This classic area of Silurian and Devonian stratigraphy provided a number of ecological and paleoenvironmental observations during the last decade. Comparative studies of spontaneous successions in abandoned quarries demonstrated that natural processes provide their optimum revitalization. New archaeological records, paleozoological evidence from caves and the discovery of a Late Bronze Age hillfort confirmed that the high biodiversity of this landscape has resulted from a harmonious interaction of natural processes with human activities since the 5th millennium BC. and Vojen Ložek.
A novel method was used to study dispersal in the spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus (L.), under epidemic conditions (rapidly increasing population density) in the Šumava National Park. Infested spruce logs were coated with a fine fluorescent powder and the passively marked emerging beetles were captured in pheromone baited traps located at various distances from these logs. The number of marked beetles captured decreased exponentially with increasing distance from the release point. The sex ratio of the bark beetles was more female biased the further they were recaptured from the logs, being 57% and 60% at distances of up to 50 and 100 m, respectively. The maximum distance flown by a marked beetle recorded in this experiment was 1094 m. A model fitted to the data on dispersal indicates that 10% of the spruce bark beetles dispersed over distances of 55 m and 4 m in spring (overwintered parental generation) and summer (first filial generation), respectively. Differences between spring and summer swarming are briefly discussed., Petr Doležal, Jan Okrouhlík, Markéta Davídková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Autor čerpá ze své návštěvy pobřežního pásu Francouzské Guyany a Surinamu, především několika tamních chráněných území, v r. 2008, a představuje charakteristické ekosystémy na pobřeží této části Latinské Ameriky. Jde o mangrovy, nížinné zaplavované lesy, močály a vlhké savany, i mělké laguny a suchomilná společenstva na písčitém pobřeží. Na základě pozorování a literatury jsou uvedeny typické nebo něčím zvláštní druhy zdejší flóry i fauny. Za zmínku stojí např. pozorování ohrožených mořských želv kladoucích vejce, včetně kožatky obrovské (Dermochelys coriacea)., The author presents the characteristic coastal ecosystems of French Guyana and Surinam (based on his visit to this coastal area, especially to several protected areas located there, in 2008). The ecosystems include mangroves, lowland flooded forests, swamps and wet savannas, as well as shallow lagoons and xeric communities on the sand coast. Based on observations and literature survey, the article mentions typical or remarkable species of the local fauna and flora. For example, it is worth mentioning observation of threatened sea turtles laying eggs, including the Leatherback Sea Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea)., and Jozef Májsky.
Chráněná krajinná oblast Beskydy je charakteristická zachovalými pralesovitými porosty i pastvinami, jež po staletí obhospodařovali místní lidé. Množství dnes už vzácných a z krajiny mizejících biotopů představuje útočiště řady ohrožených organismů včetně mnoha druhů brouků. Významnou skupinou jsou především druhy žijící v tlejícím dřevě a pod kůrou mrtvých stromů. Díky nezanedbatelnému zastoupení jedle bělokoré (Abies alba) i množství dostupné odumřelé dřevní hmoty můžeme dodnes v beskydských rezervacích nalézt brouky, kteří již na téměř celém území České republiky vyhynuli., Well-preserved remnants of old-growth forests and pastures managed for hundreds of years are typical for this area. A substantial representation of fir trees and large volumes of decaying wood support populations of several beetle species considered extremely rare/extinct in other parts of the Czech Republic. A few species have gone extinct in the Moravian-Silesian Beskids, mainly because of the abandonment of traditional management. Other species have recently been recorded in this area for the first time., and Jiří Procházka, Jiří Schlaghamerský.