Search Results
- Creator:
- Jung, Václav Alois
- Publisher:
- Kvasnička a Hampl
- Format:
- print, text, regular print, and 657 s. ; 22 cm
- Type:
- model:monograph and TEXT
- Subject:
- Angličtina, Učební osnovy. Vyučovací předměty. Učebnice, angličtina, jazyková výuka, 811.111, 81'24, (075), 11, 22, and 37.016
- Language:
- Czech and English
- Description:
- napsal V.A. Jung, Obsahuje rejstřík, and Údaje o edici a rok vydání převzaty z SKC ČR
- Rights:
- and policy:public
- Creator:
- Jan Herzer
- Publisher:
- A. Storch syn
- Format:
- print, text, regular print, and 114 s. ; 20 cm
- Type:
- model:monograph and TEXT
- Subject:
- Francouzština, Učební osnovy. Vyučovací předměty. Učebnice, francouzština, 811.133.1, 37.091.64(075.2), 11, 22, and 37.016
- Language:
- Czech and French
- Description:
- Jan Herzer and Část. text francouzsky
- Rights:
- and policy:public
- Creator:
- Format:
- electronic
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- and policy:public
- Creator:
- Josef Svetozar Novák and Josef Schenk
- Publisher:
- E. Weinfurter
- Format:
- print, text, regular print, and 206 s. : il.
- Type:
- model:monograph and TEXT
- Subject:
- Nauka o materiálu, dějiny, technika, názvosloví, drogistické výrobky, drogerie, 19, and 620.1/.2
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Za spolupracovnictví řady odborníků uprv. Josef Novák a Josef Schenk
- Rights:
- and policy:public
- Creator:
- Novotný, František
- Format:
- electronic
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- and policy:public
- Creator:
- Tebich, Jaroslav
- Publisher:
- A. Píša
- Format:
- print and 46 s. ; 8°
- Type:
- model:monograph, text, and TEXT
- Subject:
- udc:58, Konspekt:2, agrovoc:UF01, Konspekt:Botanika, and agroterm:botanika
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- (Statement of Responsibility) upravil Jaroslav Tebich
- Rights:
- and policy:public
- Creator:
- Robovský, Jan
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- and policy:public
- Creator:
- Váša, Pavel
- Format:
- electronic
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- and policy:public
- Format:
- electronic
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- and policy:public
- Creator:
- Konrád, B.
- Format:
- electronic
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- and policy:public