The founder of meditational Buddhism, according to tradition, is Bodhidharma, who originated from India. He is called Putidamo or Damo in Chinese, Boridalma or Dalma in Korean and Bodai Daruma or Daruma in Japanese. His legendary representation can often be seen in the visual art and popular culture of East Asian countries. The paper focuses on the visual representations of Bodhidharma, as they became popular in Japan and Korea. The paper is based on a previous piece of research, undertaken when the author summarized existing information about Bodhidharma, as revealed in primary and secondary textual sources. As part of this research, the author analyzed this information, together with visual sources, in order to trace the formation of the legend and iconography of Bodhidharma from the very beginning. The aim was also to describe their dynamics. Studying the text image relationships, the author here shows, through an analysis of a famous episode of Bodhidharma’s legend, the “Crossing the Yangzi River on a reed”, that images other than Bodhidharma’s had a considerable impact in relation to influencing and altering later texts, as well as the consequent images, thus changing and enriching religious traditions. The power of images can be seen through the commercialization of Bodhidharma’s representations in contemporary Korea as well as in Japan, where commercialization started much earlier and in significantly different forms when compared to Korea. Since most of the publications dealing with Bodhidharma focus on Chinese and Japanese developments, this paper introduces Korean Bodhidharma imagery into the discussion for the first time in a Western language, indicating the importance of studying the differences and similarities in relation to the formation of images of the same legendary figure in context. The focus is on the sources of their models and the degree of change, as well as on how these cultures differ from each other or in relation to their incorporation of images.
People who do not act on their judgments regarding what they ought to do-their practical judgments-are often considered weak-willed, especially when the judgment is made at a time when the act it favors is plainly possible. Is this a kind of practical irrationality, perhaps due to an incoherence between practical reason, which should guide intention and action, and behavior that fails to conform to a guiding directive? More generally, do normative beliefs with the same kind of self-directive content as practical judgments possess the same sort of rational authority, if indeed they must have any such authority? At least since Aristotle, weak-willed action has often been considered irrational. This paper indicates why that view is plausible, but also why it is too strong. The paper shows how the practical authority of normative judgments can be overridden and why, on the theory of rational action suggested by analysis of such cases, certain initially plausible action-guiding principles are too strong. The concluding part of the paper briefly indicates how that theory can do justice to the analogy between practical and theoretical reason and to the essential connection between the two., Lidé, kteří nečiní podle svých úsudků ohledně toho, co mají dělat - jejich praktických úsudků - jsou často považováni za slabé, zejména když je rozsudek učiněn v době, kdy je čin, který upřednostňuje, jasně možný. Je to taková praktická iracionalita, možná kvůli nesouladu mezi praktickým důvodem, který by měl vést záměr a jednání, a chování, které neodpovídá hlavní směrnici? Obecněji řečeno, mají normativní přesvědčení se stejným druhem sebeobsahu, jako jsou praktická rozhodnutí, stejný druh racionální autority, pokud skutečně musí mít takovou autoritu? Přinejmenším protože Aristotle, slabě-chtěl akce často byl považován za iracionální. Tento článek ukazuje, proč je tento pohled věrohodný, ale také proč je příliš silný. Příspěvek ukazuje, jak může být praktická autorita normativních úsudků potlačena a proč na teorii racionálních kroků navrhovaných analýzou takových případů jsou některé z původně věrohodných principů, které vedou k akci, příliš silné. Závěrečná část práce stručně naznačuje, jak tato teorie může spravedlivě odpovídat analogii mezi praktickým a teoretickým důvodem a podstatným spojením mezi nimi., and Robert Audi
Th is paper looks at the women in and around the Yugoslav philosophical journal Praxis (1964–1974), some of whom would later become leading feminist activists in Yugoslavia during the late 1970s and 1980s. Th ese women, while being students of philosophy, mediated knowledge from abroad by reviewing and commenting on new publications from the West. Since translations of these books were not yet available in Yugoslavia, the role these women played as reviewers can be highlighted as important to how Praxis and the journal’s associated summer school became international platforms for the exchange of ideas between the mid-1960s and the early 1970s. In presenting the role of women in the journal Praxis, this paper engages with an issue concerning the presence of female intellectual authors as producers of knowledge. Th us, it points out further possible areas of research in gender history and the history of the Left.
