Orychophragmus violaceus, Brassica campestris cv. Chuanyou No.8, and Brassica juncea cv. Luzhousileng diurnal changes of net photosynthetic rate (PN) and activities of carbonic anhydrase (CA) of leaves were studied. One uni-modal curve occurred at the diurnal changes of PN in O. violaceus, but bimodal curves were found in B. campestris and B. juncea. Thus photosynthetic midday depression was not found in O. violaceus but in both Brassica species. Midday depression of PN in O. violaceus was not related to high temperature or low humidity at midday but to the activity of CA. and Y. Y. Wu ... [et al.].
On the basis of values from literature it was established that photosynthetically used radiation (PUR) amounts to 6 % of absorbed radiant energy in cabbage (producer of high yields), 3.5 % in sugar beet leaves, and 2.6 % in tobacco leaves. PUR of these species did not depend on irradiance in a wide range from 22 to 287 W m-2.