Láska k pravdě, radost, kterou pociťuje mysl při překonávání překážek, spokojenost z přispívání do všeobecné pokladnice vědění, zrod zájmu tak úctyhodného, jakým je ponoření se do zázraku stvoření, to vše jsou velmi mocné pobídky k usilovné práci... (William Parsons, třetí Earl of Rosse, z projevu před Prezidiem Britské asociace pro rozvoj vědy, 1843). and Milena a Karel Závětovi.
Prague Congress Centre hosted recently more than 460 scientists from 47 countries, which have taken part in third SPiE Europe Symposium on Optics and Optoelectronics (20-23 April 2009). They answered to the invitation, and the most important optical event ever organised in the Czech Republic has been born. The excellent and exciting plenary talks on Hot topics in Optics were followed by successful ten conferences on Metamaterials, Nonlinear optics and Applications, Photon Counting applications, Quantum optics and Quantum Cryptography, Adaptive optics for Laser Systems and Other Applications, Optical Sensors, Damage to VuV, EuV and X-Ray Optics, Photonic Crystal Fibers, Holography. The importance of the Symposium was enhanced by presence of SPiE President Prof. Maria Yzuel.
TRH-like peptides are characterized by substitution of basic amino acid histidine (related to authentic TRH) with neutral or acidic amino acid, like glutamic acid, phenylalanin e, glutamine, tyrosine, leucin, valin, aspartic acid and asparagine. The presence of extrahypothalamic TRH-like peptides was reported in peripheral tissues including gastroin testinal tract, placenta, neural tissues, male reproductive system and certain endocrine tissues. Work deals with the biological function of TRH-like peptides in different parts of organisms where various mechanisms may serve for realisation of biological function of TRH-like peptides as negative feedback to the pituitary exerted by the TRH-like peptides, the role of pEEPam such as fertilization-promoting peptide, the mechanism influencing the proliferative ability of prostatic tissues, the neuroprotective and antidepressant function of TRH-like peptides in brain and the regulation of thyroid status by TRH-like peptides., R. Bílek, M. Bičíková, L. Šafařík., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy