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478052. Trurlia, a new Oriental genus of the tribe Cephenniini (Coleoptera: Scydmaenidae)
- Creator:
- Jałloszyński , Paweł
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Coleoptera, Scydmaenidae, Cephenniini, Trurlia, new genus, Trurlia insana, new species, Oriental, Sumatra, Indonesia, Malaysia, taxonomy, and morphology
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- A new genus, Trurlia Jałoszyński, in the tribe Cephenniini (Scydmaenidae: Scydmaeninae) is described. The type species is T. insana sp. n. from Sumatra; females of an undescribed species are also reported to occur in W Malaysia. Trurlia most closely resembles Cephennomicrus Reitter, but it is the first genus of the Scydmaenidae with entirely fused antennomeres 10 and 11, forming a large, oval, abruptly separated club. Based on a disarticulated female of Trurlia sp., the detailed morphology of the new genus is described and illustrated, and possible relationships with other genera of the tribe are discussed. Comments on evolution, polarity of characters and feeding strategy of the Cephenniini are included.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
478053. Truths, facts, and liars
- Creator:
- Marton, Peter
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- Chuch-Fitch paradox, knowability, Liar Paradox, meaning, moderate anti-realism, and truth
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- A Moderate Anti-realist (MAR) approach to truth and meaning, built around the concept of knowability, will be introduced and argued for in this essay. Our starting point will be the two fundamental anti-realists principles that claim that neither truth nor meaning can outstrip knowability and our focus will be on the challenge of adequately formalizing these principles and incorporating them into a formal theory. Accordingly, I will introduce a MAR truth operator that is built on a distinction between being true and being factual. I will show then that this approach partitions propositions into eight classes, on the basis of their knowability. We will then ask the following question: Given the anti-realist principles, what kind of theory of propositional meaning can properly explain the meaninglessness of fully unknowable propositions? This question will lead us to the claim that the meaning/content of propositions should be identified not with the set of possible worlds in which the propositions are true/factual, but rather in which they are known. This modified approach will then be used to analyze both the Liar Paradox and the Strengthened Liar. To anticipate the conclusion of this essay, it will be shown that a MAR framework can render definite truth and factuality values to the Liar sentence and it will also confirm our intuition that such paradoxical sentences are devoid of proper meaning. and Moderní antirealistní (MAR) přístup k pravdě a významu, postavený na konceptu znalosti , bude představen a projednáván v této eseji. Naším výchozím bodem budou dvě základní principy antirealistů, které tvrdí, že ani pravda, ani význam nemohou překonat znalost a naše zaměření bude na výzvu adekvátně formalizovat tyto zásady a začlenit je do formální teorie. Proto zavedu operátor MAR pravdy, který je postavený na rozdílu mezi skutečností a skutečností. Ukážeme tedy, že tento přístup rozděluje návrhy do osmi tříd na základě jejich znalosti. Potom budeme klást následující otázku: Vzhledem k antirealistickým principům, jaká teorie proposativálního významu může správně vysvětlitnesmyslnost z plně nepoznatelných výroků? Tato otázka nás vede k tvrzení, že smysl / obsah tvrzení by neměl být identifikován se souborem možných světů, ve kterých jsou tvrzení pravdivá / věcná , ale spíše ve kterých jsou známé . Tento modifikovaný přístup pak bude použit pro analýzu jak Liar Paradoxu, tak Posíleného Lháře . Předvídat závěr této eseje, bude ukázáno, že rámec MAR může poskytnout definitivní pravdivost a faktografické hodnoty věrnosti Liar a také potvrdí naši intuici, že takové paradoxní věty nemají správný význam.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
478054. Trutnov v listinách zderazského kláštera
