A short review of analytical and semi-analytical theories of geosynchronous satellite motion is presented. The intermediary orbit, where geopotential harmonic coefficients C20, C22, S22, C31, S31, C33, S33, C44, S44, C55, S55 as well as the second term in the series of luni-solar disturbing functions are incorporated, is applied. The given intermediate orbit can be used not only to compute preliminary epnemeris of the geosynchronous satellites (for time intervals as long as one year at least) but also for defining the conditional equations with respect to corrections to parameters of the geopotential.
The latter application on *22, λ22, *31, λ31, *33, λ33 results in the following minimum requirement of the observational data: data for 4 passive satellites, moving in the vicinity of both libration points (λ = 75° E, 105° W) having various libration amplitudes, for time intervals equivalent to a half of libration periods. and na místě nesrozumitelných řeckých znaků použity třikrát *
Cíl: Cílem práce bylo vyhledat důkazy na podporu intervence žvýkaní žvýkačky v pooperační péči u pacientů podstupujících operační výkon v břišní dutině ke snížení rizika paralytického pooperačního ileu, a to snížením času do prvního odchodu větrů a času do první stolice. Metodika: Za účelem nalezení důkazů pro použití žvýkaní žvýkačky v pooperační péči u pacientů podstupujících operační výkon v břišní dutině jako strategie na snižení rizika paralytického pooperačního ileu (snížením času do prvního odchodu větrů a času do první stolice) byl proveden přehled vybraných metaanalýz a randomizovaných kontrolovaných studií (RCT). Vyhledávání probíhalo v následujících databázích: OVID Medline®, CINAHL, and PubMed. Vyhledávání se zaměřilo na publikace v anglickém jazyce v recenzovaných časopisech v období 2002 až 2012. Z metaanalýz byl abstrahován rozdíl vážených průměrů (weighted mean difference) jako míra účinku (effect size) žvýkaní žvýkačky na čas do prvního odchodu větrů a na čas do první stolice. Z výsledků randomizovaných kontrolovaných studií bylo vypočítáno Cohenovo d (effect sizes) na určení míry účinku (effect size) žvýkání žvýkačky na čas do prvního odchodu větrů a na čas do první stolice. Na znázornění míry účinku (effect size) z RTC byly vytvořeny grafy (forest plots). Výsledky: Ke kritickému zhodnocení byly vybrány čtyři randomizované kontrolované studie a dvě metaanalýzy. Všech šest studií prokázalo statisticky významný a velmi velký až střední učinek na čas do prvního odchodu větrů a na čas do první stolice. Na základě míry ůčinků (effect sizes) byl vyvozen závěr, že žvýkaní žvýkačky v pooperačním období klinicky významně zkracuje čas do prvního odchodu větrů a čas do první stolice. Závěr: Silné důkazy podporují žvýkaní žvýkačky v pooperační péči u pacientů podstupujících operační výkon v břišní dutině, co vede ke snížení rizika paralytického pooperačního ileu, a to snížením času do prvního odchodu větrů a času do první stolice., Aim: The aim of the paper was to search for evidence that the use of gum chewing in the postoperative care of patients who had undergone abdominal surgery decreases the risk of paralytic postoperative ileus by significantly reducing the time to first flatus and time to first bowel movement. Methods: A literature review of selected meta-analyses and randomized control trials (RCT) was conducted to find the evidence that the use of gum chewing in the postoperative care of patients who had undergone abdominal surgery decreases the risk of paralytic postoperative ileus expressed as the time to first flatus and time to first bowel movement. The following databases were searched: OVID Medline®, CINAHL, and PubMed. The search focused on material published in English in peer-reviewed journals between the years 2002 and 2012. Weighted mean difference was the effect size abstracted from the meta-analyses of gum chewing on time to first flatus and time to first bowel movement. From the RCT, Cohen’s d effect sizes were calculated to determine the strength of the gum chewing intervention on time to first flatus and time to first bowel movement. Forest plots were created to present the effect sizes from the RCT. Results: Four randomized controlled trials and two meta-analyses were selected and critically appraised. All six studies concluded that gum chewing has a statistically significant and very large to medium effect on time to first flatus and time to first bowel movement. Based on the effect sizes, the conclusion was drawn that chewing gum during the postoperative period leads to a clinically significant reduction in time to passage of first flatus and time to first bowel movement. Conclusion: Strong evidence supports the use of gum chewing in postoperative care of patients who have undergone abdominal surgery to reduce the risk of paralytic postoperative ileus., and Renáta Zeleníková, Anthony Chao, Gloria Enright, Mary Rogers Schubert, Kaitlin Shotsberger, Cecelia Wise, Elizabeth A. Schlenk
Aim: The aim of this paper is to develop an evidence-based clinical protocol for the use of gum chewing in postoperative care to reduce the risk of paralytic postoperative ileus in patients who have undergone abdominal surgery. Methods: A clinical question (For adult patients who have undergone abdominal surgery, does the use of gum chewing postoperatively reduce the risk of paralytic postoperative ileus in comparison with the usual care regimen?) was formulated, a population and setting were defined, and the databases OVID Medline®, CINAHL, and PubMed were searched for relevant material. Six data-based research articles were chosen for review: four randomized controlled trials and two meta-analyses. Finally, the articles were critically appraised to generate evidence on which to base the clinical protocol. Results: The development team created a detailed description of the clinical protocol as well as a protocol algorithm to assist clinicians in determining patient eligibility. In addition, protocol implementation and evaluation plans were proposed. Conclusion: An evidence-based clinical protocol was developed to provide a template for identification of patients eligible for gum chewing, implementation, and evaluation of this intervention to reduce the risk of paralytic postoperative ileus after abdominal surgery., Renáta Zeleníková, Anthony Chao, Gloria Enright, Mary Rogers Schubert, Kaitlin Shotsberger, Cecelia Wise, Elizabeth A. Schlenk, and Literatura
A method is given to make use of the progress is the observational instruments used nowadays so that a Laser Tracking Station can depend on its observations to carry out predictions for its needs. The stability of the method is discussed. A computer routine is then given which illustrates the procedure discussed.
