The common pistachio psyllid (CPP) is thought to respond to nutrient availability in pistachio trees. We determined the effect of a deficiency of leaf iron (Fe) has on the abundance of the pistachio psyllid at a regional scale. First, we monitored the abundance pistachio psyllid in four pistachio orchards (24 trees as 24 repetitions) located in Maybod County, Yazd province in the centre of Iran and then measured leaf nutrient levels. Orchards were located up to 2.6 km apart. Multivariate regressions were used to determine the relationship between leaf nutrients and CPP population growth. The results indicate that the number of psyllid eggs and population growth rate of the nymphs was negatively correlated with Fe levels in the leaves, while peak numbers of psyllid eggs were positively correlated with the levels of Cu in the leaves. In a manipulative field experiment, we conducted two experiments: (1) pistachio trees treated with iron compared with control trees, and (2) pistachio trees previously treated with iron were treated with ammonium sulphate and compared with trees treated with ammonium sulphate. In the first experiment, psyllids in leaf disc-cages had a significantly greater intrinsic rate of population increase and net reproductive rate on Fe-treated trees than the control trees (Stage 1). In the second experiment, psyllids in leaf disc-cages had similar intrinsic rates of population increase and net reproduction both on the ammonium sulphate treated trees (control) and those previously treated with iron. This indicates that iron may have reacted negatively with nitrogen content of the leaves. In general, these findings indicate that when there is a deficiency of iron in the leaves, the application of nitrogen fertilizer had little effect on the performance of CPP and may have played a minor role in the population dynamics of CPP, but the application of a Fe fertilizer without considering the nitrogen content of the leaves may lead to a population outbreak.
Coprophagous insect communities play a critical role in the decomposition of vertebrate dung and provide ecosystem
functions fundamental to modern agriculture. While the ecology of dung beetles is rather well understood, niche differentiation in
coprophagous fl ies is poorly studied. Sepsid fl ies (Diptera: Sepsidae) are a vital part of the European community of coprophages,
with 6–7 widespread species of Sepsis often found co-occurring in the same pasture. To advance our ecological understanding of
the mechanisms that enable species to coexist, we investigated the oviposition preferences and larval performance of 7 common
species of Sepsis in the dung of different large domestic and wild mammals. Substrate preferences and subsequent performance
of larvae in laboratory experiments did not vary greatly. All species did very well on cow dung, the most common substrate in
Central Europe, but also on dung of horse and wild boar. In contrast, fl ies did not prefer or grow well in dung of red and roe deer,
two of the most common wild vertebrates. Thus there were only minor differences among the species tested along the specialistgeneralist (dung) gradient, indicating that differences in the choice of oviposition sites by the adults of the different fl y species
and larval performance do not constitute a major axis of ecological differentiation. Nevertheless, there was a positive correlation
between substrate choice and larval performance indicating the preference of gravid females for particular oviposition sites is
adaptive. We conclude that sepsids are common in Europe because they are well adapted to the dung of herbivorous livestock
rather than wild animals. Nevertheless, specialization on particular types of dung does not defi ne the niche of Sepsis dung fl ies
and hence plays a minor role in mediating their species diversity.