- Creator:
- Bock, Jiří
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Trutnov, středověk, město, církev, farní správa, patronátní právo, klášter, Middle Ages, town, Church, parish administration, patronal right, and monastery
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Cílem příspěvku je prokázání nesprávného vysvětlení počátků Trutnova, které bylo v minulém roce podáno v Archeologických rozhledech v článku „Nad počátky Trutnova a jeho pivovarnictví“. Spor o patronátní právo ke kostelu ve Starém Trutnově mezi panovníkem a zderazským klášterem, který se odehrál v letech 1358–1360, je klíčem k pochopení písemností, kterými klášter hájil svá práva. Rozbor jejich obsahu dává možnost zpětně rekonstruovat vývoj církevní správy na Trutnovsku a s ní i objasnit počátky staré Úpy a založení Nového Trutnova. and The aim of the work is to demonstrate the inaccuracy of the explanation regarding the beginnings of Trutnov presented last year in Archeologické rozhledy. The dispute over the patronal right to the church in Old Trutnov between the king and the Zderaz monastery in 1358–1360 is the key to understanding the documents with which the monastery defended its rights. An analysis of the documents enables a reconstruction of the development of Church administration in the Trutnov region and helps clarify the beginnings of the town of Trutnov itself.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
478055. Trvalá kardiostimulace z pohledu nových evropských doporučení roku 2013
- Creator:
- Heinc, Petr, Kováčik, František, Moravec, Ondřej, Přeček, Jan, and Táborský, Miloš
- Format:
- print, text, and regular print
- Type:
- model:article, article, Text, and TEXT
- Subject:
- lidé, směrnice pro lékařskou praxi jako téma, bradykardie--diagnóza--klasifikace--terapie, magnetická rezonanční tomografie--kontraindikace--škodlivé účinky, kardiostimulace umělá--metody, srdeční resynchronizační terapie--metody, srdeční resynchronizační terapie - prostředky, and kardiostimulátor
- Language:
- Czech and English
- Description:
- Nová evropská doporučení v oblasti trvalé kardiostimulace obsahují novou klasifikaci bradykardií indikovaných k trvalé kardiostimulaci dle vyvolávajícího mechanizmu. Ke každému typu bradykardie navrhují vhodnou diagnostiku a optimální způsob trvalé stimulace. V závěru jsou navržena optimální bezpečnostní opatření, pokud pacient s implantovaným kardiostimulátorem potřebuje podstoupit vyšetření magnetickou rezonancí., The new European recommendations in permanent cardiac pacing include a new classification of bradycardia indicated for permanent pacing according to inducing mechanism. For each type of bradycardia suggest the appropriate diagnostic method and the optimal mode of permanent stimulation. Optimal safety measures are proposed when a patient with an implanted pacemaker needs to undergo an magnetic resonance imaging., and Heinc P., Kováčik F., Moravec O., Přeček J., Táborský M.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
478056. Trvalé hodnoty lidové kultury
- Creator:
- Format:
- electronic
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- and policy:public
478057. Trvalé zvýšení výnosů živností rolnických
- Creator:
- Dumek, Josef
- Publisher:
- J. Dumek
- Format:
- regular print and 29 s. ; 20 cm
- Type:
- handbook, příručky, model:monograph, text, and TEXT
- Subject:
- udc:63, Konspekt:24, udc:631.15, udc:330.13, udc:005.61, udc:(035), agrovoc:UA01, Konspekt:Zemědělství a příbuzné oblasti vědy a techniky, agroterm:zemědělská výroba, agroterm:efektivnost ekonomická, and agroterm:produktivita
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- (Statement of Responsibility) napsal Josef Dumek
- Rights:
- and policy:public
478058. Trypanorhynch cestodes (Eutetrarhynchidae) from batoids along the coast of Argentina, including the description of new species in Dollfusiella Campbell et Beveridge, 1994 and Mecistobothrium Heinz et Dailey, 1974
- Creator:
- Menoret, Adriana and Ivanov, Verónica A
- Format:
- electronic, počítač, and online zdroj
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- parazitologie, parasitology, Dollfusiella acuta sp. n., Mecistobothrium oblongum sp. n., Myliobatis, Atlantoraja, Sympterygia, 2, and 59
