Zoo Brno chová kočky pouštní (Felis margarita) od roku 1998. Celkem bylo dovezeno 6 zvířat (3, 3). První úspěšný odchov dvou samců a dvou samic za trvalé přítomnosti kocoura se podařil v roce 2000. Další odchovy následovaly až v letech 2009 - 14, kdy se v 6 vrzích narodilo celkem 17 mláďat (10, 3, 4), z nichž bylo odchováno 10 (8, 2). Úspěšnost z těchto zaznamenaných vrhů tak dosahuje 59 %., Brno Zoo has been breeding the Sand Cat (Felis margarita) since 1998. A total of 6 individuals (3 males, 3 females) have been imported. The first successful breeding involved two males and two females with the constant presence of a male cat in 2000. Other breeding followed so that in 2009-14 there were 6 litters with a total of 17 young (10, 3, and four of unknown gender), of which 10 were raised (8, 2). Hence the success rate of these litters reaches 59 %., Michal Balcar., and Fotografie M. Balcar
Cryptic immigrants are common species incorporated in near-natural biocoenoses that occur only in Holocene, mostly very recent deposits, being absent from older (Pleistocene) formations. This is true of Alinda biplicata, Oxychilus cellarius and other presented species. This also applies to isolated occurrences of Itala ornata or Cochlodina commutata that entered the Bohemian Uplands by aerial dispersal from the south. In the Pleistocene, the very early appearance of some southern species (e.g. Drobacia banatica) from the very be-ginning of the interglacial periods is reminiscent of modern snail invasions. How-ever, the former was initiated by the abrupt increase in temperature and moisture., Vojen Ložek, and 1 barev. fot., 10 čb. fot.
The Council and the European Parliament reached the political agreement on the new LIFE+ Financial Instrument for the Environment. The overall budget foreseen for is just under € 1.9 billion for the period 2007-2013. LIFE+ will bring simplification by regrouping a broad range of existing environmental programs and instruments in a single framework. and Táňa Perglová, Miloslav Kryštůfek.