The author of this article focused his attention on the new wave in the frame of privacy protection in the EU law: from co called "right to be forgotten" (case Google vs. Gonzáles) to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Author explained expecially the impact of the recent European development of the personal data protection on the Czech law including the newly prepared Czech Personal Data Protection Act, the changes of doctrinal thinking and the challenges to the juridical practice in the Czech Republic., Jan Hurdík., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
This work concerns a discrete-time Markov chain with time-invariant transition mechanism and denumerable state space, which is endowed with a nonnegative cost function with finite support. The performance of the chain is measured by the (long-run) risk-sensitive average cost and, assuming that the state space is communicating, the existence of a solution to the risk-sensitive Poisson equation is established, a result that holds even for transient chains. Also, a sufficient criterion ensuring that the functional part of a solution is uniquely determined up to an additive constant is provided, and an example is given to show that the uniqueness result may fail when that criterion is not satisfied.
The role of 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) in the metamorphosis of the central nervous system was investigated by recording feeding, wandering and pupariation behaviour as the measures of hormonal effects on the neural tissues in the flesh fly Neobellieria (Sarcophaga) bullata. The minimum amount of food essential for the commitment to metamorphosis is rather small and constant and the larvae ingest it during the first 4 to12 h of the last instar. Underfed larvae maintain food appetency for a certain time and this period of hunger can be considerably shortened by the application of 20E. Application of 20E also significantly shortens or abolishes the intake of additional food offered to starving larvae. Thus 20E has an effect on neural mechanisms controlling both termination of the period of hunger and suppression of feeding behaviour. Application of 20E at any time during the wandering stage stimulates the precocious onset of pupariation. The central neurons controlling motor patterns of pupariation behaviour are committed to perform properly their programme some 15 h earlier than the larval integument is ready to transform into normal puparium. As a result of this temporal shift of tissue determination, some precociously formed puparia are not properly shaped despite the fact that the larva is exhibiting normal patterns of pupariation behaviour.
A thermodynamical approach to the problem of star formation, presented in a previous paper, shows how, at least when the last stages of collapse are assumed as adiabatic, the characteristics of the outcomes depend on the initial conditions (thermal and rotational energies) and on the distribution of the angular momentum among the various parts of the system. In the case of a binary outcome, the distiribution can be profitably expressed in terms of two parameters, roughly corresponding to a) the spin ratio as function of the mass ratio and b) the fraction of a.m. involved in the orbital motion. A systematic exploration of these parameters allows us to analyze the different kinds of results. In this paper we present some preliminary results, assuming that both single and binary outcomes have an equilibrium Mc Laurin ellipsoidal shape, but not taking into account the possible formation of a system star+protoplanetary disc.
Czech collective employment law remains to be quite far from the Western European tradition. Once rich and flourishing, the CZech collective employment law world had been profoundly changed during the Nazi and mainly Communist Era, where the role assigned to collective agreements was diminished to a soft plan implementing directives of the State. After our return to democracy, it is obvious that we had to adopt not only new democratic regulations but also to re-build informal structures Because of suppressed role of trade unions, poor level of social dialogue and a number of statutory regulations, Czech collective agreements are sursed to play only a secondary role even in the near future., Jan Pichrt, Martin Štefko., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
In 1995-1997, we studied the factors which may influence the ground "activity density" of Carabidae using pitfall traps placed in winter wheat, winter rape and pea stands (1995 only) grown within a 1 km2 area with uniform physical conditions. The traps were placed in plots of bare ground established within the crops and under surrounding intact plant stands. The communities were similar between crops within years (Pearson's correlation coefficient r = 0.60 - 0.81), and between years within crops (r = 0.89 - 0.91), except for the poor winter rape stand in 1997. Factors influencing carabid "activity density" were: (i) Density of crop stand. The carabids preferred crop-shaded ground as long as crop density was low or medium but moved to bare ground plots when crop density became high. Under moderate crop density the preference differed between beetle species, most of which preferred crop-shaded ground while a few ones preferred bare ground. Carabid preferences were probably determined by microclimatic differences caused by presence and density of crop cover. (ii) Presence of seeds dropped on the ground. In rape stands, presence of crop and weed seeds increased the "activity density" of seed predators (species of genera Amara, Harpalus, Ophonus and Pseudoophonus). Scattering of rape seeds significantly increased local activity density of Harpalus affinis and H. distinguendus in the wheat stand. (iii) Presence of aphids. Activity density of Bembidion lampros and Trechus quadristriatus and between-year variation in pooled abundance of the five species recognised as aphid predators was associated with variation in aphid abundance.
Lukowski has argued that, if it is the case that there are actual non-monotonic inferences, they are very hard to find. In this paper, a representative kind of inference that is often considered to be non-monotonic is addressed. Likewise, certain arguments provided by Lukowski to demonstrate that that type of inference is not really non-monotonic are reviewed too. Finally, I propose an explanation of why, despite the fact that the arguments given by him seem to be convincing, it is usually thought that those inferences are not monotonic. In this way, I also try to account for the role that disjunction has in this issue and argue in favor of the idea that we can continue to suppose that the human mind does not ignore the essential requirements of classical logic. and Lukowski argumentoval, že pokud je tomu tak, že existují skutečné nemontotonické závěry, je velmi těžké je najít. V tomto příspěvku je řešen typický závěr, který je často považován za nemontonický. Stejně tak některé argumenty, které poskytl Lukowski k prokázání toho, že tento typ závěru není skutečně nemonotonický, jsou také přezkoumány. Nakonec navrhuji vysvětlení toho, proč navzdory skutečnosti, že jeho argumenty se zdají být přesvědčivé, je obvykle myšleno, že tyto závěry nejsou monotonické. Tímto způsobem se také snažím vysvětlit úlohu, kterou má disjunkce v této otázce, a argumentovat ve prospěch myšlenky, že můžeme i nadále předpokládat, že lidská mysl ignoruje základní požadavky klasické logiky.