The insertion of mouse renin gene (Ren-2) into the genome of
normotensive rats causes a spontaneous rise of blood pressure
(BP), leading to an angiotensin II (Ang II)-dependent form of
hypertension in transgenic (mRen-2)27 rats (TGR). However,
enhanced sympathetic BP component was demonstrated in
heterozygous TGR aged 20 weeks. In the present study we used
another model, i.e. Cyp1a1-Ren-2 transgenic rats (iTGR) in which
hypertension can be induced by natural xenobiotic indole-3
carbinol (I3C) added to the diet. We investigated whether the
development of high blood pressure (BP) in 5-month-old iTGR
animals fed I3C diet for 10 days is solely due to enhanced
Ang II-dependent vasoconstriction or whether enhanced
sympathetic vasoconstriction also participates in BP maintenance
in this form of hypertension. Using acute sequential blockade of
renin-angiotensin system (RAS), sympathetic nervous system
(SNS) and NO synthase (NOS) we have demonstrated that the
observed gradual increase of BP in iTGR fed I3C diet was entirely
due to the augmentation of Ang II-dependent BP component
without significant changes of sympathetic BP component. Thus,
the hypertension in iTGR resembles to that of homozygous TGR
in which high BP was entirely dependent on Ang II-dependent
vasoconstriction. Moreover, our measurements of acute BP
response to Rho kinase inhibitor fasudil in animals subjected to
a combined blockade of RAS, SNS and NOS indicated the
attenuation of basal calcium sensitization in both iTGR and
homozygous TGR.
The aim of our study was to examine the direct influence of plant polyphenol resveratrol and oil-related environmental contaminant benzene on ovarian hormone release, as well as the ability of resveratrol to prevent the effect of benzene. Porcine ovarian granulosa cells were cultured with and without resveratrol (0, 1,10 or 100 ug/ml) alone or in combination with 0.1% benzene. The release of progesterone, oxytocin and prostaglandin F was measured by enzyme immunoassay (EIA). Benzene promoted the release of progesterone, oxytocin and prostaglandin F. Resveratrol, when given alone, stimulated both progesterone and prostaglandin F, but not the oxytocin output. Moreover, resveratrol prevented and even inverted the stimulatory action of benzene on all analysed hormones. These observations demonstrate the direct influence of both benzene and resveratrol on porcine ovarian hormone release, as well as the ability of resveratrol to prevent the benzene action on the ovary.
The aim of this paper is to show how the theory of an active society by Amitai Etzioni can provide a theoretical framework for the study of innovation processes - in particular social innovation, which is generally defined here as the implementation of a new social practice aimed at solving social problems and/or meeting social needs. An active society is a society in which collectivities (social groups) have the potential to articulate values and needs, to participate in consensus building processes and decision processes, to develop organisational structures and to realise values through collective social action. This paper discusses the general differentiation and interrelation between culture, structure and agency which is the fundament of the theory of an active society and additionally presents a systematisation which combines these domains with the “elements” (consciousness, commitment, knowledge, power) and “processes” (consensus building, mobilisation, decision making, control/guidance) that Etzioni perceives as the main dimensions of the active orientation. This systematisation can be seen as an adaptation of Etzioni’s theory which tries to make the interrelation between different theoretical dimensions more explicit. and Alexander Kesselring.
