The paper presents new rnethodology liow to decompose the higlh dimensional LTI (linear time invariant) systam with both distinct and repeated eigenvalues of the transition matrix into a set of first-order LTI models, which could be combined to achieve approximation of the original dynamics. As a tool, the Sylvester’s theorems are used to design the filter bank and parameters of the firstorder models (transition values). At the end, the practical examples are shown and the next steps of research of the decomposition theory are indicated.
Aphids play an important role in the life of many ant species supplying them with energy-rich carbohydrate food and in exchange receiving some degree of protection from natural enemies. This study focused on the degree of protection different ants provide myrmecophilous aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in multispecies ant communities. Field investigations were carried out in steppe and forest plant associations in Siberia. The potential level of aggressiveness of six ant species (Formica rufa Linnaeus, F. pratensis Retzius, Lasius fuliginosus (Latreille), L. niger (Linnaeus), Camponotus saxatilis Ruzsky and Myrmica rubra Linnaeus) towards imagines and larvae of ladybirds and lacewings and larvae of hoverflies was tested in the laboratory. A comparative analysis of the occurrence of aphidophages in colonies of the aphid Chaitophorus populeti Panzer and of all aphid-symbionts tended by different ants in the study area has shown that the degree of protection of myrmecophilous aphids from natural enemies significantly differs among ants and is positively correlated with ant colony size. On the whole, the degree of protection of myrmecophilous aphids from aphidophages depends both on the potential level of aggressiveness of ants and their foraging strategy when collecting honeydew (degree of specialisation among honeydew collectors). As the dominant ants Formica s. str. were the most aggressive and provided aphids with the highest degree of protection, we suppose that these ants have the most important influence on the survival of the symbionts in multispecies ant communities whereas the other ants, which live in small colonies of about 102–103 workers, appear at least partially to take advantage of the mutualistic relationships of the dominant ants., Tatiana A. Novgorodova, Anton V. Gavrilyuk., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The paper focuses on the problem of identification of laws of nature and their demarcation from other kinds of regularities. The problem is approached from the viewpoint of several metaphysical, epistemological, logical and methodological criteria. Firstly, several dominant approaches to the problem are introduced. Secondly, the logical and semantic explicatory framework - Transparent Intensional Logic - is presented for the sake of clarification of logical forms of sentences that are supposed to express the laws of nature. Finally, a complementary strategy to the demarcation problem is proposed, including reconsideration of relevant metaphysical, epistemological, logical and methodological requirements and principles behind the former conceptions., Příspěvek je zaměřen na problematiku identifikace přírodních zákonů a jejich vymezení od jiných druhů zákonitostí. K problému je přistupováno z hlediska několika metafyzických, epistemologických, logických a metodologických kritérií. Nejprve je představeno několik dominantních přístupů k problému. Za druhé, logický a sémantický vysvětlující rámec - Transparent Intensional Logic - je prezentován pro objasnění logických forem vět, které mají vyjadřovat přírodní zákony. V neposlední řadě je navržena komplementární strategie k demarkačnímu problému, včetně přehodnocení relevantních metafyzických, epistemologických, logických a metodických požadavků a principů, které jsou v pozadí dřívějších koncepcí., and Lukáš Bielik
In this paper we study the Denjoy-Riemann and Denjoy-McShane integrals of functions mapping an interval $\left[ a,b\right] $ into a Banach space $X.$ It is shown that a Denjoy-Bochner integrable function on $ \left[ a,b\right] $ is Denjoy-Riemann integrable on $\left[ a,b\right] $, that a Denjoy-Riemann integrable function on $\left[ a,b\right] $ is Denjoy-McShane integrable on $\left[ a,b\right] $ and that a Denjoy-McShane integrable function on $\left[ a,b\right] $ is Denjoy-Pettis integrable on $\left[ a,b\right].$ In addition, it is shown that for spaces that do not contain a copy of $c_{0}$, a measurable Denjoy-McShane integrable function on $\left[ a,b\right] $ is McShane integrable on some subinterval of $\left[ a,b\right].$ Some examples of functions that are integrable in one sense but not another are included.