In Hymenoptera and Heteroptera, the absence of micropyles is one criterion for categorizing an egg as trophic. Undeveloped eggs are observed in more than 90% of the egg clusters of the ladybird beetle Harmonia axyridis Pallas. Traditionally, these undeveloped eggs are regarded as "trophic eggs." The surfaces of the eggs of H. axyridis were examined using scanning electron microscopy and the presence of micropyles in the shells of developing and undeveloped eggs determined. Micropyles are circularly distributed around the top of eggs and present in both developing and undeveloped eggs. The number of micropyles in the shells of developing and undeveloped eggs did not differ significantly. Our results indicate that the undeveloped eggs of H. axyridis have micropyles, suggesting that the mechanisms regulating the production of undeveloped eggs in H. axyridis differ from those resulting in the production of trophic eggs by Hymenoptera and Heteroptera.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the possible relationship between Toxoplasma gondii (Nicolle et Manceaux, 1908) and stuttering. We investigated the seropositivity rate for anti-T. gondii IgG and antibodies by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in stuttering children to ascertain a possible relationship between T. gondii infection and stuttering. We selected 65 stuttering children and 65 control children (non-stutterers) to investigate the seropositivity rate of anti-T. gondii antibodies by ELISA. Cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and scalp electroencephalography (EEG) were also performed in stuttering children. The seropositivity rate of anti-T. gondii IgG antibodies among stuttering children (28%) was significantly higher than in control group (5%; p = 0.001). No abnormality was detected in cranial MRI's of stutttering children and their EEG recordings were also normal. There was no significant difference in seropositivity rate regarding age, genders and residence area. The association between seroprevalence of infection with T. gondii and stuttering may be due to hyperdopaminergic state in brains of patients who are T. gondii-seropositive. Thus, there might be a causal relationship between toxoplasmosis and stuttering., Tuncay Çelik, Cem Gökçen, Özgür Aytaş, Aysima Özçelik, Mustafa Çelik, Nurdan Çoban., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Background: The data on the prevalence of arterial hypertension (AH) in patients with HIV/AIDS vary. Even though some authors have reported higher prevalence of high blood pressure and systemic arterial hypertension in this group, compared to the prevalence of AH in subjects without infection, other studies have found similar prevalence of AH between men and women with HIV and individuals without the infection. In Uzbekistan such researches were not conducted yet. Objective: Evaluate the prevalence of prevalence of arterial hypertension and its risk factors at the HIV-positive persons of Fergana Valley of Uzbekistan. Methods:A cross-sectional study aligned to a cohort of patients with HIV/AIDS. The study considered hypertension at levels ≥ 140/90 mmHg or use of antihypertensive drugs and prehypertension at levels > 120/80 mmHg. Results: Out of this total, 138 patients (48%) were male and 149 were female (52%); 65% of them were 40 years-old or younger, and other 35% were over 40 years of age. Among the individuals evaluated, 184 (64.1%) had blood pressure within the normal range, 62 (21.6%) were considered prehypertensive, and 41 (14.3%) were considered hypertensive. Twenty five patients (61%) knew they had hypertension, and 9 of them (36.0%) used antihypertensive medication on a continuous basis. The blood pressure levels were controlled in only 5 (20.0%) patients that knew that they were hypertensive. Conclusion: Among HIV-infected persons, 21.6% were considered prehypertensive, and 14.3% were considered hypertensive. It is important to warn clinicians who provide care to HIV/AIDS patients that such patients are not only individuals infected with a potentially fatal virus, but, despite the benefit of new antiretroviral therapies, they are also patients whose prognosis may be affected by comorbidities, such as hypertension., Mirzoulugbek Mirsaydullaev, Nematjon Mamasaliev, and Literatura
