This article deals with the issue of pre -election polling and examines the methodological approaches used in pre -election polling in the Czech Republic. Aselection of Czech research agencies is presented and explored, as well as the recommendations of various professional associations. The core of this work examines and compares the methodological approaches used by the Czech agencies CVVM, ppm factum, Median and STEM. The aim of this article is to highlight the differences in the methodological approaches among the Czech agencies and to determine whether these differences could eventually affect the outcomes of pre -election polls., Kristýna Chábová., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Over the course of the past twenty years, a diverse feminist and gender scene has formed in the Czech Republic. It contains academic institutions (Gender & Sociology at the Czech Academy of Science, FSS MU in Brno, FHS UK in Prague), a plethora of NGOs (Gender Studies, o.p.s., Fórum 50%, o.s., proFem, o.p.s., etc.) as well as solitary thinkers and associations (anarchofeminism, DIY culture, zines). The scene engages with feminist theories often coming from a different historical and social context. While this engagement has been partly mapped out (e.g. Kapusta-Pofahl 2002, Kodíčková 2002, Chaloupková 2006, Oates-Indruchová 2011) many topics remain unaddressed. This paper offers a comparison of claims made in literature on the scene with insights from twenty-seven semi-structured interviews with representatives of the Czech feminist scene concerning mainly the theories used and preferred by the research participants interviewed. The goal of the research is to map out topics concerning theories the scene uses. Five of these, the ones most resonant with the literature reviewed, are presented in the paper – self-identification with feminism, typology of feminisms, heterogeneity and a missing debate, sociological mainstream, and provincialism., Blanka Nyklová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Československo resp. Česká republika má dlouholetou tradici v oblastech očkování, přičemž míra proočkovanosti v současné době dosahuje 98-99 %. Zákon zároveň ukládá povinnost podrobení se očkování všem jedincům žijícím na území České republiky. Z hlediska zákona je člověk, který odmítá očkování svého dítěte, v pozici občana/ky dopouštějící/ho se přestupku a ohrožující/ho ochranu veřejného zdraví. Přestože je mnoha odborníky/cemi očkování považováno za jeden z největších úspěchů medicíny, ne všichni členové/ky české společnosti nahlížejí na povinné očkování jako na jednoznačné pozitivum. Tento text se zaměřuje na problematiku kritiky očkování v České republice perspektivou rodičů, kteří takovýto postoj zaujímají. Cílem tohoto textu je představit sociodemografické charakteristiky rodičů, kteří se kriticky staví k očkování, a zároveň diskurzy, které při své argumentaci mobilizují. Text vychází z dotazníkového šetření mezi rodiči, kteří kriticky vystupují vůči praxi očkování. Dotazník byl umístěn na webových stránkách občanského sdružení Rozalio, které představuje nejvýraznější a největší organizaci sdružující rodiče kritické k praxi povinného očkování v ČR. Šetření se zúčastnilo 372 respondentů/tek. Rodiče v dotazníku dostali rovněž prostor vlastními slovy vyjádřit své postoje k očkování a důvody, které je vedly k jeho odmítání či kritice., a1_The Czech Republic and its predecessor, Czechoslovakia, have a long-term tradition of immunization programmes, with a current coverage rate of 98-99%. Vaccination is mandated by law to all individuals living in the territory of the Czech Republic. In legal terms, a person who refuses to have their child vaccinated commits an administrative offence against public health. While many experts consider immunization as one of the greatest achievements of modern medicine, some members of Czech society do not regard compulsory vaccination as a clearly positive phenomenon. This paper focuses on parents’ critical perspectives on immunization in the Czech Republic. Its goal is to present the sociodemographic characteristics of parents with critical attitudes to immunization as well as the argumentative discourses they mobilize. The text is based on a questionnaire survey of parents who are active critics of immunization practice. The questionnaire was published at the website of Rozalio, a leading NGO that mobilizes parents against the practice of compulsory vaccination in the Czech Republic. 372 respondents participated in the survey. Open-ended questions were used to invite the parents to share their attitudes on vaccination and their motivations to refuse or critique the practice. The paper starts by presenting a sociodemographic profile of the parents who participated in the questionnaire survey. The quantitative data presented are not representative and rather provide us with general hints to better understand who the parents against vaccination are. The results indicate that critical debates on the practice of compulsory vaccination are primarily attended by better-educated women living in different parts of the Czech Republic. Subsequently, the central part of the analysis deals with the respondents´ answers to open-ended questions about their motivations to refuse/postpone vaccination. Three distinct ways the parents framed their critical attitudes to vaccination were identified in the analysis. The most salient frame, „biomedical discourse of risk“, exploited the concepts and principles of biomedicine but deviated from the dominant interpretation of immunization as public good, instead emphasizing related individual risks. As opposed to the concept of collective immunity as one of the pillars of general immunization policies and epidemiologic discourses, the parents emphasized the need to take an individual approach and personalize the risk. The second frame, „discourse of holistic health“, was much less salient. Referring to the principles of holistic medicine, it emphasized the role of lifestyle at the expense of medical control of the body. Finally, „activist discourse“ was another less frequently mentioned frame. It argued against vaccination as part of a more general critique of the ways the health care system operates and government interferes with individual freedoms., Jaroslava Hasmanová Marhánková, Jitka Skálová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
This article examines the reliability of statistical models that use visualization of word distances using computer-assisted text analysis. This study looks at the choice of parameters in the COOA - software for word co-occurrence analysis. The word co-occurrence analysis enables visualization of text structure through the exploration of the number of co-occurrences of words. The data visualization provided by a multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) procedure is susceptible to a particular form of error. The nonlinear relationship between words with significantly different frequencies lies at the root of this problem where words with higher frequencies are placed in the middle of a two-dimensional MDS map visualization. Words with lower frequency, on the other hand, are forced by the MDS estimator to the edge of the two-dimensional map and their estimated spatial positions are unstable. These two processes are potentially a major source of error in making inferences. One solution for reducing this source of error is to (a) reduce the number of words in a model or (b) increase of the number of model dimensions. This article, however, suggests that a detailed investigation of the word structure and a thorough analysis of the error sources and their meaningful interpretation may be a better solution., Václav Čepelák., and Obsahuje bibliografii