Composer and actor Eman Fiala with his cousin, conductor Jiří Julius Fiala, on Bohumil Veselý's balcony. Eman Fiala in various roles, dancing at a ball, and conducting an orchestra.
František Fiala, better known by his stage name Ferenc Futurista, in Učitel orientálních jazyků (The Oriental Language Teacher, dir. Olga Rautenkrauzová and Jan S. Kolár, 1918). Studies of facial expressions by actor Ferenc Futurista captured by Bohumil Veselý. Futurista with actress Betty Kyslíková during the shooting of Proč se nesměješ (Why Aren´t You Laughing?, dir. Eman Fiala, 1922). Ferenc Futurista with his wife (actress Anna Filípková Ferencová), his brother Eman Fiala, his wife and their daughter Milena, and R. A. Dvorský on Bohumil Veselý's balcony.