Ignát Herrmann, Bibliofilie, Sáňka 3328, and 600 vesměs čísl. výt., z nichž 1-100 na hadrovém ručním Eichmannově papíře podepsáno autorem, svázáno v pergamenu, č. 101-600 na antiku vázáno v plátně
Presented is the experience of the application of stable osteosynthesis by three Kirschner wires on diaphyseal fractures of the metacarpal bones at 74 patients. Indications for osteosynthesis was opened (6%), closed (94%), non-united, mal-united fractures and false joints of metacarpal bones diaphysis. Patients were given intraosseous anesthesia at distal epi-metaphysis area of radial bone. Described is a method of operation extra medullary osteosynthesis using three Kirschner wires. Also, method of wedge osteotomy for full recovery of hand function is described. Good results were obtained in 83.1% of patients, satisfactory at 13.6%, and unsatisfactory results in 3.4% of patients., Saodat Asilova, Azizjon Khaydarov, and Literatura
Hypertriglyceridemia is an important marker of increased levels of highly atherogenic rem nant -like particles. The importance of lowering plasma levels of triglycerides (TG) has been called into question many times, but currently it is considered an integral part of residual cardiovascular risk reduction strategies. Lifestyle changes (improved diet and increased physical activity) are effective TG lowering measures. Pharmacological treatment usually starts with statins, although associated TG reductions are typically modest. Fibrates are currently the drugs of choice for hyperTG, frequently in c ombination with statins. Niacin and omega -3 fatty acids improve control of triglyceride levels when the above measures are inadequately effective. Some novel therapies including anti- sense oligonucleotides and inhibitors of microsomal triglyceride transfer protein have shown significant TG lowering efficacy. The current approach to the management of hypertriglyceridemia is based on lifestyle changes and, usually, drug combinations (statin and fibrate and/or omega -3 fatty acids or niacin)., M. Vrablík, R. Češka., and Obsahuje bibliografii