This article presents translations from the Nobel lectures for physics in 2017 given by all three laureates, who decided to use the same title, but each one focused on different aspects of the discovery. Weiss discussed the early history of gravitational waves and presented the concepts needed to understand the detectors as well as the challenges faced in measuring strains as small as 10-21. Barish describes how the LIGO project was organized to make steady improvements and ultimately carried out a successful scientific program. He describes signal detections as well as ideas of how to improve the detectors. Thorne presented the broader aspects of the new field of gravitational wave astronomy. He described the critical role of numerical relativity simulations and understanding quantum mechanics of precision measurements. He also gave a vision of the science that could come from an investigation of the gravitational wave sky from periods of fractions of milliseconds to tens of billions of years., Rainer Weiss., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
This article presents translations from the Nobel lectures for physics in 2017 given by all three laureates, who decided to use the same title, but each one focused on different aspects of the discovery. Weiss discussed the early history of gravitational waves and presented the concepts needed to understand the detectors as well as the challenges faced in measuring strains as small as 10-21. Barish describes how the LIGO project was organized to make steady improvements and ultimately carried out a successful scientific program. He describes signal detections as well as ideas of how to improve the detectors. Thorne presented the broader aspects of the new field of gravitational wave astronomy. He described the critical role of numerical relativity simulations and understanding quantum mechanics of precision measurements. He also gave a vision of the science that could come from an investigation of the gravitational wave sky from periods of fractions of milliseconds to tens of billions of years., Barry C. Barish., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
This article presents translations from the Nobel lectures for physics in 2017 given by all three laureates, who decided to use the same title, but each one focused on different aspects of the discovery. Weiss discussed the early history of gravitational waves and presented the concepts needed to understand the detectors as well as the challenges faced in measuring strains as small as 10-21. Barish describes how the LIGO project was organized to make steady improvements and ultimately carried out a successful scientific program. He describes signal detections as well as ideas of how to improve the detectors. Thorne presented the broader aspects of the new field of gravitational wave astronomy. He described the critical role of numerical relativity simulations and understanding quantum mechanics of precision measurements. He also gave a vision of the science that could come from an investigation of the gravitational wave sky from periods of fractions of milliseconds to tens of billions of years., Kip S. Thorne., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Na příkladu z oblasti speciální teorie relativity ukazuje příspěvek přirozený vztah aparátu lineární algebry k fyzikálním teoriím. Předkládá elementární postup při odvození tzv. speciální Lorentzovy transformace na úrovni vstupního kursu obecné fyziky v univerzitním studiu fyzikálních, resp. technických oborů a ukazuje, že k tomu zcela stačí pochopení pojmu lineárního zobrazení a zvládnutí rutinních maticových operací. Na problémech souvisejících s pojmy současnosti a soumístnosti, tzv. kontrakce délek a dilatace času ukazuje efektivnost přímé aplikace Lorentzovy transformace oproti obvyklým, takzvaně "názorným" úvahám, které je nevyužívají., This paper shows a natural connection of linear algebra to physics theories on an example of the special theory of relativity. An elementary derivation of the special Lorentz transformation is presented, at the level of a first year university course on general physics, and it is shown that, for such a derivation, understanding of the concept of linear mapping and elementary matrix operations is fully sufficient. The paper also shows an advantage of the application of Lorentz transformation to the problems of length contraction and time dilation, compared to the more usual, supposedly "illustrative" explanations., Jana Musilová,., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The proposed linear particle accelerator, International Linear Collider (ILC) is currently being considered to be hosted in Japan, as the Japanese government is willing to contribute half of the cost. At the same time China plans to build its own large Circular Electron Positron (CEPC) near Beijing. In addition to introducing these two particular projects, this contribution attempts to summarize briefly the current situation in experimental high energy physics (HEP) in Asia., Tomáš Laštovička., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Lipoplexy sú nevírusové prenosové vektory vytvorené interakciou katiónových lipozómov s polyaniónom nuklovej kyseliny. Umožňujú prenos genetického materiálu do bunky. Je možné vytvoriť ideálny prenosový vektor? Článok v krátkosti naznačuje nevyhnutnosť vzájomného prepojenia fyzikálnych experimentálnych metód s biologickými postupmi pri hľadaní odpovede na túto otázku., Lipoplexes are nonviral delivery vectors formed due to the interaction of cationic liposomes with nucleic acid polyanions. They serve as carriers of genetic material to a cell. Is it possible to create an ideal delivery vector? This text introduces the combination of knowledge form two different approaches, namely experimental methods of physics and techniques in biology, in search of this answer., Daniela Uhríková., and Obsahuje použitou literaturu
Lise Meitnerová stála u počátků moderní jaderné fyziky a zasloužila se nemalou měrou o její rozvoj. Její životní osudy jsou obrazem doby, ve které žila. Počátek její vědecké kariéry byl poznamenán nerovnoprávným postavením žen ve společnosti a její konec byl spojen s nástupem nacistů v Německu koncem 30. let. and Vladimír Hnatowicz.