Botanická zahrada v Rio de Janeiru je zajímavým východiskem k pozorování bromeliovitých rostlin. Nachází se v oblasti obzvláště bohaté na zástupce čeledi Bromeliaceae. Zvláštní kapitola je věnována robustním druhům rodu Alcantarea a jejich ekologii. Je zmíněn slavný zahradní architekt Roberto Burle Marx, který uvedl druh Alcantarea imperialis do svých věhlasných zahradních aranžmá., The Botanical Garden of Rio de Janeiro is an interesting starting point for observation of bromeliads. It is located in an area particularly rich in species of the family Bromeliaceae. An emphasis is given to robust species of the genus Alcantarea and their ecology. Roberto Burle Marx, a famous garden and park designer, is mentioned because he introduced the species A. imperialis in his well-known garden arrangements., and Miloslav Studnička.
The flora of the CR harbours 48 endemic (sub)species of vascular plants (plus 26 taxa considered as near-endemic). Most of them occur above the timberline in the High Sudetes Mts. while others are restricted to lowland habitats with specific edaphic or topographic features (serpentine outcrops, calcareous fens, rocks in steep river valleys). Apomicts clearly prevail (49 taxa, especially Hieracium and Sorbus). All endemics are evolutionarily young (neoendemics) and their origin is mostly associated with the Quaternary climatic oscillations. and Jan Suda, Zdeněk Kaplan.