a1_The Miocene Ishim Formation is characterized by a considerable distribution area within the southwestern Siberia. These deposits are highly dispersed and are composed mainly of angular quartz grains of aleuritic and pelitic fractions. The study of the Ishim Formation is of interest both for investigating the origin of the sediments, and for justifying these rocks as a new type of mineral raw material for the local construction materials industry. This paper presents the results of first complex studies of the Ishim Formation deposits from two outcrops Masali and Bigila. The studies included determination of the particle size distribution on the laser particle analyzer, semiquantitative determination of the mineral composition (X-ray diffraction analysis), as well as, determination of contents of sesquioxides (X-ray fluorescence analysis), rare and trace elements (Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry) and measurement of specific surface area. The most representative samples were chosen for petrographic studies. In certain extent these deposits are characterized by quite high degree of homogeneity of the mineral, chemical, and granulometric compositions. The main component is SiO2 (about 70 %); other most important components are Al2O3 (about 14 %) and Fe2O3 (2-5 %). At the same time, deposits of the upper part of the Ishim Formation are depleted in CaO, MnO, MgO, TiO2, and P2O5. This is probably due to the fact that the proportion of clayey minerals in the upper part of the formation is lower than that in the lower one. The contents of trace elements in the Ishim Formation are lower or close to their clarke values in the Earth's crust. This is with the exception of such elements as Eu, Tb, Cr, and Sb, which form a strong anomaly and, to a lesser extent, a number of other elements that is probably related to the tectonic setting during the period of sedimentation., a2_The CIA values vary from 68-70 in the lower unit of the Ishim Formation at the transition to the sandy facies to 75-80 in the upper one, which indicates a moderate weathering of rocks. The results obtained testify to the fact that these deposits were formed under the conditions of degrading shallow water bodies. A distinct geomorphological confinement to boundaries of the Neogene river paleovalleys, continuity, high dispersion and, predominantly, quartz composition allow us to consider these deposits as a promising type of filler for construction materials industry., Alexander O. Konstantinov, Pavel V. Smirnov, Olga B. Kuzmina, Irina V. Khazina, Georgii A. Batalin and Bulat I. Gareev., and Obsahuje bibliografii
This paper investigates the matrix porosity and related properties of a leucocratic granite from the Krudum Massif, West Bohemia. The required samples were obtained from the 30-year old core of borehole KZ-25 (Material Documentation Depositories). In total, nine sample sets were taken from different depth levels within the borehole ranging from 18 m to 108 m. The hydraulic conductivity of the granite matrix was measured using a pressure cell whilst standard methods were employed to determine the dry density, connected porosity and total porosity. The pore size distribution was analysed using mercury porosimetry. The ultrasonic velo cities were measured using a pulse source and oscilloscope. Dynamic Young’s modulus, dynamic shear modulus, Poisson’s ratio, static Young’ s modulus, uniaxial compressive strength and moisture were determined according to measurements of ultrasonic velocities and deformability in uniaxial compression. The morphology and structure of the pore network was studied using high reso lution scanning electron microscopy. The overall porosity values defined by the different porosimetry methods follow the same trends although the absolute values differ according to the specific method. A logarithmic relationship was found to exist between hydraulic conductivity and porosity within the granite matrix. In addition, a slight depth dependence was noted in the porosity, hydraulic conductivity, bulk density, and ultrasonic velocities of the granite matrix. The SEM images have allowed precise mapping and detailed de scription of the pore network., Lucie Nováková, Karel Sosna, Milan Brož, Jan Najser and Petr Novák., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
A mineralogical study of the weathering crusts rich in P and Mn from the locality Hodušín - Božetice at Milevsko is presented. The locality belongs to the central part of the variegated group of Sušice and Votice in the Moldanubian Unit. From the analytical methods used, the IR-spectroscopy yielded satisfactory results. The main crust components subjected to weathering are apatite (of a CarHap B - dahllite type) and Mn-minerals (massive black psilomelane, the needle-aggregates probably comprise a poorly recrystallized psilomelane). Disintegrated rocks consist of a mixture of clay minerals, calcite and relicts of primary minerals (quartz, K-feldspars, albite, pyroxene and rutile). The origin and the source material of these crusts rich in P and Mn can not be unambiguously determined. Apatites without CL-effects indicate that the weathering crusts have originated in a strongly oxidative environment. Well documented neighbouring occurrences of phosphate minerals in the variegated group of Sušice and Votice are associated with graphitic rocks. Optical and quantitative chemical analyses of the rocks suggest that the source of apatite could possible be calc-silicate rocks (erlans) close to the graphitic rocks. Hypothetically, the metaphosphorite layers in the variegated Moldanubian Unit can also be considered a possible source of phosphorus., M. Brož, M. Kovářová, Z. Losos, M. Linhartová and V. Vávra., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The paper presents a method for measuring relative displacements of rock blocks on the basis of recorded images of prototype plate targets measurement. The developed measuring targets, after deposition on the surveyed object (for example rock blocks) act as control points, which represent the behavior of the object over time. Two types of targets ware constructed: passive (appropriately chosen figure) and active (respectively arranged fiber targets). The paper presents preliminary results of work in the laboratory using a calibrated semi-metric camera (Canon D5 Mark II - SLR camera with