Aim of investigation: to study immediate and remote results of standard and extended lymphodissection in patients with rectal cancer. Material and methods: 132 patients with rectal cancer were performed radical surgery with lymphodissection in D2 and D3 volume according to a height of tumor location. In immediate postoperated period there were noted complications in 4 patients that made up 3,03%. Observation time was 5 years. Tumor recurrence was reported in 5 patients (3,8%). In remote period metastases were revealed in 8 patients (6,6%). 5year total survival rate was 78,5±4,2% at stage II. 5year total survival rate was 56,4±3,7% at stage III. Comparing the results of standard and extended lymphodissection it was noted statistically authentic increase of 5 year survival rate in patients at stage III. Obtained data allow to come to the conclusion about reasonability of performance of different variants of lymphodissection for patients with rectal cancer at stages II and III., Navruzov S. N., Abdujapparov S. B., Akbarov E. T., Navruzov B. S., Islamov H. D., and Literatura
From 2000 to 2006 a total of 52 CPUE samples of spider wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) were collected in the mosaic landscape of the Kampinos National Park (Poland), which is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. The hypothesis tested was that both pompilid species richness and abundance is positively associated with spatial heterogeneity. The patterns in spider wasp assemblages were identified using a Kohonen artificial neural network (i.e., self-organizing map). The highest numbers and greatest species richness of pompilids were recorded at sites in open habitats, especially those located on dry soils that are the preferred nesting sites of ground nesting (endogeic) spider wasps. However, pompilid distribution depended not only on the character of a sampling site, but also its location in a mosaic of habitats. The highest values of pompilid abundance and species richness were also recorded at sites surrounded by several different habitats. Both parameters were lower at sites in more homogenous areas, where there were fewer habitats within the flight ranges of spider wasps. A group of three “cultural species” (Agenioideus cinctellus, A. sericeus and Auplopus carbonarius) was identified that is significantly associated with wooden buildings. The results of this study are thus consistent with the concept that habitat heterogeneity enhances faunal diversity, as each type of habitat, including anthropogenic ones, potentially contributes to a wider range of available resources., Kartarzyna Szczepko, Andrzej Kruk, Maciej Bartos., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Reactive oxygen species are an important element of redox regulation in cells and tissues. During physiological processes, molecules undergo chemical changes caused by reduction and oxidation reactions. Free radicals are involved in interactions with other molecules, leading to oxidative stress. Oxidative stress works two ways depending on the levels of oxidizing agents and products. Excessive action of oxidizing agents damages biomolecules, while a moderate physiological level of oxidative stress (oxidative eustress) is necessary to control life processes through redox signaling required for normal cellular operation. High levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) mediate pathological changes. Oxidative stress helps to regulate cellular phenotypes in physiological and pathological conditions. Nrf2 (nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2, NFE2L2) transcription factor functions as a target nuclear receptor against oxidative stress and is a key factor in redox regulation in hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Nrf2 mediates transcriptional regulation of a variety of target genes. The Keap1-Nrf2-ARE system regulates many detoxification and antioxidant enzymes in cells after the exposure to reactive oxygen species and electrophiles. Activation of Nrf2/ARE signaling is differentially regulated during acute and chronic stress. and Keap1 normally maintains Nrf2 in the cytosol and stimulates its degradation through ubiquitination. During acute oxidative stress, oxidized molecules modify the interaction of Nrf2 and Keap1, when Nrf2 is released from the cytoplasm into the nucleus where it binds to the antioxidant response element (ARE). This triggers the expression of antioxidant and detoxification genes. The consequence of long-term chronic oxidative stress is activation of glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK-3β) inhibiting Nrf2 activity and function. PPARγ (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma) is a nuclear receptor playing an important role in the management of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and metabolic syndrome. PPARγ targeting of genes with peroxisome proliferator response element (PPRE) has led to the identification of several genes involved in lipid metabolism or oxidative stress. PPARγ stimulation is triggered by endogenous and exogenous ligands – agonists and it is involved in the activation of several cellular signaling pathways involved in oxidative stress response, such as the PI3K/Akt/NOS pathway. Nrf2 and PPARγ are linked together with their several activators and Nrf2/ARE and PPARγ/PPRE pathways can control several types of diseases.
