V článku je popsáno neobvyklé hemisynantropní chování plcha lesního (Dryomys nitedula) v domě v Oderských vrších nedaleko Bílovce (okres Nový Jičín). Zjištěný jedinec si ve dnech 14.-16. srpna vybudoval hnízdo v květináči s dračincem (Dracaena sp.), které bylo tvořeno suchými listy rostliny a ozdobnými krajkami., This article describes an unusual hemisynanthropic behaviour of one individual of the Forest Dormouse (Dryomys nitedula) observed at a house in the Oderské vrchy mountains near Bílovec (Nový Jičín district). On August 14-16, this dormouse built a nest in a flowerpot containing a Dracaena plant out of its dry leaves and also decorative lace., and Patrik Molitor.
V článku se zaměřujeme zejména na aktuální taxonomii, vybrané ekologické novinky a představíme druhy ploštěnek, které lze v České republice nalézt. Text je doplněn jednoduchými určovacími tabulemi pro všechny naše druhy, včetně jednoho skoro zapomenutého endemita., In this article we focus on current taxonomy and ecological behaviour, and we introduce the flatworm species that are found in the Czech Republic. The text is supplemented by simple drawings allowing determination of all Czech species, including a nearly forgotten endemic., and Marie Reslová, Ondřej Simon.
The diversity of lichen flora is presented and compared with the neighbouring count - ries. The main phytogeographic elements are outlined and illustrated with representative examples. Changes in the flora along with the main causal factors are discussed. and Jiří Liška.
Pollination of Sedirea japonica (Orchidaceae) by Bombus diversus diversus (Hymenoptera: Apidae), Kenji Suetsugu, KOji Tanaka., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois, 1818) (tarnished plant bug) is a serious pest of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) in the Delta region as compared to cotton in the Hills region of the state of Mississippi in USA. The reason for this is unclear but it was hypothesized that the plant cell wall degrading polygalacturonase enzyme system in the salivary glands of L. lineolaris from the Delta could be better adapted for cotton, which is grown more predominantly in the Delta region than in the Hills region. Expression analysis of three primary polygalacturonase genes (LlPG1, LlPG2 and LlPG3) was conducted in laboratory reared and field collected populations of L. lineolaris. Assay of polygalacturonase enzyme activity was also conducted to compare wild collected populations. Initial laboratory and field data revealed gene expression differences in sex, age, region, and host plant which guided the direction of our subsequent study during 2013 and 2014. Based on the results of this study, we propose that the three genes studied may not be reflective of the entire polygalacturonase enzyme system and may not be solely responsible for the observed adaptation of L. lineolaris to cotton in the Delta region than in the Hills region. Analyses also revealed that the expression of the three targeted polygalacturonase genes was affected by the host plant from which the insects were collected and that adults had higher polygalacturonase expression than nymphs. Taken together, our results provide strong evidence for developmental stage specific and host plant based change in expression of PG genes in the salivary glands of L. lineolaris. This, however, was not reflected in total polygalacturonase enzyme activity which was not significantly different between regions, hosts, sex, or developmental stage., Daniel Fleming, Natraj Krishnan, Fred Musser., and Obsahuje bibliografii
A number of aphid species have been shown to produce winged dispersal morphs in the presence of natural enemies. Previous studies tested specialized aphid predators such as ladybirds or lacewing larvae. We confronted colonies of pea aphids with the polyphagous rove beetles, Drusilla canaliculata and Tachyporus hypnorum. For both predators we found that the percentage of winged morphs increased in predator-attacked pea aphid colonies compared to a control. The behaviour of the two rove beetles species was noticeably different. D. canaliculata mostly foraged on the ground and rarely on the plant, while T. hypnorum was almost exclusively observed on the plants, causing a higher number of aphids to drop to the ground, which resulted in a stronger increase in winged morph production. Our results clearly show that not only monophagous aphid predators but also more polyphagous insect predators, which include aphids in their diet, can induce aphids to produce winged morphs., Adalbert Balog, Mohsen Mehrparvar, Wolfgang W. Weisser., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Polyploidie je důležitým evolučním mechanismem přispívajícím k biodiverzitě současných ryb a také významným nástrojem v akvakultuře. Tento článek podává přehled o mechanismech vzniku polyploidie a o kauzálním vztahu mezi hybridizačními událostmi a zvýšením stupně ploidie. Uvádí rovněž příklady využití specifických vlastností polyploidů v akvakultuře., Polyploidy is an important evolutionary mechanism contributing to the biodiversity of extant fishes, and it also represents a notable tool in aquaculture. This paper reviews the mechanisms by means of which polyploidy arises and the causal relationship between hybridisation events and elevation of the ploidy level. Utilization of specific traits of polyploids in aquaculture is also discussed., Martin Flajšhans, Petr Ráb., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Během našeho intenzivního výzkumu diverzity bezobratlých živočichů na složištích a odkalištích popílku (pro zjednodušení používáme termín popílkoviště) v České republice jsme na těchto narušených stanovištích zaznamenali množství ohrožených druhů hmyzu a pavouků. Zde představujeme nejvýznamnější nálezy, včetně druhů do té doby považovaných za vyhynulé na našem území. Proto v textu diskutujeme popílkoviště jako důležitá druhotná refugia pro biodiverzity bezobratlých ve střední Evropě., During our intensive research of arthropod diversity at fly ash deposits in the Czech Republic we found numerous threatened species of insects and spiders. A review is made of the most significant records, including species previously considered as extinct nationwide. Consequently, the deposits are discussed as important secondary refuges for Central European biodiversity., and Robert Tropek, Jiří Řehounek.