A good knowledge of hydraulic characteristics, particularly the retention curves, of the applied materials is necessary when studying the efficiency of a capillary barrier or numerically simulating flow of water in its layers. The main difficulties of their measurements originate in the fact that the coarse-grained soils of capillary barriers come from the state of residual moisture to the state of saturation within relatively small interval of pressure head. Hence, it is necessary to carry out the measurements in very fine steps of pressure head. Four materials of two capillary barriers are investigated in this paper. The tension apparatus according to Havlíček and Myslivec was used to measure their retention curves. Both branches of retention curves were measured in order to obtain data suitable for taking hysteresis into account. The method is described and the results are presented. Subsequently, the hydraulic characteristics of the materials are determined and their impact to the capillary barriers efficiency is investigated. The barriers were compared from the viewpoint of their efficiency using the measured data and tipping trough measurements made elsewhere. Explanation of the found differences was suggested and the effect of hysteresis was discussed., Dagmar Trpkošová and Jiří Mls., and Obsahuje bibliografii
We study the efficiency of individual stations of the CRL seismic network in recording the seismic activity in the western Gulf of Corinth, Greece. The stations are located on both the northern and southern coast of the Gulf. The study is based on 5027 earthquakes recorded in 2001, separated into three groups, the southern, central and the northern one. The events were located using the HYPO71PC algorithm. It is shown that the stations significantly differ in their monitoring ability., Jaromír Janský, Jiří Zahradník and Vladimír Plicka., and Obsahuje bibliografii
This paper represents the Romanian contribution in the frame of the European Co-operation "COST ACTION 625" and it is centered on an electromagnetic methodology for the natural hazard assessment due to both the seismic events and associated active faults which are considered to be sources of the most significant landslides in the Subcarpathian area (Romania). This methodology was established according to the geotectonic features of the seismic-active Vrancea zone and Provita de Sus landslide area. Subsequently, a specific approach regarding the electromagnetic precursory parameters, selected according to the temporal invariability criterion for a 2D geoelectric structure in non-seismic condition, taking into consideration their daily mean distribution versus intermediate depth seismic events recorded simultaneously, was elaborated. A similar electromagnetic technique conveying to additional parameters and models concerning the evolution in time of the landslide phenomena was also imposed, so that a disaster forecasting become possible., Dumitru Stanica and Maria Stanica., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The evolution of soil cover in the area of Litovel has been determined on the basis of grain-size distribution, mineralogy of clay fraction, chemical and micromorphological analyses. The object of the present study was a chronosequence of soils in Pleistocene sediments. Paleopedological data indicate that the area underwent environmental changes including several cycles of pedogenesis. This area provides evidence of at least two first-order warm periods. The highest degree of polygenesis can be demonstrated by Braunlehm-like Parabraunerde (PK V - Late Holstein Interglacial) and Chernozem which evolved from Haplic Luvisols (PK IV - warm period within the Riss glacial). The upper part of the profile documents different types of pedosediments which indicate erosion processes., Anna Žigová and Martin Šťastný., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
This paper contains the studies of the noise level in GPS (Global Positioning System) time series. As the data for this research the authors used changes of the geodetic coordinates of the ASG-EUPOS and associated (Slovak and Czech) sites. The method of precise GPS observations processing in short-time intervals was worked out in the Centre of Applied Geomatics, Military University of Technology. The authors focus on the diurnal and sub-diurnal frequency bands (tidal) as the tidal effects influence the sites’ positions at the most and the model used in the standard processing software does not contain geodetic coefficients. Thus the residual values of the geodetic coordinates time series should hold some information in the shape of coloured noise. The paper comprise short description of the Earth tides phenomenon, the concept of the tidal parameters determination, character of the white and coloured noise and the assessment of the noise estimation from GPS data. As the processed network contains 130 sites the spatial distribution of the noise’s parameters is also investigated., Janusz Bogusz and Bernard Kontny., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The stressed state of the rock mass in the area of the Outokumpu deep drill hole, Finland, was investigated by the boundaryelement method in three mutually orthogonal planes with regard for the massif geological structure. It was found that subhorizontal components of the stress field are determined by tectonic forces acting on the boundaries of the European part of the Eurasian lithospheric plate. In the drill hole vertical section the widest variations of this field gradient occur at the depths of an ophiolite sequence in the range of 1.8-2.0 km., Stepan Savchenko and Feliks Gorbatsevich., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Formulas for full seismic moment tensor composition are present, i.e. moment tensor is express as a function of ISO, CLVD, DC, strike, dip, rake, where ISO is amount of isotropic part, CLVD is amount of compensated liner-vector dipole and DC is amount of pure double couple. Two forms of final formulas are given: i, two matrixes multiplication, ii, extension of "classical" formulas for 6 independent moment tensor elements., Petr Kolář., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The paper presents the results of experimental examination of the weathering grade of granite rock mass in the medieval Jeroným Mine (Czech Republic). This mine is declared as a cultural heritage site of the Czech Republic therefore, non-destructive methods for determination of the Schmidt hammer rebound value and the ultrasonic pulse velocity were used to minimize negative impact on the historical workings during in situ exploration. Weathering grade of selected parts of the rockmass in underground spaces was classified visually according to the assumed classification (Hencher and Martin, 1982 in Vahed et al., 2009) and the above mentioned measurements were performed in these parts. Results show that the rebound value and the ultrasonic pulse velocity are decreasing with increasing weathering grade for all investigated parts. Therefore this result is possible to use as a supplementary method for evaluation of weathering grade of rock massif in this mine., Markéta Lednická and Zdeněk Kaláb., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The development of an elevation frame requires a movement model of the Earth's crust. Currently, regardless of the existence of ASG-EUPOS, it seems that the most reasonable approach is to use the model developed from the levelling data. In Poland three maps of vertical crustal movements were developed on the basis of levelling data. The most recent version was published in 2006. In the above mentioned elaborations, the vertical crustal movements were calculated from two subsequent first order levelling campaigns. The results of all four levelling campaigns in Poland were accumulated and digitalized to include more data. The colocation method was used to develop the model. The graphical representation was made with triangulation and linear interpolation. One unified database was developed on the basis of collected and unified data set of unadjusted observations. The first trials of common use of the three first order levelling campaigns were performed in 2008. However the available levelling data was not complete. The goal of this paper is to evaluate the usefulness of the data from the last three campaigns of precise levelling for the development of vertical movement model in Poland., Kamil Kowalczyk and Jacek Rapinski., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The observation network was built for the repeated determination of spatial position of points by means of the GPS method. It was built on the surface above extracted mining panels near Karviná, to monitor the development of subsidence depression in non-trivial geo-mechanical conditions. Two years of repeated surveying gave us the information about the process of creating of the subsidence depression in such area. The results gained so far show the important influence of the complicated tectonic situation on the behaviour of surface subsidence. A smooth development of subsidence depression without important irregularities was found out on sites without tectonic faults, while on sites where rock mass is disturbed with tectonic faults, the shape of subsidence depression is very irregular., Hana Doležalová, Vlastimil Kajzar, Kamil Souček and Lubomír Staš., and Obsahuje bibliografii