Using the results of solar flare observations during the SMY period (1979-1982), as well as X-ray and radio data, it was established that;
1) the flare can be considered as a complex of flare knots or brightenings, spatially and temporally distributed within the flare phenomenon. The comparison of flare knots with the flare radio source (Westerborge) and X-ray data (SMM, Hinotori) shovvs that the former provide a complete informiation about the place of the flare energy release;
2) the localization of the flare knots gives information about the flare hard X-ray and rnicrowave radiation with a flux of 300 s.f.u.;
3) by spatial order of arising flare knots the flares can be divided into three groups:
(a) the flares with a precipitant start over all ranges of electromagnetic emission are observed when the flare knots lie within sunspot groups;
(b) the flares with a gradual start are observed when the flare knots arising in the spotless area usually near a filament) penetrate into the sunspot group in the process of flare evolution;
(e) "spotless" flares are characterized by a slow rise to the maximum, a large area in Hα and very poor hard X-ray and microwave radiation;
4) the appeared flare knots are divided into two rnodules: an internal and an external one with respect to zero line of the longitudinal magnetic field. The external flare knot begins a discrete displacement, determining the appearance of new AFS. The probability of the second brightening of the same flare knot
is much smaller than of appearance of a new one.
This following paper discusses a method for determining the total mass of dust contained in the coma of a comet. On assumption of a certain frequency distribution of particle dimensions, and based on photometrical data, it arrives at the conclusion that the maximum total quantity of dust in the atmosphere of comets at the time of observation, amounts to 8 x 10^11 g. This value appears as the result from photometric parameters of the comets, which show strong continuous spectra and are therefore by the author supposed to yield a 1 : 1 relation between the brightnesses of the dust and gas components of the coma. The photometrical measurements of Comet Arend-Roland 1956h result in a maximum value of 1.4 x 10^11 g. The photometric measurement of the anomalous tail of Comet Arend-Roland arrives at 10^13 g as the maximum value of its mass.
The paper traces the establishment and development of dīwān al-awqāf in Egypt in the 19th century. It analyzes two manuscript documents stored in the Egyptian state archive in Cairo. The first one is a regulation of 1837, entitled Lā’ihat tartīb camalīyat al-awqāf bi-l-thughūr wa al-banādir. The second one is Lā’ihat dīwān al-awqāf, which dates back to 1851. The aim of this paper is to present a full edition of both documents and review their content in the context of dīwān’s institutional development. It is demonstrated that the regulation of 1837 is, contrary to earlier assessments, predicative of the dīwān only to a limited extent. Its significance is reassessed within the broad framework of Muhammad cAlī’s waqf policy, which is dealt with at the beginning of the paper. Then the document of 1851 is introduced. It represents, most probably, the very first preserved constitutive document of dīwān alawqāf in 19th century Egypt. The content of the document makes it possible to define the structure of the dīwān and its executive powers. The paper concludes with a survey of the development of dīwān al-awqāf up to 1895, when it evolved into a sophisticated bureau of administration.
The site of Eythra, a former village located on the western bank of the White Elster River, has yielded numerous remains of a settlement that existed there during the early Neolithic cultures – the Linear Pottery culture (LBK) and the Stroke Ornamented Pottery culture (SBK). The site covers some 30 hectares, making it the largest excavated settlement of the LBK and SBK areas to date. Chemical analyses of the ceramic fragments from the consecutive stylistic phases that were represented in Eythra were carried out. The objective of this was to find out whether the stylistic changes in the shape and the decoration of the ceramic material correspond to technological changes in regard to such aspects as clay composition and tempering. The transitions between the earliest and the early LBK phases and between LBK and SBK were of particular interest in this respect, as also were the localised developments that took place within the two phases of the LBK and SBK. and Z lokality Eythra, bývalé osady na západním břehu řeky Bílý Halštrov, pochází mnoho pozůstatků osídlení, které zde existovalo v průběhu prvních neolitických kultur – kultur s lineární keramikou (LBK) a vypíchanou keramikou (SBK). Lokalita se rozkládá na ca 30 ha, což z ní činí dosud největší zkoumané sídliště v oblasti LBK a SBK. Byly provedeny chemické analýzy keramických střepů z jednotlivých stylistických fází, které byly v Eythra zastoupeny. Účelem těchto analýz bylo zjistit, jestli stylistické změny ve tvaru keramiky a její výzdobě odpovídají technologickým změnám, např. co do složení keramické hlíny a ostřiva. V tomto ohledu byla zvláštní pozornost věnována přechodu mezi nejstarší a časnou fází LBK a přechodu mezi LBK a SBK, stejně jako lokálním inovacím, které se uskutečnily ve zmíněných fázích LBK a následující SBK.