Prof. Jiří Velemínský was in particular an extraordinary and enthusiastic scientist. He was one of the first who investigated botanical genetics on the molecular level, thus he is regarded as founder of this research field in the Czech Republic. Prof. Jiří Velemínský was an excellent organizer of Czech research activities and also he was an outstanding personality. He died 23 February 2008. and Helena Illnerová.
Portrét amerického fyzika, který získal v r. 2009 Nobelovu cenu za vynález zobrazovacího polovodičového obvodu - CCD senzoru. and Rubrika: Nobelova cena za fyziku
The study maps the as-yet unknown beginnings of the life and career of Pavel of Janovice, archdeacon of Prague, from whose activity a visitation protocol of 1379-1382 has been preserved. Those were connected with Cardinal Pietro Corsini, legate at the court of Charles IV in 1363-1364. In 1371, Pavel became a cardinal´s familiar; he acquired a doctorate in law at the university in Avignon in 1372. He was likely the one who took the official letter on the second papal election of 1378 and with that a personal letter from Corsini to Charles IV. After his arrival in Prague, Pavel used his earlier expectative and acquired the just vacated dignity of the Prague Chapter and began to visit as the archdeacon already in October of that year. A return to his cardinal was prevented by Corsini´s remaining in obedience to Avignon, whereas Bohemia remained in Roman obedience. and Zdeňka Hledíková.
von Friedrich Grabenhorst, Pod názvem: zum hundertsten Jahresgedenktage der Ankunft Goethes zu seinem ersten Kuraufenthalte
in Teplitz (6. Aug. 1810), Tištěno frakturou, and Rozpadlá vazba ULG001:3148038753