Cíl: Cílem studie je stanovit prevalenci chronického selhání ledvin u 101 pacientů s monoklonální gamapatií neurčeného významu (MGUS). Typ studie: retrospektivní studie. Materiál a metody: Porovnali jsme glomerulární filtraci odhadovanou ze sérového kreatininu a cystatinu C a hodnotili jsme korelaci mezi koncentrací volných lehkých řetězců v séru a funkcí ledvin. U všech pacientů jsme provedli elektroforézu pro - teinů séra s denzitometrickou kvantifikací monoklonálního imunoglobulinu a změřili jsme koncentraci kreatininu, cystatinu C, volných lehkých řetězců kappa a lambda, β 2 mikroglobulinu. Výsledky: Chronické selhání ledvin jsme nalezli u 38,6 % pacientů na základě odhadu ze sérového cystatinu C a u 34,6 % pacientů na základě odhadu ze sérového kreatininu. B2mikroglobulin má největší počet významných korelací; cystatin C (0,90), CysC GFR (-0,69), Kreatinin (0,70), MDRD GFR (-0,60), MIg koncentrace (0,24), κ FLC (0,22) λ FLC (0,34) a věk (0,40). Tento velký počet korelací lze vysvětlit tím, že β 2mikroglobulin odráží jak zátěž organismu maligními buňkami, tak pokles glomerulární filtrace. Závěr: Chronické selhání ledvin jsme nalezli u 38,6 % pacientů při odhadu glomerulární filtrace z cystatinu C a u 34,6 % při odhadu ze sérového kreatininu. Třída monoklonálního imunoglobulinu může mít vliv na výsledky odhadu glomerulární filtrace ze sérového cystatinu C, odhad glomerulární filtrace ze sérového kreatininu není ovlivněn třídou imunoglobulinu. Diabetici neměli statisticky signifikantně nižší glomerulární filtraci než pacienti bez diabetu mellitu., Background: Renal function is more frequently decreased in patients with monoclonal gammopathy. 10 % of patients with multiple myeloma present with acute renal failure and renal function is included in CRAB criteria for the diagnosis of multiple myeloma. Aim: The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of chronic renal failure (CRF), defined as a glomerular filtration rate (GFR) below 1.0 ml/s/1.73m 2 , in 101 patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS). Design: retrospective study Material and methods: We compared GFR estimates from serum creatinine (MDRD GFR) and serum cystatin C (CysC GFR) and looked at the correlation between free light chains (FLC) concentration and renal markers. We performed serum protein electrophoresis (SPE) with quantification of monoclonal intact immunoglobulin (MIg) and measured serum creatinine, cysta - tin C, κ and λ FLC and β 2microglobulin in all patients. Results: We found CRF in 38.6% patients using estimation from serum cystatin C and 34.6 % using estimation from serum creatinine. B2microglobulin has the highest number of significant correlations; cystatin C (0.90), CysC GFR (-0.69), crea - tinine (0.70), MDRD GFR (-0.60), MIg concentration (0.24), κ FLC (0.22) λ FLC (0.34) and age (0.40). The best correlation results may be explained by the fact that β 2microglobulin reflects both malignant cells burden and renal function. Conclusions: We found CRF in 38.6 % MGUS patients using estimation from serum cystatin C and in 34.6 % using estima - tion from serum creatinine. The class of monoclonal immunoglobulin may influence results of glomerular filtration estimated from cystatin C but it does not influence GFR estimated from creatinine. Diabetic patients had not significantly lower GFR than patients without diabetes mellitus., Šálek T., Moravčíková D., Humpolíček P., Tichý M., Palička V., and Literatura
The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of musculoskeletal problems among Czech dentists and to analyze the factors that affect these disorders. Information was gathered through questionnaire completed by 581 physicians. The questionnaire ascertained general information about physicians including their work habits and the characteristics of their work environment along with the occurrence of musculoskeletal problems as well as their intensity. In the past year the occurrence of at least mild difficulties associated with the locomotive system was reported by 96.9% of dentists surveyed (n = 557), with 66.3% of respondents (n = 381) reporting difficulties ofa moderate or major nature. Most respondents of both sexes indicated neck pain. A statistically significant correlation with the occurrence of musculoskeletal complaints of medium and major intensity was demonstrated for the following factors: sex, age, running a private practice, past injury or musculoskeletal diseases, and the perception of work as psychologically demanding. Musculoskeletal disorders in dentists in Czech Republic are relatively frequent and serious health problem. The causes of these diseases must be identified and appropriate preventive interventions undertaken that will contribute to a reduction in the incidence of these problems. and Z. Sustová, L. Hodacová, M. Kapitán