The Trophic Cascade Theory has been used to explain the organization of herbivorous insect communities in tropical ecosystems. In addition, the insect community associated with a species of plant can also be determined by the geographical distribution and taxonomic isolation of the plant. In this study, the following predictions about the number of herbivores associated with particular host plants were tested: (i) plant species belonging to large taxonomic groups with broad geographical distributions have a higher number, (ii) the abundance of ants negatively affects herbivore insect diversity, (iii) local plant diversity positively affects chewing herbivore diversity and (iv) local abundance of a specific host plant positively affects the diversity of sucking herbivores. The samples of insect herbivores were collected from 32 plants (16 plants of Erythroxylum suberosum and 16 of Qualea parviflora) by beating. A total of 71 ants (13 species) and 158 herbivorous insects (90 species) were collected from these two species of plants. The richness and abundance of the insect herbivores collected from E. suberosum differed from those collected from Q. parviflora. The abundance of ants negatively affected the diversity of sucking insects associated with E. suberosum. In addition, the interaction between the variables total plant richness per plot and ant abundance affected the diversity of chewing insects associated with E. suberosum. The density of Q. parviflora per plot affected the diversity of associated sucking insects. In addition, the interaction of the variables abundance of ants and abundance of Q. parviflora influenced the diversity of chewing insects. Our results indicate that there is no predominance of bottom-up or top-down forces in the organization of herbivorous insect communities in this area of tropical savanna, but the roles of these forces on insect communities are guild-dependent., Juliana Kuchenbecker, Marcílio Fagundes., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Kniha M. Kottelata a J. Freyhofa Handbook of European Freshwater Fishes (Cornol a Berlin 2007) je recenzována s rozsáhlým komentářem a je poukázano na její vpravdě „revoluční“ pojetí. Kniha jasně ukazuje na předtím netušenou velkou diverzitu evropských sladkovodních ryb a dokumentuje existenci téměř 550 původních a 33 nepůvodních druhů ryb, kde každý druh v knize doprovází popis, diagnostické znaky a většinou dokonalé fotografie. Význačným poselstvím knihy je také upozornění na různý stupeň ohrožení u téměř 40 % existujících druhů., The Handbook of European Freshwater Fishes by M. Kottelat and J. Freyhof (Cornol and Berlin 2007) is reviewed with extensive comments showing its indeed “revolutionary” concept. The book clearly demonstrates the previously unexpected great diversity of European freshwater fishes and documents the occurrence of nearly 550 autochthonous and 33 alien species (each species is described, diagnosed, in most cases accompanied by excellent photos). The significant message of the book is also the fact that almost 40 % of recorded species are under various degrees of threat., Petr Ráb., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Předkládaný článek přináší stručný průřez problematiky studia taxonomie štírů rodu Euscorpius. Evropským štírům byla věnována pozornost již od poloviny 18. století. Po bezmála 250 letech zkoumání se tento rod stále nedočkal vyřešení otázky své komplikované taxonomie. Zdá se ovšem, že současné studie kombinující morfologické, genetické a cytogenetické znaky mohou být klíčem pro odhalení skutečné druhové diverzity., This article briefly summarizes the last two and a half centuries of taxonomic research into the European genus of scorpions commonly known as small wood scorpions (Euscorpius). Despite the fact that taxonomists have been focusing on this genus since the mid-18th century, their taxonomy is not yet sufficiently resolved. However, present studies seem to be on the right track, and looking into a combination of morphological, genetic and cytogenetic features may hold the key to revealing the true diversity of the species., and Jana Plíšková.
