Článek představuje jednu skupinu nosatcovitých brouků – zobonosky čeledí Attelabidae a Rhynchitidae. Těžištěm výskytu těchto brouků jsou tropické oblasti, v ČR žije 29 druhů. Zobonosky jsou typické tvorbou různě utvářených smotků na listech rostlin sloužících k vývoji larev, některé druhy napadají plody, pupeny a větvičky. Většina druhů je vázána na lesní biotopy, dále sady, zahrady nebo louky., This paper introduces a group of curculionid beetles – the Leaf Rolling Weevils of the families Attelabidae and Rhynchitidae. Most species are known from tropical regions, while in the Czech Republic 29 species are recorded. These beetles create various kinds of leaf rolls for their larvae; some species develop in fruits, buds or branches. Most species are associated with forest habitats, but they also live in orchards, gardens and on meadows., and Robert Stejskal, Filip Trnka.
There are 15 members of the Wolf Spiders genus Alopecosa in the Czech Republic, most of which are rare and stenoecious. Although they have been studied for a long time, we do not have much information about their biology and reproduction. Members of this genus show a large variability in courtship and copulatory behaviour., K zajímavým rodům slíďáků náleží rod Alopecosa, na území České republiky známe výskyt 15 druhů rodu. Ačkoli ojedinělé záznamy o biologii a taxonomii rodu máme sice už z 18. stol., jejich studium pokračuje zejména v dnešní době, kdy se do popředí dostává výzkum rozmnožování., and Pavel Just.
Life table data of natural enemies are often used to understand their population dynamics and estimate their potential role in the biological control of pests. Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) is an important pest of several crops and its intrinsic rate of population increase (rm) is 0.282 at 22°C. The life table parameters (immature mortality, developmental time, sex ratio of emerging adults, fecundity and longevity) of Praon volucre (Haliday) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) parasitizing M. euphorbiae were estimated in a climatic chamber at 22 ± 1°C, RH 70 ± 10% and 12 h photophase. Immature mortality was 8.2%, developmental time of males and females was 13.9 and 14.4 days, respectively, and the sex ratio was 0.55 (= fraction of females). Parasitoid fecundity was 504 eggs and longevity 11 days. The net rate of reproduction (R0) was 207.5 females and the intrinsic rate of population increase (rm) 0.281 females/female/day. The time for doubling the population (TD) was 2.45 weeks. P. volucre has a population growth rate similar to that of its host M. euphorbiae and might therefore be a good candidate for the biological control of this aphid. and Juracy Caldeira Lins jr., Vanda Helena Paes Bueno, Diego Bastos Silva, Marcus Vinicius Sampaio, Joop C. van Lenteren.
Článek shrnuje dosavadní znalosti o pavoucích zimujících v ulitách suchozemských plžů v České republice. Jde o dvě studie - jedna ze zimy 2008/2009 (2 448 prázdných ulit tří druhů suchozemských plžů: suchomilka obecná (Xerolenta obvia), páskovka žíhaná (Cepaea vindobonensis) a hlemýžď zahradní (Helix pomatia)). Druhá studie byla provedena v zimním období 2010/2011 (přes 30 000 ulit, stejné druhy jako v předchozích letech plus druhy: skalnice kýlnatá (Helicigona lapicida) a plamatka lesní (Arianta arbustorum)). Prozatím jsou souhrnně zpracována data z první studie, z druhé jsou v článku zmíněny pouze faunisticky významnější nálezy. Naše zjištění potvrzují nálezy ze zahraničí, že v ulitách přezimuje, často hojně, celá řada druhů pavouků, které považujeme za vzácné. Asi nejvýznamnější druhy jsou: skálovka šestitečná (Phaeocedus braccatus), snovačka pětitečná (Euryopis quinqueguttata), skákavka dvoutečná (Sitticus penicillatus), zápřednice Pennyova (Cheiracanthium pennyi), zápřednice karmínová (Ch. montanum) a další., This article summarises our knowledge of overwintering spiders in land snail shells in the Czech Republic. The results of two studies, based on the survey of more than 32 000 shells of 5 species, confirmed that many spider species considered rare actually overwinter in shells, often in large numbers. The most important records include Phaeocedus braccatus, Euryopis quinqueguttata, Sitticus penicillatus, Cheiracanthium pennyi and Ch. montanum., and Jana Niedobová, Vladimír Hula, Ondřej Košulič.
