An S-closed submodule of a module M is a submodule N for which M/N is nonsingular. A module M is called a generalized CS-module (or briefly, GCS-module) if any S-closed submodule N of M is a direct summand of M. Any homomorphic image of a GCS-module is also a GCS-module. Any direct sum of a singular (uniform) module and a semi-simple module is a GCS-module. All nonsingular right R-modules are projective if and only if all right R-modules are GCS-modules., Qingyi Zeng., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
A subgroup H of a finite group G is said to be ss-supplemented in G if there exists a subgroup K of G such that G = HK and H ∩ K is s-permutable in K. In this paper, we first give an example to show that the conjecture in A.A. Heliel’s paper (2014) has negative solutions. Next, we prove that a finite group G is solvable if every subgroup of odd prime order of G is ss-supplemented in G, and that G is solvable if and only if every Sylow subgroup of odd order of G is ss-supplemented in G. These results improve and extend recent and classical results in the literature., Jiakuan Lu, Yanyan Qiu., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
We study the arithmetic properties of hyperelliptic curves given by the affine equation y^{2} = x^{n} + a by exploiting the structure of the automorphism groups. We show that these curves satisfy Lang’s conjecture about the covering radius (for some special covering maps)., Kevser Aktaş, Hasan Şenay., and Obsahuje seznam literatury