a CMOS 21 million pixels sensor), two passive targets, geodetic engineering tripod, micrometric simulator of shifts and Leica TC1800 total station. During the experimental work one of the targets was set on a tripod, and the other placed on the total station telescope set on the observation pillar. While taking a series of images the first target was fixed, while the other was moved and rotated. The displacements were made with a micrometric table in two mutually perpendicular directions XY in the horizontal plane, and by simulated rotation of the horizontal wheel and vertical wheel of the total station (rotation of the instrument by the adjusting screws). Using the principles of close-range mono-photogra mmetry from automatic measurement of the recorded images of both plate targets, the values of displacements and rotations were compared with the references., Piotr Gołuch, Kazimierz Ćmielewski, Janusz Kuchmistera and Krzysztof Kowalski., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The mountain type of climate, which is typical for the Sudety Mountains, is well known for its rapid and frequent changes in pressure, temperature and humidity. The fluctuations in meteorological parameters cause fast changes of the tropospheric delay, as a correlated value, and in consequence difficulties in GPS heights determination. The tropospheric delay is a function of the meteorological parameters obtained directly from synoptic stations and models. The paper presents the procedure of tropospheric delay estimation on the European Permanent Network and International GNSS Service (EPN/IGS) stations, using meteorological observations from synoptic stations (Wrocław Airport, Śnieżka) of the Polish Meteorology Service (IMGW), stations (Cervena, Praha-Kbely) of the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMU), and sensors mounted close to the antennas of the permanent GNSS stations (BISK, SNEC, WROC, GOPE). The values obtained from Global Pressure and Temperature (GPT) model were bases for the meteorological data calibration at EPN/IGS stations. The tropospheric delay (Zenith Total Delay - ZTD) on EPN/IGS stations was obtained from Saastamoinen formula and compared with ZTD from EPN solutions., Witold Rohm and Jarosław Bosy., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The article introduces the results achieved in the creation of feasible assemblies of NdFeB magnets assembled following an already published design of a practical arrangement of magnets derived from an ideal magnetization pattern, leading to the strongest possible stray field at a remote point. It presents a method of the implementation of these assembled sets and the relevant measured dependences of magnetic induction By = f(y) and By = f(x) including their comparison with already published dependences determined by a simulation. It further presents similar dependences of magnetic induction found in the case of a trial magnetic circuit with large blocks from NdFeB magnets, and these dependences are compared both with the mentioned computer-determined dependences and the dependences measured with the corresponding implemented assembly of magnets., Václav Žežulka and Pavel Straka., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Modal composition and grain-size characteri stics, physical and mechanical propertie s of three samples of Archean gneisses of the Kola series from the depths of 6.8 to 8.4 km of the Kola Superdeep Borehole (KSDB-3) and two collections of their surface analogues were analysed. On the basis of a comparison of the petrographic characteristics of the borehole samples and analogues, it was found that not all analogues are equivalents of corresponding core samples completely. Mechanical properties of core samples are affected by depth of the core sample position in the borehole. This work forms part of the research in the frame of the INTAS Project No.314 "Geodynamics in the cross-section of the Kola superdeep"., Jiřina Trčková, Vladimír Šrein, Martin Šťastný and Roman Živor., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Based on experimental studies using the “integral velocity index of the vertical displacement of the territory” and criterion of generalized seismicity, a close functional relationship was found between two parameters of different physical nature: seismic activity and altitude displacements of the Earth’s surface in Europe. The mathematical correlation between the generalized parameters of the velocity altitude displacements on the territory and seismic activity is established according to seismic and GNSS stations for the period from 2000-2011 for the areas in Europe with close correlation between seismicity and velocity of vertical movements of the Earth’s surface. and Tretyak Kornyliy, Romaniuk Volodymyr.
In the near future, hydrogen will become an important fuel which may be able to resolve local problems connected with air quality. Hydrogen-propelled transport means are being developed and are already used in the automobile industry. Since the combustion of hydrogen does not produce any emissions of carbon oxides but only water, hydrogen is considered as a key fuel of the future. Hydrogen is abundantly present all over space and can be obtained from a number of resources, be they renewable or non-renewable. Global production has so far been dominated by hydrogen production from fossil fuels, with the most significant contemporary technologies being the reforming of hydrocarbons, pyrolysis and co-pyrolysis. Plasma cracking is still in the developmental stage. The preferred method of hydrogen production on an industrial scale is steam reforming of natural gas for its low operational and production costs. When the operational costs of steam reforming and partial oxidation are compared, partial oxidation seems to be a more acceptable process, but the subsequent shift makes this process more expensive. Pyrolysis processes have acceptable investment costs and besides the production of hydrogen also satisfactory yields of oils. Two-stage co-pyrolysis is suitable considering its acquisition of a high amount of hydrogen from mixed charges. It is apparent that the co-pyrolysis of organic materials with coals is a process for hydrogen production capable of competing. It can therefore play a significant role in the future., Olga Bičáková and Pavel Straka., and Obsahuje bibliografii