Pokles kyselé atmosférické depozice od 90. let minulého století a rovněž postupné oteplování klimatu bylo prokazatelně doloženo i pro horské ekosystémy v nejvyšších slovenských pohořích. Výzkumy epigeické aktivity mnohonožek (Diplopoda) v letech 1992-1993, 1997-1998, 2007-2008 a pokračující sledování v současnosti svědčí o rozmanitosti společenstev těchto půdních bezobratlých včetně přítomnosti řady karpatských endemitů v závislosti na odlišném geologickém podloží (žula a vápenec) a typu vegetace. Pozorovaný ústup chladnomilných endemitů i nárůst podílu eurytopních adaptabilních druhů lze dávat do souvislosti s probíhajícími změnami v chemismu půd i změnami klimatu., The decline of acid deposition since the 1990s, together with subsequent climate warming, was confirmed also for mountain ecosystems in the highest Slovak mountains. The study of epigeic activity of millipedes (Diplopoda) in the periods 1992-93, 1997-98 and 2007-08, and continuing recent research refer to the high diversity of their communities including the presence of Carpathian endemic species on different geological bedrocks (granite and limestone) as well as different vegetation covers. The observed decline of cold tolerant endemics and the increasing portion of eurytopic species may be connected with changes in soil chemistry as well as with climate changes., and Karel Tajovský.
Článek představuje dlouhodobý výzkum vodního hmyzu, především jepic (Ephemeroptera), pošvatek (Plecoptera) a chrostíků (Trichoptera), v České republice. V jeho více než stoleté historii jsou určitými milníky období přelomu 19. a 20. stol. a práce F. Klapálka a druhá polovina minulého století, kdy probíhal organizovaný faunistický výzkum vedený V. Landou a M. Zelinkou. Data a materiál nashromážděné během celého tohoto období nyní umožňují provést unikátní porovnání výskytu druhů v současnosti a minulosti na stovkách lokalit po celé České republice. Jeho výsledky přinášejí cenné informace o vývoji společenstev vodního hmyzu., This article presents long-term investigation into aquatic insects, particularly mayflies (Ephemeroptera), stoneflies (Ephemeroptera) and caddisflies (Trichoptera), in the Czech Republic. Within its more than hundred-year history, two milestones can be recognised: the turn of the 20th century with the famous work of F. Klapálek, and the second half of the last century with extended faunistic research conducted by V. Landa and M. Zelinka. The data and material gathered during the entire period enable us to compare species distribution at hundreds of localities covering the whole Czech Republic over the hundred years. The results show valuable information on the development of communities of aquatic insects., and Tomáš Soldán ... [et al.].
Among the semi-natural elements in agricultural landscapes, wildflower strips sown at field margins or within fields are potential habitats for the natural enemies of insect pests. As insects are sensitive to a variety of flower traits, we hypothesized that mixtures with high functional diversity attract and support a higher abundance and species richness of aphid flower visiting predators than mixtures with low functional diversity. During a field experiment, repeated over two years (2014 and 2015) in Gembloux (Belgium), aphid predators (i.e., lacewings, ladybeetles and hoverflies) were pan-trapped in five sown flower mixtures (including a control mixture, with three replicates of each mixture) of low to high functional diversity based on seven traits (i.e., flower colour, ultra-violet reflectance and pattern, start and duration of flowering, height and flower class, primarily based on corolla morphology). In both years, the species of flowering plants in the sown mixtures (i.e., sown and spontaneous flowers) were listed, and the realized functional diversity in each plot calculated. Over the two years, a high functional diversity was not associated with high abundance and richness of aphid predators. Moreover, ladybeetles, which made up the majority of the predators trapped, were more abundant in mixtures with very low or intermediate functional diversity at sowing, especially in 2014. We hypothesize that certain flowers, which were abundant in certain mixtures (and not in those exhibiting the highest functional diversity), attracted predators and were sufficiently abundant to support them. Our results present novel information that could be used for developing flower mixtures that provide effective ecosystem services, such as pest control., Séverin Hatt, Roel Uyttenbroeck, Thomas Lopes, Pierre Mouchon, Julian Chen, Julien Piqueray, Arnaud Monty, Frédéric Francis., and Obsahuje bibliografii
