Cíl: Zhodnotit první zkušenosti s prováděním transarteriální radioembolizace (TARE) jaterních nádorů mikročásticemi s obsahem 90-yttria Metodika: V průběhu 6 měsíců jsme provedli u šesti nemocných TARE s aplikací skleněných mikročástic TheraSphere®. U čtyř nemocných šlo o metastatické postižení jater kolorektálním karcinomem, u dvou nemocných hepatocelulárním karcinomem. U nemocných jsme sledovali peri- a postprocedurální průběh, výskyt komplikací, WHO performance status a časný efekt léčby. Výsledky: Ani u jednoho z nemocných jsme nezaznamenali závažné komplikace léčby, při sledování účinků léčby bylo po 6 týdnech zjištěno, že u jedné nemocné došlo k rapidnímu zlepšení WHO performance status o tři kategorie, u ostatních byl status zachován, ani u jednoho nemocného v časném horizontu nebyla zaregistrována jaterní progrese onemocnění. Závěr: První zkušenosti s TARE ukazují i u nemocných s neresekabilním jaterním postižením dobrou toleranci léčby a slibné výsledky terapie., Aim: To evaluate an early experience with transarterial radioembolisation of liver tumors with microspheres with 90-yttrium. Method: During 6 monnths, we performed 6 months TARE with the application of glass-microspheres TheraSphere®. In 4 patients.colorectal carcinoma metastases were treated, in 2 hepatocellular carcinoma respectivelly In patients, the peri- and post-procedural disease development was surveyed according complications, WHO performance status an early effect of therapy. Results: No severe complication was noted, during 6 weeks was noted only one extreme improvement of WHO performance status with decrease by 3 grades, in rest of patients the performance status was unchanged. No progression in liver was noted within 6 weeks. Conclusion: Our early experience with TARE showed high safety, therapy is well tolerated and the therapy results are promising., Jiří Ferda, Petr Duras, Vladislav Třeška, Tomáš Skalický, František Šlauf, Alexander Malán, Jaroslav Havel, Jindřich Fínek, and Literatura
Článek se zabývá Levinasovou ideou „transcendence slov“. Sleduje úvahy tohoto autora o rozdílu mezi významem slov ve vztahu k Jinému a rolí slov v estetické události obrazu. Soustřeďuje se na Levinasovo zdůraznění kontrastu mezi tichem obrazu a zvukem dialogu., Dealing with Levinas’s idea of the “transcendence of words”, the article follows his treatment of the difference between the meaning of the words in relation to the Other and the role of the words in the aesthetic event of the image. The focus is on the way that Levinas emphasises the contrast between the silence of an image and the sound of a dialogue., and Miloš Ševčík.
Ve studii „Transcendence slov“ se Emmanual Levinas zabývá charakterem literárního obrazu. Porovnává ho s malbou a zdůrazňuje vizuální povahu obou těchto obrazů. Ticho těchto obrazů je však překonáno skandálem zaznívajících slov, která subjekt nabízí Jinému., In his study ‘The Transcendence of Words’, Emmanuel Levinas deals with the character of the literary image. He compares it with painting and emphasises the visual nature of both these images. However, the silence of both these images is overcome by the scandal of the resounding words which the subject offers to the Other., and Emmanuel Levinas.
