkem toho pak systémové analýzy nejsou vždy doplňovány zcela paralelními výzkumy kvantitativními. Stať podle autora ukazuje, že kvantitativní analýzy mají zásadní význam pro porovnávání jazyků. Frekvence je jeden ze základních faktorů, které prostupují i typologii gramatických kategorií. Zanedbávání soustavného kvantitativního výzkumu neprospívá ani vývojovým, ani komparatistickým výzkumným programům.
According to Václav Havel’s famous essay The Power of powerless life within a lie is at the core of the communist regime in Czechoslovakia. Life within a lie is characteristic for the great majority of people and is contrasted with life within the truth which is characteristic of dissent movement. In this paper, I will try to shed some light on the concept of “living within a lie.” I will show that Havel develops not one but two concepts of a lie: on the one hand, lie is deliberate pretence; on the other hand, lie is seduction by consumerist values. The first meaning of a lie is derived from Havel’s analysis of the specifics of the Soviet sphere of influence, namely central role of ideology with omnipresent demands on public support of the regime. The second meaning of a lie is heavily influenced by a critical assessment of modern society from the leading figure of the Czech underground movement Ivan Jirous and leading Czech philosopher Jan Patočka. This double meaning of a lie enables Havel to capture both specific problems of living under the communist regime and general problems of living in modern society anywhere in the world. In the final chapters of this paper, I will show that Havel is not clear about how these two meanings of a lie are connected and that there are problems resulting from these unclarities both for Havel’s analysis of the communism and his proposed solution of the crisis.
A double ínductíon mechanism of Dl protein degradatíon in isolated photosystem 2 (PS2) core complexes and reaction centres is described, showing the existence of two potentíal sites for primáty cleavage. Donor side inhibition conditi- o n s (presence of electron acceptors but no electron donors and pH 8.0) trigger the hydrolysis of the Dl protein between the putatíve helices 1 and II on the lumenal side of the thylakoid membrane. This results in the generation of a C-terminal 24 kDa fragment. However, when the donor-side is actíve (presence of electron donors but no electron acceptors and pH 6.0, acceptor side inhibition conditions) both preparations are able to produce a N-terminal 23 kDa fragment, indicating cleavage between helices IV and V, on the stromal side of the membrane.
Two distinct hemocyte populations are determined in the hemolymph of the triatomine bug Triatoma infestans Klug, oenocytoids and plasmatocytes, and their independent origin from separate stem cells is shown. Both hemocyte populations differ considerably in their morphology, ultrastructure and lectin-binding properties. While oenocytoids are quite uniform with easily definable cells which do not to bind any assayed lectin, the plasmatocytes are a very polymorphic population possessing several morphological types and displaying a positive reactivity with lectins.
Two original electrical methods of dikes monitoring (temperature scalar field and electrical impedance spectrometry) are described in detail. Using these methods, the non-stationary movement of the free water level in the dike can be indicated. The methods also enable to detect the piping in the dike due to the activity of animals. Some results are shown and discussed. and V příspěvku jsou uvedeny dvě neinvazivní metody (metoda měření teplotního skalárního pole a elektrické impedanční spektrometrie), které byly laboratorně ověřeny při monitorování nestacionárního pohybu volné hladiny vody v ochranných hrázích. Tyto metody navržené a ověřené autory příspěvku rovněž umožňují detekovat objemové změny (velikost nádrže při přelití koruny hráze, působení drobných živočichů apod.) konstrukce ochranné hráze. Některé ze získaných výsledků jsou zde uvedeny a diskutovány.