1947: Lyrids, δ Aquarids, Perseids, γ Draconids, Orionids, Leonids, Geminids; 1948: δ Aquarids, Perseids, γ Draconids. The hourly rates of Czechoslovak observations of shower meteors are given in this paper. The reduction was done by means of personal coefficients. The hourly rates and other quantities are contained in tables.
HPx is a multicomponent reactive transport model which uses HYDRUS as the flow and transport solver and PHREEQC-3 as the biogeochemical solver. Some recent adaptations have significantly increased the flexibility of the software for different environmental and engineering applications. This paper gives an overview of the most significant changes of HPx, such as coupling transport properties to geochemical state variables, gas diffusion, and transport in two and three dimensions. OpenMP allows for parallel computing using shared memory. Enhancements for scripting may eventually simplify input definitions and create possibilities for defining templates for generic (sub)problems. We included a discussion of root solute uptake and colloid-affected solute transport to show that most or all of the comprehensive features of HYDRUS can be extended with geochemical information. Finally, an example is used to demonstrate how HPx, and similar reactive transport models, can be helpful in implementing different factors relevant for soil organic matter dynamics in soils. HPx offers a unique framework to couple spatial-temporal variations in water contents, temperatures, and water fluxes, with dissolved organic matter and CO2 transport, as well as bioturbation processes.
The authors briefly visit the history of hunting and gamekeeping in Czech lands from the legal per- spective. They focus especially on the laws of the 19th century. In detail they discuss the individual provisions of the Hunting Act for the Czech lands from 1866 and thus describe the conditions for hunting in the Czech lands.
The purpose of the IAU Meteor Data Center in Lund is to archive information on meteoroid orbits. At present some 5 000 photographic double-station orbits and more than 60 000 radio determined orbits are archived. The paper describes the available data discusses some problems encountered in the archiving process.
Larvae of Strobilomyia flies (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) are serious pests in conifer-seed orchards because they feed on the seed inside the cones. Figitid parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Cynipoidea) of Strobilomyia larvae in conifer cones are commonly reported but under various generic names. It is argued here that, across the entire Holarctic region, these figitids belong to Amphithectus and perhaps also to Sarothrus (Figitinae), but not to Melanips (Aspicerinae), contrary to some reports. We conclude that the identity of the commonly found figitid associated with conifer cones (Larix and Picea) in Europe and Asia is Amphithectus austriacus (Tavares, 1928) comb. n. This is most likely considering the original description and the host association, although the type specimen of Seitneria austriaca Tavares, 1928 is lost. This species name takes priority over the recently described Amphithectus coriaceus Paretas-Martinez & Pujade-Villar, 2013. Seitneria Tavares, 1928 becomes a new junior synonym of Amphithectus Hartig, 1840, and Amphithectus coriaceus Paretas-Martinez & Pujade-Villar, 2013 becomes a new synonym of Amphithectus austriacus (Tavares, 1928) comb. n.
The type species of Pseudopsila Johnson, P. fallax (Loew), and two related species are found to belong in Psila s. str., and Pseudopsila is thus synonymized with Psila Meigen. The remaining species formerly included in Pseudopsila form a monophyletic group here described as Xenopsila Buck subgen. n. [i.e., Psila (Xenopsila) collaris Loew comb. n., P. (X.) bivittata Loew comb. n., P. (X.) lateralis Loew comb. n., P. (X.) arbustorum Shatalkin comb. n., P. (X.) nemoralis Shatalkin comb. n., P. (X.) tetrachaeta (Shatalkin) comb. n., P. (X.) maculipennis (Frey) comb. n., P. (X.) nigricollis (Frey) comb. n., P. (X.) nigrohumera (Wang & Yang) comb. n.]. A key to the Nearctic species of Xenopsila and the Psila fallax-group is provided. The placement of Xenopsila in Psila s. l. is confirmed by newly recognised synapomorphies of the egg stage. The somewhat questionable monophyly of Psila s. l. is confirmed based on these new synapomorphies, thereby slightly expanding its taxonomic limits to also include Asiopsila Shatalkin. The morphology of the male genitalia of Xenopsila is discussed in detail, clarifying confused homologies and character polarities in the hypandrial complex. Evolutionary trends in the development of the hypandrium in the subfamily Psilinae are discussed.
The maln sequence rnass functlon of violent star formation regions are investigated by means of observations of extremely young star bursting dwarf galaxies (HII galaxies). The effective temperaturs of the total ionising radiation in these systems decrease more steeply with abundance than expected from metallicity dependent changes in the internal structure of the stars and from the decreased cooling in the nebulae but can be explained if the mass function varies systematically with chemical composition.