Although scorpions are an ancient group their method of reproduction is rather complex and poorly studied. This review aims at clarifying some of the aspects of their reproduction that are important for understanding the reproductive ecology of other arthropods, including insects. The following aspects of scorpion reproduction are discussed and reviewed: mating, insemination, fertilization, gestation, parturition and birth. The onset of gestation and its duration are difficult to determine as both depend on the time of fertilization, for which there are no accurate estimates. There are only a few records of the time between birth and emergence of a larva from the maternal envelope in apoikogenic scorpions, which is important for a better understanding of ovoviviparity. All these questions are important as the answers will greatly enhance our understanding of the population ecology of scorpions in terms of the recruitment rates of cohorts and their chances of survival., Michael R. Warburg., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Macrolophus pygmaeus (Hemiptera: Miridae) is an important predator of pests of horticultural crops and here its ability as a predator of Acyrthosiphon pisum (Hemiptera: Aphididae) is addressed for the first time. The percentage predation of the different aphid instars and the number partially consumed were studied. Our results, obtained using choice and no-choice tests, revealed that M. pygmaeus caught and consumed more young than later instars of A. pisum, which confirms results of previous studies using other species of aphids. We also studied the interactions between predators (male/female) foraging in the same patch. When the prey/predator ratio is kept constant at 10 : 1 the average percentage of aphids completely consumed by individual females or males does not change with increase in the number of foraging predators. However, the number of partially consumed aphids decreased when females shared the same patch. In contrast, there was an increase in the number of aphids partially consumed when two males shared the same patch. The results were discussed in terms of potential predator foraging strategies since intraspecific competition is a key factor modulating the dynamics of prey-predator systems., Juliana Durán Prieto, Vincenzo Trotta, Paolo Fanti, Cristina Castañé, Donatella Battaglia., and Obsahuje bibliografii
n macrophyte-rich lentic ecosystems, higher numbers of damselfly larvae occur in areas where there is structurally complex vegetation than in those where the plant architecture is relatively simple. Biotic interactions rather than morphological constraints are considered to underlie this pattern. We investigated whether the preference of the larvae of the damselfly Enallagma cyathigerum for a particular habitat was retained in absence of prey, predators and/or conspecifics. A series of laboratory choice experiments was conducted in which combinations of sediment and artificial plants differing in structural complexity were offered simultaneously to the larvae. Larvae preferred patches with structurally complex vegetation over patches with simply structured vegetation or lacking vegetation. Patches with simply structured vegetation were preferred over those with bare sediment, but the number of larvae showing a clear choice, which is regarded as an indication of the strength of the preference for a particular habitat, was relatively low compared to the number of individuals responding when complex vegetation was present. Based on the results presented, we conclude that the preference of E. cyathigerum larvae for structurally complex vegetation is independent of the presence of predators, prey or competitors. This suggests that this behaviour of the larvae is either learned or an innate response., Ralf C.M. Verdonschot, Edwin T.H.M. Peeters., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Intracellular bacteria of the genus Wolbachia (α-Proteobacteria) are the most widespread endosymbionts of insects. Host infection is usually associated with alterations in reproduction, such as cytoplasmic incompatibility, the induction of parthenogenesis and offspring sex ratio bias: all phenomena that may influence host speciation. In the present study, by using well-established molecular tools, we investigated the presence of Wolbachia in leaf beetles of the genus Crioceris and their host plants, which are various species of Asparagus. Multilocus sequence typing of bacterial genes showed that despite their occurrence in the same habitat and feeding on the same plant, two species of Crioceris, C. quinquepunctata and C. quatuordecimpunctata, are infected by two different strains of Wolbachia. C. asparagi, C. paracenthesis and C. duodecimpunctata, which are sympatric with the infected species, do not harbour the bacterium. Interestingly, DNA of Wolbachia was detected in host plant tissues that are exploited by the beetles, providing evidence for the horizontal transmission of the bacterium between beetles and their host plants. Moreover, Wolbachia was detected in species of Crioceris that are not closely related., Michał Kolasa, Matteo Montagna, Valeria Mereghetti, Daniel Kubisz, Miłosz A. Mazur, Łukasz Kajtoch., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Categorizing inter-specific relationships might be very difficult as the participating species may play various roles. Using the example of Caribbean Shrimps (Typton carneus) we show that it is possible to consider one interaction to be described as mutualism, commensalism or parasitism, depending on our point of view. and Petr Jan Juračka ... [et al.].