Původně se na území Činy vyskytovalo až 5 poddruhů tygra (Panthera tigris), z nichž tygr čínský (P. t. amoyensis) je taxonem endemickým. Obýval subtropické a neopadavé listnaté temperátní lesy několika provincií střední, jižní a jihovýchodní Číny. Tlak na jeho populace v druhé polovině 20. stol. však byl natolik silný, že v roce 1982 žilo v přírodě posledních 150-200 jedinců a od 90. let se už nepodařilo výskyt prokázat. Je možné, že v přírodě už vyhynul. Zbylých asi 70 jedinců v čínských zoologických zahradách je vystaveno velkým problémům s inbrední depresí i potenciální introgresí genů přikřížením s tygrem indočínským (P. t. corbetti). and Originally, up to five Tiger (Panthera tigris) subspecies occurred in China, of which the South China Tiger (P. t. amoyensis) is the only endemic. This carnivore inhabited subtropical and evergreen broad-leaved temperate forests in some provinces in central, south and south-east China. However, human pressure on its population was so heavy in the second half of the 20th century that in 1982 there were just 150-200 remaining individuals in the wild. Since the 1990s the South China Tiger´s occurrence in the wild has not been confirmed, so the subspecies may have become extinct there. About 70 remaining individuals in Chinese zoos face serious problems due to inbreeding depression and possible gene introgression via hybridization with the Indochinese Tiger (P.t. corbetti).
Type populations of four fossil species of voles belonging to the genus Mimomys are redescribed. Mimomys ostramosensis is a large-sized, hypsodont Mimomys with enamel islet, Mimomys-ridge and relatively abundant cement. Mimomys tornensis, a medium-sized vole, is characterized by lack of typical Mimomys-ridge and islet present only in M3/, with very abundant cement accumulation. Mimomys pitymyoides, a medium-sized Mimomys, with broadly confluent triangles, is distinguished by the presence of islets and Mimomys-ridge in most specimens relatively low tracts and differentiation of enamel thickness not so distinct as in other Mimomys species. Mimomys pusillus is a small-sized vole with islet present only in younger wear stages, relatively frequent Mimomys-ridge and relatively low tracts.
The article deals with the typology of Baroque frontispieces in printed books published in Bohemian and Moravian printing houses in 1618–1765, which is viewed in terms of the function of the frontispieces in printing. The paper contains a detailed analysis of the main thematic variants of frontispieces. The thematic variants are analysed with respect to the content and genre of the work concerned with the aim to determine the main marketing strategies of Bohemian and Moravian printers, publishers or booksellers in the visual promotion of their products.
The aim of the study is to provide basic summary of the factors that influence the involvement of grandparents in the care for young children in the Czech families and to introduce a typology of the patterns of grandparent role. The paper presents results of both quantitative and qualitative analysis. The first part of the paper uses the data from the second wave of SHARE 1) to outline the typology of grandparents’ involvement with respect to different forms and intensity of contacts with grandchildren and the geographical proximity of family members and 2) to map how the socio-demographic factors influence the forms and intensity of involvement in the care for grandchildren. The second part of the paper focuses on the subjective experience of Czech mothers and grandmothers. 18 mothers and 12 grandmothers of children younger than 10 years were interviewed. The paper points out the existence of various conceptions of grandmothers’ role in the Czech families., Jaroslava Hasmanová Marhánková, Martina Štípková., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Článek se věnuje popisu základních skupin kořenových útvarů registrovaných v jeskyních České republiky. Zároveň se krátce zmiňuje o nově objevených lokalitách v letech 2006 a 2007. K nejpozoruhodnějším nálezům se řadí objev kořenových stalagmitů v krasové jeskyni z centrální části Moravského krasu. and Main groups of root formations registered in the caves of the Czech Republic are described. The article also mentions sites newly discovered in 2006 and 2007. Root stalagmites of the karst caves in the central part of the Moravian Karst are among the most interesting discoveries.