The management of chronic diseases shall be considered a priority in the work of the global international institutions, which are related to health policies. In the search for effective and efficient solutions for the treatment of chronic diseases, scientists are developing different programs. In Bulgaria the continuous monitoring of chronically ill people is defined with the term dispensarization. The objective of the research is to analyze the place and the role of patients in the monitoring of their chronic diseases and how the concept of quality of life relates to this process. Method The research in focus groups is planned within a research project on the monitoring of chronic diseases. Five group discussions were held. The number of participants in all focus groups was sixty. Results The two discussed directions - the active role of the patient and the focus on the results are weak links in the current organization of the care for the chronically ill people. The topic of creating and adopting an Act of the patient was also presented, in which to be paid attention to the evaluation of the quality of life. In general was brought the need for a clear delineation of the roles and the competencies of everyone involved in the monitoring process of chronic diseases. The chronic disease cannot be defined only as a medical problem, as there are economic and social, including political consequences. Conclusions The management of the chronic disease requires coordination of doctor-patient interaction, a model of partnership and trust in the relations, self-management of the condition by the patients and their inclusion in the health team. The most important step to achieve this goal is the education of the patients, increasing their knowledge and motivation, psycho-emotional support, instilling hope and faith in the capacity of the patients., Teodora Dimcheva, Gergana Foreva, Radost Аsenova, Nonka Маteva, Todor Stoev, Rosica Dimova, and Literatura
Electroantennogram responses of the polyphagous leafminer Liriomyza sativae and its generalist parasitoid Diglyphus isaea to host and non-host plant odours of L. sativae were investigated. The odours of healthy leaves can elicit distinct EAG responses in L. sativae. The EAG responses to the odours of the host plants, bean and tomato, were stronger than to non-host plants, Chinese rose and morning glory. Neither healthy host nor non-host plants of the leafminer elicited distinctive EAG responses in the parasitoid, D. isaea. Odours of physically damaged leaves, no matter whether of host or non-host plants, increased strongly the EAG responses of the leafminer and its parasitoid. We compared the EAG responses of D. isaea to bean leaves of different status. The odour of mined leaves elicited distinct EAG responses, which were weaker than those of physically damaged ones. No differences were detected in the EAG response to leaves with empty mines, healthy leaves or an air control. The role of plant odours in host location of the leafminer and its parasitoid is discussed.
Recent host records for Gephyraulus raphanistri (Kieffer), a flower-gall midge, show restriction to Raphanus raphanistrum throughout Europe. Gephyraulus raphanistri has never been reported infesting commercially grown Brassica crops. Historical records showing a broad host range appear to have resulted from confusion with new or as yet undescribed Gephyraulus spp. and Contarinia nasturtii (Kieffer), a known gall-former of Brassica and other related genera. This study tested host specificity of G. raphanistri in the field in Europe by manipulating host plant phenology of actual and potential hosts in the genera Raphanus and Brassica as part of a risk assessment of the insect as a potential biological control agent of R. raphanistrum, one of the most important weeds of crops in Australia. Raphanus raphanistrum raphanistrum (wild radish), R. raphanistrum landra (coastal wild radish), Raphanus sativus (radish) and Brassica napus (oilseed rape cultivar) were phenologically synchronised for initial flowering and planted out in a flowering time and species block design near a natural population of R. r. landra hosting a natural population of G. raphanistri. Three generation peaks in gall formation were observed in the experiment, with galls developing on all test plants with an apparent preference for R. r. landra. The high field specificity of this gall midge is driven by the synchrony of oviposition and flower availability, not host physiological incompatibility or behavioural unacceptability. Commercially grown Brassica spp. are not suitable hosts for G. raphanistri because in the field they differ in flowering phenology from Raphanus raphanistrum. The overlap in the flowering phenology of the crop and weed in Australia makes this insect unsuitable as a biological control agent.
The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR) belong to the nuclear superfamily of ligand-activated transcription factors. PPARγ acts as a nutrient sensor that regulates several homeostatic functions. Its disruption can lead to vascular pathologies, disorders of fatty acid/lipid metabolism and insulin resistance. PPARγ can modulate several signaling pathways connected with blood pressure regulation. Firstly, it affects the insulin signaling pathway and endothelial dysfunction by modulation of expression and/or phosphorylation of signaling molecules through the PI3K/Akt/eNOS or MAPK/ET-1 pathways. Secondly, it can modulate gene expression of the renin- angiotensin system – cascade proteins, which potentially slow down the progression of atherosclerosis and hypertension.
Thirdly, it can modulate oxidative stress response either directly through PPAR or indirectly through Nrf2 activation. In this context, activation and functioning of PPARγ is very important in the regulation of several disorders such as diabetes mellitus, hypertens
ion and/or metabolic syndrome.