Computed tomography (CT) is an effective diagnostic modality for three-dimensional imaging of bone structures, including the geometry of their defects. The aim of the study was to create and optimize 3D geometrical and real plastic models of the distal femoral component of the knee with joint surface defects. Input data included CT images of stifle joints in twenty miniature pigs with iatrogenic osteochondrosis-like lesions in medial femoral condyle of the left knee. The animals were examined eight and sixteen weeks after surgery. Philips MX 8000 MX and View workstation were used for scanning parallel plane cross section slices and Cartesian discrete volume creation. On the average, 100 slices were performed in each stifle joint. Slice matrices size was 512 x 512 with slice thickness of 1 mm. Pixel (voxel) size in the slice plane was 0.5 mm (with average accuracy of ± 0.5 mm and typical volume size 512 × 512 × 100 voxels). Three-dimensional processing of CT data and 3D geometrical modelling, using interactive computer graphic system MediTools formerly developed here, consisted of tissue segmentation (raster based method combination and 5 % of manual correction), vectorization by the marching-cubes method, smoothing and decimation. Stifle- joint CT images of three individuals of different body size (small, medium and large) were selected to make the real plastic models of their distal femurs from plaster composite using rapid prototyping technology of Zcorporation. Accuracy of the modeling was ± 0.5 mm. The real plastic models of distal femurs can be used as a template for developing custom made press and fit scaffold implants seeded with mesenchymal stem cells that might be subsequently implanted into iatrogenic joint surface defects for articular cartilage-repair enhancement., P. Krupa, P. Kršek, M. Javorník, O. Dostál, R. Srnec, D. Usvald, P. Proks, H. Kecová, E. Amler, J. Jančář, P. Gál, L. Plánka, A. Nečas., and Obsahuje bibliografii
In three separate experiments, the effectiveness of a SPAD-502 portable chlorophyll (Chl) meter was evaluated for estimating Chl content in leaves of Eugenia uniflora seedlings in different light environments and subjected to soil flooding. In the first experiment, plants were grown in partial or full sunlight. In the second experiment plants were grown in full sunlight for six months and then transferred to partial sunlight or kept in full sunlight. In the third experiment plants were grown in a shade house (40% of full sunlight) for six months and then transferred to partial shade (25-30% of full sunlight) or full sunlight. In each experiment, plants in each light environment were either flooded or not flooded. Non-linear regression models were used to relate SPAD values to leaf Chl content using a combination of the data obtained from all three experiments. There were no significant effects of flooding treatments or interactions between light and flooding treatments on any variable analyzed. Light environment significantly affected SPAD values, chlorophyll a (Chl a), chlorophyll b (Chl b), and total chlorophyll [Chl (a+b)] contents in Experiment I (p≤0.01) and Experiment III (p≤0.05). The relationships between SPAD values and Chl contents were very similar among the three experiments and did not appear to be influenced by light or flooding treatments. There were high positive exponential relationships between SPAD values and Chl (a+b), Chl a, and Chl b contents. and M. S. Mielke, B. Schaffer, C. Li.
The construction of dams is a significant environmental issue due to its impacts on native fish populations and riparian animals and habitats. The response of otters Lutra lutra Linnaeus, 1758 to such disturbances was evaluated using the Aguieira reservoir (Central Portugal) and its associated tributaries as a model. Visiting rates suggested the presence of resident otters, both in the reservoir and in two of the tributaries. There was a significant negative influence of water level and precipitation in the number of spraints found around the reservoir. Nevertheless, marking behaviour was positively related to substrate and negatively related to vegetation cover, though these variables explained only a small amount of variation in otter signs. In the tributaries, although precipitation also negatively affected the number of otter signs found, the availability of rocks in the riverbed and the presence of refuge had a positive influence in marking behaviour. Prey composition and abundance differed between reservoir and tributaries, but the main otter prey in both systems was the pumpkinseed, which is very abundant in the reservoir. Results demonstrate that otters regularly use the Aguieira reservoir, which provides a good prey base, and the associated tributaries, which provide shelter.