Objective: The study aimed to evaluate plasma adiponectin (ADP), adipocyte fatty acid binding protein (A-FABP) and fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF 21) levels as potential predictors of severity of acute pancreatitis (AP) in day 4 after admission. Simultaneously, the classical proinflammatory makers were analysed as well. Settings: Department of Clinical Biochemistry and 2nd Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty Hospital Olomouc, I. P. Pavlova 6, 775 20 Olomouc, Czech Republic; Hospital Písek, Karla Čapka 589, 397 23 Písek, Czech Republic. Study design: The study was conducted in subjects with acute pancreatitis (n = 84, 37 females, 47 males). The analyses were performed in the groups according to the mild/severe classification of AP, and partly in the computed-tomography severity index (CTSI) score subgroups. Results: From adipokines, only FGF 21 tended to be higher in the severe AP subgroup in day 4. The multiple regression analysis revealed a positive association of A-FABP with procalcitonin (PCT), whilst FGF 21 was associated positively with ADP and negatively with C-reactive protein (CRP) in patients with the severe AP. The receiver-operator characteristics (ROC) analysis confirmed that not adipokines, but only CRP and interleukin 6 (IL-6) were suitable as potential predictors of the disease severity. The cut-off values were established for both parameters: 100 mg/L for CRP and 37 ng/L for IL-6, with negative predictive values (NPV) 96 % and 92 %, and positive predictive values (PPV) 39 % and 29 %, respectively. Conclusion: The role of ADP, A-FABP and FGF 21 has been limited in a prediction of the disease severity in day 4 after admission, while CRP and IL-6 might be useful to exclude a severe AP., Cíle studie: Studie byla zaměřena na vyhodnocení sérových hladin adiponektinu (ADP), adipocytárního proteinu vázajícího mastné kyseliny (A-FABP) a fibroblastového růstového faktoru 21 jako potenciálních prediktorů závažnosti akutní pankreatitidy (AP) 4. den po přijetí. Současně byly stanoveny vybrané klasické prozánětlivé markery. Název a sídlo pracoviště: Oddělení klinické biochemie a II. interní klinika Fakultní nemocnice Olomouc, I. P. Pavlova 6, 775 20 Olomouc; Nemocnice Písek, Karla Čapka 589, 397 23 Písek. Materiál a metody: Studie byla provedena u pacientů s akutní pankreatitidou (n = 84, 37 žen, 47 mužů). Laboratorní markery byly měřeny v podskupinách podle klasifikace lehká/ těžká AP, a částečně také v podskupinách vytvořených na základě CTSI (computed-tomography severity index) skóre. Výsledky: Ze sledovaných adipokinů měl u pacientů s těžkou AP pouze FGF 21 tendenci k vyšším hladinám v den 4 po přijetí. Za pomoci mnohočetné regresní analýzy byla zjištěna pozitivní asociace A-FABP s prokalcitoninem (PCT), zatímco FGF 21 asocioval u těžké AP pozitivně s ADP a negativně s C-reaktivním proteinem (CRP). ROC (receiver-operator characteristics) analýza potvrdila, že pouze CRP a interleukin 6 (IL-6) jsou využitelné jako potenciální prediktory závažnosti onemocnění. Pro oba parametry byly stanoveny cut-off hodnoty: 100 mg/l pro CRP a 37 ng/l pro IL-6, s negativními prediktivními hodnotami (NPV) 96 % a 92 %, a s pozitivními prediktivními hodnotami (PPV) 39 % a 29 %. Závěr: Ve studii jsme zjistili, že hladiny ADP, A-FABP a FGF 21 nejsou vhodnými parametry pro predikci tíže AP 4. den po přijetí. Naopak stanovení CRP a IL-6 v tento den by mohlo být vhodné zejména pro vyloučení těžké akutní pankreatitidy., Novotny D., Malina P., Krumpholcova P., Tozzi I., Prochazka V., and Literatura
A transit function $R$ on a set $V$ is a function $R\:V\times V\rightarrow 2^{V}$ satisfying the axioms $u\in R(u,v)$, $R(u,v)=R(v,u)$ and $R(u,u)=\lbrace u\rbrace $, for all $u,v \in V$. The all-paths transit function of a connected graph is characterized by transit axioms.
The paper deals with the analysis of optimal determination of transformation parameters between two coordinate systems when using D - optimality and Σ - optimality. The analysis is applied to the network of geodynamic satellite stations GEOSS - REA II.
The ladybird Coccinella magnifica is typically considered to be myrmecophilous, and primarily associated with the Formica rufa group of wood ants. It is regularly associated with ants of the F. rufa group in north-western Europe. The very limited data on the habitat preference of C. magnifica in the southern and eastern parts of its range indicate that its ant-associations change and that it may even be non-myrmecophilous in this region. C. magnifica might consist of geographically restricted species or semispecies, on the basis of its geographical variation in ant-association. Laboratory and field observations on north-western myrmecophilous populations C. magnifica appear to indicate it is a generalist predator of aphids. Coccinella magnifica's potential dietary breadth is similar to that of its congener Coccinella septempunctata, which has been used as a model of C. magnifica's non-myrmecophilous ancestor in evolutionary studies.