The article tracks the journeys of selected American women artists of the second wave of feminist movement on their path through art institutions and their changing relation toward the figure of authority from the position of students to the one of art pedagogues. The text examines sexist conduct and language characteristic of and specific to the environment of art academies and the art world in general. Using the example of Feminist Art Program founded in 1970 by Judy Chicago at the Fresno University, it tries to assess power relations and teacher authority within the context of feminist art pedagogy. Furthermore, the text gives examples of problems encountered by Czech women artists regarding their access to authority. The article is based on a qualitative research and synthesis of interviews with American women artists who at some point of their careers taught studio art and tried to reconsider the authority they embodied., Zuzana Štefková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The transition between foraging and farming represents one of the most discussed topics in human history. This study deals with demographic aspects of farming spread in Central Europe (6th millenium BC). On the theoretical and empirical level and on the basis of demographic modelling, we argue that both south-eastern farmers and local foragers participated on the establishment of farming communities in Central Europe., Patrik Galeta, Jaroslav Brůžek., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The use of significance tests in social sciences is widespread mainly due to simple computation via statistical packages. Unfortunately the more social scientists use statistical significance estimates for making causal inferences the less they appear to understand about this influential concept. Statistical modelling results are usually presented in terms of their statistical significance and little other information is provided. The goal of this article is to show the limits of using statistical significance as a sole means of making inferences; and to present alternative statistical fit indicators readily available within frequentist approach to statistics: confidence intervals, minimum sample size and power analysis. Multiple working hypotheses are also explored together with two well known information criteria - AIC and BIC. This article provides practical information on how to undertake valid and reliable statistical analyses of social science data., Petr Soukup., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Magdala de Gusmão pochází z Brazílie a do Evropy přišla poprvé před šesti lety. V Brazílii absolvovala bakalářská studia v oboru podniková ekonomika – finance a marketing na Fundação Getúlio Vargas a později v oboru finance a marketing na Univerzitě v São Paulo. Pracovala jako profesorka ve Fundação Raimundo Marinho. Dále absolvovala roční kurz sociální ekonomie na Univerzitě Complutense v Madridu. Sdružení ComuniDária založila v lednu 2008 v Lisabonu společně se svým druhým manželem a jeho matkou. ComuniDária je občanské sdružení, které se zasazuje o důstojné pracovní podmínky migrantek v Portugalsku. Protože nejčastějšími pracemi, které migrantky ze třetích zemí v Portugalsku vykonávají, jsou pomocné práce v kuchyni, práce v úklidových firmách, v pohostinství a hlavně domácí práce, stala se ComuniDária na základě těchto okolností občanským sdružením migrantek domácích pracovnic. and Šárka Zelenková.