This study appears from an experiment previously carried out in New Zealand white rabbits. Allogenic mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were transplanted into an iatrogenically-created defect in the lateral section of the distal physis of the left femur in 10 miniature pigs. The right femur with the same defect served as a control. To transfer MSCs, a freshly prepared porous scaffold was used, based on collagen and chitosan, constituting a compact tube into which MSCs were implanted. The pigs were euthanized four months after the transplantation. On average, the left femur with transplanted MSCs grew more in length (0.56±0.14 cm) compared with right femurs with physeal defect without transplanted MSCs (0.14 ± 0.3 cm). The average angular (valgus) deformity of the left femur had an angle point of 0.78°, following measurement and X-ray examination, whereas in the right femur without transplantation it was 3.7°. The initial results indicate that preventive transplantation of MSCs into a physeal defect may prevent valgus deformity formation and probably also reduce disorders of the longitudinal bone growth. This part of our experiment is significant in the effort to advance MSCs application in human medicine by using pig as a model, which is the next step after experimenting on rabbits., L. Plánka ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Reports of wood mouse arboreality are rather scarce outside Britain. I reviewed and analysed 267 visits and 16,456 checks of glirids artificial nest-boxes mounted on trees, in twelve sample areas of Meso- and Supra-Mediterranean woodlands (Sicily, 1995–2005). The wood mouse was recorded only 65 times (0.395%) using the artificial nest-boxes in nine sample areas, and based on this low frequency, the wood mouse can be considered as an occasional dweller of artificial nest-boxes. The resource selection index allowed checking the use respect to the availability of nest-boxes placed at different heights. These were likely reached by climbing the dense understorey and low tree branches up to 5 m, but nest-boxes in the two lower classes (0.5–1.0 and 1.1–1.5 m) were used more than those in the two higher classes (1.6–2.0 and 2.1–5.0 m). ANOVA results suggested that the box use was not related to any particular habitat or sample area feature, and it was slightly more pronounced from March to May. Regardless of their age and sex, individuals mostly exploited nest-boxes placed near the ground (0.5–1.5 m) and generally for 2–3 months. Nonetheless, cases of consecutive use for longer periods and instances of reproduction inside nest-boxes showed that some individuals extended their home range also to the vertical dimension.
To estimate the size of fish taken as prey by piscivorous predators, linear or non-linear relationships between bone measures (pharyngeal, opercula, cleithra, anal and dorsal spine bones, otoliths) and body length were elaborated for eleven Eurasian cyprinid fish species captured in three lakes of Turkey: rudd Scardinius erythrophthalmus, Baltic vimba Vimba vimba, Danube bleak Chalcalburnus chalcoides, gibel carp Carassius gibelio, roach Rutilus rutilus, silver bream Blicca bjoerkna, common carp Cyprinus carpio, chub Leuciscus cephalus, Dnieper chub Petroleuciscus borysthenicus, tench Tinca tinca and tarek Alburnus tarichi (endemic species for Lake Van). All calculated regressions were highly significant, with coefficients of determination >81% in most of cases. The results suggest that the biometric relationships between fish length and some bones (pharyngeal, opercula, cleithra) are well suited for use in prey-predator studies of all the studied species, but otoliths and the dorsal and anal spines can be used for some fish species only (rudd, Baltic vimba, roach, silver bream, gibel carp).