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- a1_During a recent parasitological survey of elasmobranchs along the coast of Argentina, two new species of eutetrarhynchid cestodes of the genera Dollfusiella Campbell et Beveridge, 1994 and Mecistobothrium Heinz et Dailey, 1974 were collected from batoids. Dollfusiella acuta sp. n. was found in four arhynchobatid skates, i.e. Sympterygia acuta Garman (type host), Sympterygia bonapartii Müller et Henle, Atlantoraja castelnaui (Miranda Ribeiro) and Atlantoraja platana (Günther), and Mecistobothrium oblongum sp. n. in the eagle ray Myliobatis goodei Garman. Dollfusiella acuta sp. n. has a tentacular armature consisting of basal rows of uncinate hooks, a distinct basal swelling with uncinate, falcate and bill hooks, and a heteroacanthous metabasal armature with heteromorphous hooks (bothrial uncinate hooks and antibothrial falcate hooks), hooks 1(1') not separated, testes in two columns and an internal seminal vesicle. The tentacular armature of M. oblongum sp. n. is characterised by basal rows of uncinate hooks, a basal swelling with uncinate and falcate hooks, a typical heteroacanthous metabasal armature with heteromorphous hooks (uncinate and falcate to spiniform), and hooks 1(1') separated and of a constant size along the tentacle. It also possesses an elongate scolex, numerous testes arranged in 5-6 irregular columns, and an internal seminal vesicle. The discovery of M. oblongum in M. goodei represents the first record of species of Mecistobothrium in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean. An amended description of Dollfusiella cortezensis (Friggens et Duszynski, 2005) is also provided to clarify details of the scolex and tentacular armature. Members of Dollfusiella in the southwestern Atlantic are specific to a single host species or to a particular host family, while M. oblongum was found in a single host species., a2_Although globally some plerocerci of eutetrarhynchids have been found in teleosts, extensive examination of teleosts off the coast of Argentina suggests that the transmission pathways of these species are exclusively based on invertebrates as intermediate or paratenic hosts., Adriana Menoret, Verónica A. Ivanov., and Obsahuje bibliografii
- Rights:
- and policy:public
478059. Trypsin-like activity of membrane-bound midgut proteases from Anticarsia gemmatalis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
- Creator:
- Xavier, Luciana Pereira, Oliveira, Maria Goreti Almeida, Guedes, Raul Narciso Carvalho , Santos, Agenor Valadares , and de Simones, Salvatore Giovanni
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Trypsin, proteases, velvetbean caterpillar, Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, and Anticarsia
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- Membrane-bound proteases from preparations of the midgut of 5th instar velvetbean caterpillars, Anticarsia gemmatalis (Hübner) were obtained by resuspension of the pellet obtained after 100,000 g centrifugation. As expected of trypsin-like proteases, they hydrolyzed casein and the synthetic substrates N-α-benzoyl-L-Arg-p-nitroanilidine (L-BApNA) and N-α-p-tosyl-L-Arg methyl ester (L-TAME). Higher activities were observed at 50°C, and at pH 8.5 and 8.0 for both synthetic substrates L-BApNA and L-TAME. The membrane-bound proteases were inhibited by EDTA, phenylmethan sulphonyl fluoride (PMSF), tosyl-L-lysine chloromethyl ketone (TLCK), benzamidine and aprotinin. TLCK and benzamidine were particularly active inhibitors. The KM-values obtained were 0.23 mM for L-BApNA and 92.5 µM for L-TAME. These results provide evidence for the presence of membrane-bound trypsin-like proteases in the midgut of the velvetbean caterpillar, a key soybean pest in warm climates. The interaction between A. gemmatalis digestive proteases and soybean protease inhibitors has potentially important consequences for soybean breeding programs.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
478060. Tryskem dojeli
- Creator:
- Cyliak, Stanislav
- Format:
- electronic
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- and policy:public