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12. Merleau-Pontyho pojetí těla jako pole strukturace a jeho ontologický význam
- Creator:
- Halák, Jan
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Merleau-Ponty, Edmund Husserl, body (corps), flesh (chair), perception, Maurice ontology, and phenomenology
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Merleau-Ponty’s analyses of the pathology of perception show “objctive” and “subjective” events have sense for the living body only in relation to its whole equilibrium, that is, to how it organises itself overall and how it thus “meets” those events. If we apply this conception to Husserl’s example of two mutually-touching hands of one body we must then state not that we perceive here a coincidence of certain subjective sensations with certain objective qualities, but rather that my body, in the sense of an object, results from a restructuralisation of the whole field of the body accomplished by the body as the performer of perceptual intentions. The body-object, and for the same reasons also the body-subject, is therefore the product of the analysis of the body in the sense of a field of structuralisation or polarisation, not its original phenomenological “stratum”, as in Husserl. If the body grasps itself as perceptible only by a change of its own structure, inasmuch as it is a certain field of structuralisation, then an “external” thing, which is likewise a pole of such grasping, must belong to the same ontological “field” as the body. Merleau-Ponty’s “flesh”, that is the circularity between questioning of perception and answering of the perceived, is thus a phenomenon taking place beyond the boundary of the body as a singular being. This fact allows the concept of flesh to be extended and to be understood as an “element”, that is, as a dimension in which individual beings only appear
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ and policy:public
13. Primát vizuální zkušenosti při výkladu prostorové povahy zvuků v Husserlových přednáškách "Ding und Raum"
- Creator:
- Nitsche, Martin
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- Edmund Husserl, phenomenology of space, auditory perception, sonic localization, and primacy of visuality
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- The study critically analyzes Husserl’s interpretations of spatiality in his lectures from 1907, titled “Ding und Raum”. It seeks reasons why these lectures concentrate almost exclusively on visual perception and do not consider the constituting of space by means of auditory perception. He finds these reasons both in the ambivalent interpretation of location (i.e., the insufficiently considered relationship between localization and position) and in the not fully reflected upon conviction that sight is more important for a person in relation to the surrounding environment than is hearing. The study points out the possibility of applying Husserl’s formulated “method of layers” in the course of phenomenological research to sonic environments (assuming the rejection of the primacy of visuality in the interpretation of human experience). and Studie kriticky analyzuje Husserlovy výklady prostorovosti v přednáškách Ding und Raum (1907). Hledá důvody, proč se tyto přednášky soustředí téměř výhradně na vnímání zrakem a není zohledněna konstituce prostoru pomocí sluchového vnímání. Tyto důvody spatřuje jednak v ambivalentním výkladu umístění (tj. nedostatečně promyšleném vztahu mezi lokalizací a polohou) a jednak v ne zcela reflektovaném přesvědčení, že zrak je pro člověka ve vztahu k okolnímu prostředí důležitější než sluch. Studie upozorňuje na možnost aplikace Husserlem formulované „metody vrstev“ při fenomenologickém výzkumu zvukových prostředí (za předpokladu odmítnutí primátu vizuality při výkladu lidské zkušenosti).
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ and policy:public