A comparison of the effects of ultrasound produced by low- and high-frequency ultrasonic apparatuses upon biological systems is one of the basic problems when studying ultrasound cavitation effects. One possibility for how to compare these effects is the indirect method which uses well-known physical quantities characterizing the interaction of ionizing radiation with matter and which also converts these quantities to one common physical quantity. The comparison was performed with two methods applied to the chemical dosimetry of ionizing radiation. The first method employed a twocomponent dosimeter which is composed of 50 % chloroform and 50 % re-distilled water (i.e. Taplin dosimeter). The other method used a modified iodide dosimeter prepared from a 0.5 M potassium iodide solution. After irradiation or ultrasound exposure, measurable chemical changes occurred in both dosimeters. The longer the exposure, the greater the chemical changes. These effects are described by the relationship of these changes versus the exposure times in both dosimeters. The UZD 21 ultrasonic disintegrator (with a frequency of 20 kHz, 50 % power output) was used as a lowfrequency ultrasound source, and the BTL-07 therapeutic instrument (with a frequency of 1 MHz and intensity of 2 W/cm2) was used as a high-frequency cavitation ultrasound source. For comparison, a 60Co gamma source was applied (60Co, gamma energies of 1.17 and 1.33 MeV, activity of 14 PBq). Results of this study have demonstrated that the sonochemical products are generated during exposure in the exposed samples of both dosimeters for all apparatuses used. The amount of these products depends linearly upon the exposure time. The resulting cavitation effects were recalculated to a gray-equivalent dose (the proposed unit is cavitation gray [cavitGy]) based on the sonochemical effects compared to the effects of ionizing radiation from the 60Co source., B. Kratochvíl, V. Mornstein., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Presented study is aimed at using additional information to improve process represen-tativity of hydrological modelling. The study region is the Haute-Mentue catchment lo-cated in the western part of Switzerland, 20 km north of Lausanne. Previous research in this catchment allowed improving of the understanding of the runoff generation by combining point soil moisture measurements (TDR) and integrating measurements both at the hillslope scale (dye tracing) and at the catchment scale (environmental tracing). In this work, environmental tracing information will be integrated into a semi-distributed hydrological model, which is a modified version of TOPMODEL taking into account a rapid stormflow generation above a less permeable soil horizon. Additional information has been incorporated by using a version of simulated annealing adapted for multi-criteria optimisation. and Štúdia je venovaná využitiu dodatkových informácií pri reálnejšej simulácii hydrologických procesov v zrážkovo-odtokovom modeli. Študovanou oblasťou je povodie Haute-Mentue, ležiace v západnej časti Švajčiarska, 20 km od Lausanne. Predchádzajúci výskum v tomto povodí, založený na kombinácii bodových meraní (TDR) a integrovaných meraní v mierke svahu (farbiace skúšky) a povodia (prirodzené stopovače), zlepšil vedomosti o tvorbe odtoku. V tejto štúdii sú informácie získané prirodzenými stopovačmi použité pri posudzovaní výsledkov simulácie odtoku pomocou semidistribuovaného hydrologického modelu (modifikovaná verzia modelu TOPMODEL, ktorá uvažuje s mechanizmom tvorby odtoku nasýtením nad vrstvou pôdy s nižšou priepustnosťou). Ďalšou dodatkovou informáciou boli výsledky automatickej optimalizácie parametrov modelu pmocou metódy vychádzajúcej z analógie medzi optimalizáciou parametrov modelu a rozdelením častíc v tuhnúcej kvapaline (tzv. simulated annealing), adaptovanej na optimalizáciu podľa viacerých kritérií.
Modern methods of monitoring landslides are based on observations of both: direct surveying (GNSS, electronic tachymetry, geometric levelling) and remote sensing (terrestrial and aerial photogrammetry, laser scanning, interferometry), as well as surface and subsurface geotechnical observations (e.g. inclinometers, extensometers, piezometers, etc.). Due to the high cost of installation of these devices and its measurement, the implementations of these methods are usually used on well-define d objects, with established landslide activity and high risk to people’s lives. The main objective of the project was to design, create and do practical tests of simple and inexpensive measurement devices, which detect first symptoms of a potential landslide movements and alert of an existing threat. These devices would be some kind of an early warning system that would register the occurrence of the first movements of the surface layers of soil, which would be a signal to start of geodetic and geotechnical monitoring of potential landslides., Bartłomiej Ćmielewski, Bernard Kontny and Kazimierz Ćmielewski., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
In the deep and slightly eutrophic dam part of the Římov Reservoir (Czech Republic), the fish use of open water habitat was studied by means of gillnetting, hydroacoustics and diet analyses during the period from April to October 2005. The day and night acoustic surveys revealed majority of pelagic fish present in the upper 5 m of the water column. The highest gillnet catches of planktivorous fish in epipelagic waters were obtained in May and August. The lowest fish catches were recorded in April and October which resulted in significant positive correlation between the gillnet catch per unit effort and water temperature. The majority of captured fish were adults of three cyprinid species: roach Rutilus rutilus, bleak Alburnus alburnus and bream Abramis brama. In the early spring the food of the three species was diversified: bream consumed primarily cyclopoid copepods, bleak fed on terrestrial insects, and gut content of pelagic roach consisted mainly of littoral food components, algae and detritus. In the late spring and summer however, the diets of all three cyprinids were predominated by large cladocerans, thus proving the use of open water habitat abundant in this prey.