Aleurodicus dispersus Russell (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), a highly polyphagous species, has since the 90's been an important pest of ornamentals and tropical crops in the Canary Islands. In this study the RAPD-PCR technique was used to study the genetic structure of this whitefly in this archipelago. A total of 68 different bands were scored in seven populations using six primers for amplification. No differences in RAPD patterns were found among populations from different islands of the Canaries. These findings indicate a very high genetic similarity among populations and low level of genetic variability and support a single colonization event by few A. dispersus whiteflies and recent dispersion throughout the archipelago.
Rubber dam is considered an ideal device for tooth isolation. Nevertheless, its usage is quite rare in the Czech Republic. The aim of this study was: firstly, to gather and evaluate information regarding the use of rubber dam by dentists in the Czech Republic and to compare it with other countries; secondly to find out whether there are any influencing factors as to rubber dam usage; and finally to find out frequency of rubber dam use separately in endodontic treatment and in placing fillings of different materials. A questionnaire-based survey was conducted. Dentists filled in the questionnaires during dental conventions, educational events, conferences and congresses. Rubber dam was routinely used by less than eight per cent of the respondents (n = 35); less than twenty-two per cent of the respondents (n = 97) used rubber dam occasionally, and more than seventy per cent of the respondents (n = 317) has never use it. The results showed that rubber dam is not used frequently in the Czech Republic. If rubber dam is used, then it is typically for endodontic treatment or composite fillings. There were several factors with a statistically significant influence on the usage of rubber dam, such as gender, length of professional career, percentage of direct payments, previous experience in using rubber dam, and undergraduate training in rubber dam use., Martin Kapitán, Zdeňka Šustová, and Literatura 22
In this study, the performance of three different self organization feature map (SOFM) network models denoted as SOFM1, SOFM2, and SOFM3 having neighborhood shapes, namely, SquareKohonenful, LineKohonenful, and Diamond-Kohenenful, respectively, to predict the critical factor of safety (Fs) of a widely-used artificial slope subjected to earthquake forces was investigated and compared. For this purpose, the reported data sets by Erzin and Cetin (2012) [7], including the minimum (critical) Fs values of the artificial slope calculated by using the simplified Bishop method, were utilized in the development of the SOFM models. The results obtained from the SOFM models were compared with those obtained from the calculations. It is found that the SOFM1 model exhibits more reliable predictions than SOFM2 and SOFM3 models. Moreover, the performance indices such as the determination coefficient, variance account for, mean absolute error, root mean square error, and the scaled percent error were computed to evaluate the prediction capacity of the SOFM models developed. The study demonstrates that the SOFM1 model is able to predict the Fs value of the artificial slope, quite efficiently, and is superior to the SOFM2 and SOFM3.
Karyotypes of 16 Eupelminae species were analyzed. The haploid chromosome number was found to be much more diverse than the n = 5 previously recorded for three studied species. All species investigated of Eupelmus (Eupelmus), Eupelmus (Macroneura), Merostenus excavatus and three species of Anastatus have a karyotype of n = 5; n = 7 in Eupelmus (Episolindelia) linearis, n = 8 in Arachnophaga picardi, and n = 10 in Anastatus ruficaudus. The modal chromosome number is n = 5 and this is considered to be the plesiomorphic character state for the subfamily; karyotypes with higher chromosome numbers are hypothesized to be derived independently from the ancestral state by centric fission. This cytogenetical data provides important information on the subfamily systematics, especially the subgeneric classification of Eupelmus and generic placement of Eupelmus rostratus.
UV observations of cataclysmic and symbiotic variables with the lUE satellite have given and are giving a fundamental contribution to our knowledge of the nature of these objects. The study of the UV resonance and intercombination lines of the most abundant elements has been used as a diagnostic of the physical conditions
in the disk, circumstellar region, and ejecta. Most objects display a strong UV continuum which is usually attributed to emission from the hot component and/or from the accretion disk. The exceptionally long lifetime of lUE has allowed the study of these objects during different activity phases. In the recurrent nova T Cr B dramatic UV variations have been observed during phases of optical quiescence. Of particular interest has been the UV study of the recent outbursts of the symbiotic stars AG Dra, Z And, and PU Vul, as well.that of CH Cyg during the activity phases associated to the formation of a jet. The results of multi-frequency observations (from raďio to x-rays) of some symbiotic variables and their implications for the models are also discussed.