The high prevalence of obesity and related metabolic complications has inspired research on adipose tissues. Three kinds of adipose tissues are identified in mammals: brown adipose tissue (BAT), beige or brite adipose tissue and white adipose tissue (WAT). Beige adipocytes share some characteristics with brown adipocytes such as the expression of UCP1. Beige adipocytes can be activated by environmental stimuli or pharmacological treatment, and this change is accompanied by an increase in energy consumption. This process is called white browning, and it facilitates the maintenance of a lean and healthy phenotype. Thus, promoting beige adipocyte development in WAT shows promise as a new strategy in treating obesity and related metabolic consequences. In this review, we summarized the current understanding of the regulators and hormones that participate in the development of brown fat and white fat browning., Jianmei Zhang, Huixiao Wu, Shizhan Ma, Fei Jing, Chunxiao Yu, Ling Gao, Jiajun Zhao., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Metabolic syndrome and one of its manifestations, essential hypertension, is an important cause of worldwide morbidity and mortality. Morbidity and mortality associated with hypertension are caused by organ complications. Previously we revealed a decrease of blood pressure and an amelioration of cardiac fibrosis in a congenic line of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), in which a short segment of chromosome 8 (encompassing only 7 genes) was exchanged for a segment of normotensive polydactylous (PD) origin. To unravel the genetic background of this phenotype we compared heart transcriptomes between SHR rat males and this chromosome 8 minimal congenic line (PD5). We found 18 differentially expressed genes, which were further analyzed using annotations from Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery (DAVID). Four of the differentially expressed genes (Per1, Nr4a1, Nr4a3, Kcna5) belong to circadian rhythm pathways, aldosterone synthesis and secretion, PI3K-Akt signaling pathway and potassium homeostasis. We were also able to confirm Nr4a1 2.8x-fold upregulation in PD5 on protein level using Western blotting, thus suggesting a possible role of Nr4a1 in pathogenesis of the metabolic syndrome.
This article presents the author's technique and experience in the treatment of the flaccid "unhappy buttock" form with his surgical procedure of buttock lift by suture, without incision scars. The author first presented this new operation technique on a national level at the 2nd Annual Meeting of the National Bulgarian Society for Aesthetic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine in Sofia on March 18, 1994 [1] and internationally at many scientific meetings over the world [2, 3, 4 ]. The result is a visual change in the buttock position to a higher one, which elongates the lower limbs and changes the proportions between lower and upper half of the body. The aim of this study is to describe a miniinvasive procedure of beautification of the buttock form without scars by creating a lifting effect on the buttock's subcutaneous tissue, using a suture that takes the inferiorly positioned deep fibrose tissue and fixes it upwards to the sacrocutaneous fascia, discovered by the author. Aesthetic and technical considerations required properly sculpting the buttocks into a higher position, demonstrating nicely rounded form. Preoperative shape is discussed and patient evaluations, operative techniques, postoperative management and results after 4 years of experience are emphasized. 1032 female patients, and 26 male patients aged 1862 years, with ptosis and cellulite on the buttocks were treated since 1993 on an outpatient basis by the "Serdev suture technique without visible scars". Important instrumentarium is a long, curved, elastic needle and Polycon semielastic Bulgarian antimicrobial polycaproamide long term (in 2 years) absorbable surgical threads Polycon, produced in Bulgaria. This operation has been performed either alone or after ultrasonic assisted liposculpture (UAL) that reduces the amount of fat and heaviness. All patients reported a high degree of satisfaction. A stable improvement in the buttock position and form was observed for the period described. In the postoperative period the complication rate was minimal and resolved in the first 45 days post operative period. The skin puncture in the perianal zone makes antibiotic prophylaxis obligatory as well as a strict follow up for the first 7 days. Some pain in the sitting position was observed for at least 5 to 10 days, but all other social and professional duties and activities were possible. This outpatient procedure is effective in the correction of buttock laxity and ptosis and creates a new form, universally accepted as "happy buttocks"., Nikolay P. Serdev, and Literatura
Covid-19 or SARS-CoV-2, a new RNA virus with high infectivity, and seemingly low mutability, which appeared in 2019 in the Wuhan province of China, has created a pandemic with dire consequences. At the end of May 2020, it became the first cause of mortality. As no treatment or vaccine may become available before many months, and because occurrence of similar pandemics is only a matter of time, arguments are presented here for testing the effect of transfer factor (TF), an immunomodulator devoid of toxicity, which has been extensively studied in the past for the treatment and prevention of viral infections.
Motto Strategie AV21 „Špičkový výzkum ve veřejném zájmu“ mj. předesílá podporu mezioborové a meziinstitucionální synergie více než 50 pracovišť Akademie věd. Právě proto, aby výzkum opravdu sloužil společnosti, otevřela Akademie věd nové Centrum transferu technologií, jehož prostory se hostům slavnostně představily 16. května 2016. and Marina Hužvárová.