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92. EHPS - Net Mezinárodní letní škola historické demografie - úvodní kurz: Cluj Napoca, Rumunsko, 24. - 31. května 2015
- Creator:
- Kuprová, Barbora
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- article, zprávy, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Demografie. Populace, historická demografie, demografický výzkum, prázdninové kurzy, historical demography, population research, holiday courses, Cluj-Napoca (Rumunsko), Cluj-Napoca (Romania), 18, and 314
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Barbora Kuprová.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
93. Ekologické usuzování: explorace metody latentní struktury za využití volebních dat z ČR
- Creator:
- Lyons, Pat
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- sociální výzkum, metody, analýza dat, měření, ekologické usuzování, volební chování, social research, data analysis, measurement, ecological inference, electoral behavior, metoda latentní struktury, Goodmanova ekologická regrese, metoda hranic, Kingova metoda EI, Bayesovské hierarchické modely ekologického usuzování, 303, 303.7, 303.2, 324:316.62, (437.3), 18, and 3
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- This article explores how aggregate level data may be used to make inferences about individual level behaviour. A common strategy in the past was to assume that the relations evident in aggregated data are also present in individual data. Analysis of datasets where there is both individual and aggregated information demonstrates that this assumption is most often incorrect. This means that the relationships observed between variables at an aggregated level are unlikely to be observed in individual level data. This is a problem because quite often social scientists only have aggregated data for exploring individual level behaviour. A key question explored in this article is how is it possible to validly and reliably use aggregated datasets to make inferences about relationships between variables at the individual level. An example analysis is given using electoral data from the Czech Republic., Pat Lyons., 4 obrázky, 4 tabulky, Obsahuje bibliografii, and Anglické resumé
- Rights:
- and policy:public
94. Ekonomická aktivita žen v textilním městě Frýdku na přelomu 19. a 20. století
- Creator:
- Radek Lipovski
- Format:
- Type:
- article, články, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Demografie. Populace, 19. století, historická demografie, ekonomické činnosti, ženy, textilní průmysl, industrializace, historical demography, economic activities, women, textile industry, industrialization, Frýdek (Frýdek-Místek, Česko), Frýdek (Frýdek-Místek, Czechia), 18, and 314
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Women constituted in the textile centers like Frýdek or Místek an important part of the workforce, because they at the same time worked in the textile manufactures and factories and in the domestic service. The percentage of economically active women was in the second half of the nineteeth century, according to the current knowledge, almost 40 % of the whole female population in both towns. On the basis of the statistical data of Austrian provenance, as well as the excerpts from Austrian censuse, it is possible to ascertain the percentage of women employed in various economic sectors and types of professions and compare these percentages in time, that is, follow up with the impact of industrialization on the transformations of economic activities of women. and Radek Lipovski.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
95. Ekonomie hlavního proudu je bariérou pro genderovou rovnost: rozhovor Zuzany Uhde a Aleny Křížkové s Ewou Rumińskou-Zimny
- Creator:
- Rumińska-Zimny, Ewa, Zuzana Uhde, and Alena Křížková
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- sociologie, gender, 18, and 316
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Ewa Rumińska-Zimny přednáší genderová studia na Polské akademii věd a je prezidentkou Mezinárodního fóra pro ženy v akademii a obchodu na Varšavské vysoké škole ekonomické. Akademickou práci spojuje s prací pro Organizaci spojených národů. Autorsky a editorsky se podílela na přípravě řady zpráv OSN, například Zpráv o lidském rozvoji, a v Evropské hospodářské komisi OSN v Ženevě spolupracovala na hodnocení závazků přijatých na Konferenci OSN o ženách v Pekingu. Odborně se zabývá procesy tranzice ve východní a střední Evropě, feministickou ekonomií a genderovou rovností. Je členkou Mezinárodní asociace feministických ekonomů a ekonomek (IAFFE) a spoluzakladatelkou GEM-Europe, který je součástí globální vědecké sítě Gender a makroekonomika., Dr. Ewa Rumińska-Zimny is a lecturer in Gender Studies at the Polish Academy of Science and the President of the International Forum of Women in Academia and Business at the Warsaw School of Economics. She combined academic work with work for the United Nations. Her work included writing and coordination of UN reports, e.g., Human Development Reports, analyses of the transition process in Eastern and Central Europe and reviews of progress in gender equality within the framework of the Beijing process at the UN Economic Commission for Europe in Geneva. She is a member of the International Association of Feminist Economists (IAFFE) and the initiator of GEM Europe, a part of the global network of researchers on Gender and Macroeconomics., Ewa Rumińska-Zimny, Zuzana Uhde, Alena Křížková., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
- Rights:
- and policy:public
96. Ekonomika a veřejné mínění: Koresponduje subjektivní hodnocení s reálným vývojem?
- Creator:
- Jan Červenka
- Type:
- article, články, journal articles, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Sociologie, sociologie, Česko, economic development, macroeconomic indicators, public opinion, subjective indicators, 18, and 316
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- The text discusses the relationship between real economic development, which is primarily measured by conventional statistical macroeconomic indicators, and the public opinion on economic development, whose regular monitoring o ers a number of subjective indicators. Empirical data from the period of the independent Czech Republic show that subjective indicators re ect the real economic situation and its changes over time. In a broader sense the paper highlights some of the practical di culties, which always arise when interpreting the results of public opinion polls and similar quantitative sociological investigations in this area., Jan Červenka., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
- Rights:
- and policy:public
97. Ekonomizace osobního života - nestáváme se cizinci v našich osobních životech?
- Creator:
- Romana Marková Volejníčková
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- article, recenze, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Globální společnosti. Sociální struktura. Sociální skupiny, gender, 18, and 316.3
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- [autor recenze] Romana Volejníčková.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
98. Ekvivalence a blokové modelování v analýze sociálních sítí
- Creator:
- Diviák, Tomáš
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- article, články, journal articles, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Sociální interakce. Sociální komunikace, sociální interakce, shluková analýza, social interaction, cluster analysis, social network analysis, blockmodeling, relational data, 18, and 316.4/.7
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- The paper presents to Czech social scientists an introductory review of the concept of equivalence and the method of blockmodeling in social network analysis (SNA). After introducing the central concepts of SNA such as node and tie, along with their basic metrics such as centrality and cohesion, I present the concepts of role and position. These are treated by SNA as clusters of nodes with similar ties, something I juxtapose to algorithms to identify cohesive subgroups of nodes. Subsequently, I define and compare the two most frequently applied types of equivalence - structural, which is strict but broadly applicable, and regular, which is more liberal but has limited uses. Structural equivalence builds on a strict definition of similarity of ties, treating as equivalent only such nodes that have the same ties to the same other nodes. Regular equivalence works with looser criteria and better corresponds with both the theoretical and the intuitive notions of role; this, however, is outweighed by the absence of a unique regular-equivalent solution within a network and by the difficulty to process networks with undirected ties. Regular-equivalent nodes are such that have ties to other mutually equivalent nodes. I present examples to demonstrate the differences between both definitions. In the following section, I discuss measurement of similarity between the different nodes’ profiles of ties (e.g., correlation and Euclidean distance) and possible uses of the standard statistical methods of cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling to detect equivalent classes of nodes within networks. After pointing to the weaknesses of these techniques in network data analysis, I present blockmodeling as a method designed specifically to identify roles and positions within networks. Ischematize the blockmodeling procedure and present its basic terms before comparing classic inductive blockmodeling, which is primarily fit for the purposes of exploration and network reduction, with deductive generalized blockmodeling, which is applicable in testing hypotheses about basic structural characteristics of a network. I bring attention to the strengths and weaknesses of both approaches. Relatedly, I present an application of blockmodeling especially for the purposes of simplified network representation, comparing structural patterns across networks, and testing structural theories. In the following section, I demonstrate specific blockmodeling algorithms based on both structural equivalence (CONCOR and Tabu Search optimization) and regular equivalence (REGE and Tabu Search optimization). Then I verify the adequacy of their resulting assignment of positions to nodes using eta coefficient, Q modularity and correlation of the ideal blocked and the empirical adjacency matrices. In the concluding section, I demonstrate the entire blockmodeling procedure on an empirical case of a small network with undirected ties using the UCINET software tool, including interpretation of results. Finally, I reflect the contemporary position of blockmodeling among leading research approaches in SNA, referring to other empirically oriented studies that demonstrate the broad applicability and utility of position analysis., Tomáš Diviák., and Obsahuje použitou literaturu a poznámky
- Rights:
- and policy:public
99. Ekvivalence položek v mezinárodních datech: základní vymezení a možnosti analýzy
- Creator:
- Anýžová, Petra
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- sociologický výzkum, sociological research, cross-national survey research, equivalence, measurement indicators, item comparability, latent variable and multilevel statistical techniques, 18, and 316
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- This article argues that the concept of equivalence is one of the most important methodological aspects of valid and reliable measurement in cross-national survey research. The important topic of survey measure equivalence has not been systematically in Czech social science publications to date and this article hopes to address this gap in the literature. Consequently, the two main goals of this article are (1) to acquaint the reader with techniques that are used to find questions that are interpreted in the same way across countries before data collection and (2) to describe the testing and evaluation of measurement indicators’ equivalence or comparability after data collection. This study presents cognitive approaches to “good” question wording practices, best translation practices and the application of both ‘emic’ (culture specific) and ‘etic’ (culture universal) approaches to survey question design. After data collection a range of statistic techniques are usually employed ranging from basic statistics such as the mean to advanced approaches such as multi-group structural equation modelling, multilevel modelling, latent class modelling and Item Response Theory). This article describes some of these techniques in the context of measurement equivalence and its associated research literature., Petra Anýžová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
- Rights:
- and policy:public
100. Emerging Ideas in Masculinity Research: An Interview with Raewyn Connell by Christian McMahon
- Creator:
- McMahon, Christian and Raewyn Connell
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- article, rozhovory, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Globální společnosti. Sociální struktura. Sociální skupiny, gender, 18, and 316.3
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Christian McMahon, Raewyn Connell. and Obsahuje bibliografii
- Rights:
- and policy:public