1_n the present study we tested whether long-winged (macropterous) and short-winged (brachypterous) adult females of the firebug Pyrrhocoris apterus (L.) differ in their reproductive capacity and length of life. The following seven physiological markers were measured in these females: lengths of the pre-oviposition period (pre-OP), inter-ovipositon period (inter-OP) and post-oviposition period (post-OP), and the mean number of eggs per batch, total number of eggs, mean total number of egg batches laid and lifespan of the females. The results showed that macropterous and brachypterous females significantly differed in the length of the pre-OP, which was significantly shorter in brachypterous (7.95 ± 1.75 days) than in macropterous females (26.84 ± 9.86 days), but there was no significant difference between the lengths of the inter-OP in brachypterous (4.00–8.79 days) and macropterous (3.00–9.89 days) females. In contrast the length of the post-OP was significantly longer in brachypterous (48.23 ± 30.95 days) than in macropterous females (35.02 ± 17.32 days). Except for the 2nd and 3rd egg batches there was no significant difference between the average numbers of eggs in the other egg batches laid by females of the two wing morphs., 2_Total number of eggs laid by macropterous females during their whole lifespan was not significantly lower (326.47 ± 155.65 eggs) than by brachypterous females (382.82 ± 207.52 eggs), but associated with the lower number of egg batches laid by macropterous (13) than by brachypterous females (19). However, there was no significant difference in the longevity of brachypterous (95.43 ± 41.21 days) and macropterous (93.40 ± 21.18 days) females. The relationship of these results to the reproductive arrest, inactivity of the endocrine gland, corpus allatum, and different levels of adipokinetic hormone in macropterous females is discussed., Radomír Socha., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
An experiment was conducted to compare the predation efficiency of the coccinellids Harmonia axyridis and Coleomegilla maculata on potato plants, Solanum tuberosum, and on a wild aphid-resistant species, Solanum tarijense. Harmonia axyridis females reduced aphid populations more than C. maculata females. Aphid predation by the predators was reduced on S. tarijense compared to S. tuberosum. Coleomegilla maculata spent less time on S. tarijense than on S. tuberosum. Harmonia axyridis spent the same amount of time on both plant species. The plant species did not affect IGP between larvae. Compared to S. tuberosum, the resistant plant offers M. persicae an enemy-free space against both coccinellid predators., Bruno Fréchette ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
There are records of glands that produce sexual pheromones that are released into the environment or applied directly on sexual partners. Within Opiliones (Arachnida), several harvestmen in the suborder Laniatores have sexually dimorphic glands on legs I and IV, the mode of use of which is recorded only in two species but their function is unknown: while walking, males rub the glands against the substrate or against their body. Here we test an alternative and non-exclusive hypothesis that the glands present on the legs of male Gryne perlata (Cosmetidae) produce contact pheromones used in mating. We predicted that males would touch the females with the gland openings or with other male body parts previously rubbed by these glands. We also predicted that there are chemoreceptors on those parts of the females where males touch them. We analyzed 13 videos of G. perlata mating, a species in which the males have glands on legs I and IV of unknown function. We also analyzed 14 videos of Discocyrtus pectinifemur (Gonyleptidae) mating as a control, a species that lacks these glands. Finally, we looked for chemoreceptors on the legs of female G. perlata using a scanning electron microscope. During copulation, males of both species rubbed the legs of females with their first pair of legs, but not with the regions of these legs where the openings of the glands are. The fourth pair of legs were only used to support the body. Rubbing other body parts of the female by males with their glands was not observed during mating. Setae on the legs of the female did not have tip pores and therefore do not seem to be chemoreceptors. We therefore did not find any evidence that these sexually dimorphic glands in G. perlata release contact pheromones during mating., Jéssica M. Dias, Rodrigo H. Willemart., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Former authors claimed that, due to parasites' aggregated distribution, small samples underestimate the true population mean abundance. Here we show that this claim is false or true, depending on what is meant by 'underestimate' or, mathematically speaking, how we define 'bias'. The 'how often' and 'on average' views lead to different conclusions because sample mean abundance itself exhibits an aggregated distribution: most often it falls slightly below the true population mean, while sometimes greatly exceeds it. Since the several small negative deviations are compensated by a few greater positive ones, the average of sample means approximates the true population mean., Jenő Reiczigel, Lajos Rózsa., and Obsahuje bibliografii