Long-term geotechnical monitoring of crack and fissure movements in slope deformations, historical buildings, as well as underground objects in Slovakia, provided results that bear evidence of movement trends, as well as of present tectonic unrest. The results were subject to an analysis regarding anomalies in movements that would verify activity of a specific geodynamic process. Such a process was detected recently in the Bohemian Massif and evidenced even in other European countries, north as well as south of the Alps. The process began by a tectonic pressure pulse and followed by a phase of increased geotectonic activity. The search for signs identifying this process on the Slovak territory which belongs to a different geological unit than the Bohemian Massif was successful. This is further evidence that the process in question is of a very deep foundation. The investigations proved successful long-term outdoor operation of TM71 crack gauges working on the principal of mechanical interference between optical grids. A thirty year long record was even reached. A useful function of the gauge which allows for supplementary data about angular deviations in faults has been found useful in the analysis. The data indicate affinity of the process to a large global disturbance in the Earth crust., Ľubomír Petro, Blahoslav Košťák, Josef Stemberk and Ján Vlčko., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Changes in runoff parameters are very important for Slovakia, where stream-flow discharges, being supplied by precipitation and groundwater runoff, are preferentially influenced by climatic conditions. Therefore, teleconnections between runoff parameters, climate parameters and global atmospheric drivers such as North Atlantic Oscillation, Southern Pacific Oscillation, Quasi-biennial oscillation and solar activity were studied in the Nitra River Basin, Slovakia. Research was mostly based on records of 80 years (1931-2010) for discharges and baseflow, and 34 years for groundwater heads. Methods of autocorrelation, spectral analysis, cross-correlation and coherence function were used. Results of auto-correllograms for discharges, groundwater heads and base flow values showed a very distinct 11-year and 21-year periodicity. Spectrogram analysis documented the 11-year, 7.8-year, 3.6-year and 2.4-year periods in the discharge, precipitation and air temperature time series. The same cycles except of 11-years were also identified in the long-term series of the North Atlantic Oscillation and Southern Pacific Oscillation indices. The cycle from approximately 2.3 to 2.4-years is most likely connected with Quasi-biennial oscillation. The close negative correlation between the North Atlantic Oscillation winter index and the hydrological surface and groundwater parameters can be used for their prediction within the same year and also for one year in advance.
Chromosome numbers for 239 plants from 84 localities in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Germany and Poland are given. Most of the populations were pentaploid (2n = 45), while hexaploid (2n = 54) and tetraploid (2n = 36) populations were rarer. A long marker chromosome was observed in plants from 8 pentaploid populations. Tetraploid plants occurred mainly in Slovakia and Hungary. In the Czech Republic and Germany, most populations were pentaploid. Hexaploid populations (2n = 54) were rare but scattered over the entire study area. The co-occurrence of two different cytotypes was documented at 7 sites. Most tetraploids were fully sexual and only a few tetraploid plants from Poland were apomictic; pentaploid and hexaploid plants were apomictic. Two morphotypes of H. bauhini were distinguished: tetraploid and hexaploid plants from Slovakia and Hungary, and some hexaploid plants from the Czech Republic were assigned to the H. magyaricum group, while tetraploids and hexaploids from the Czech Republic and Poland plus all pentaploids belong to the H. bauhini group.
Jezerní sedimenty jsou ideálním přírodním archivem, který zachycuje minulé změny nejen samotného jezera, ale i okolního prostředí. Jsou zároveň jedinečné tím, že se v nich zachovávají zbytky těl různých organismů, z čehož lze zrekonstruovat druhové složení celého jezerního ekosystému. Zjištěné druhy nám také poskytují informace o životním prostředí v minulosti. Díky postupnému usazování jezerního sedimentu v průběhu holocénu tak můžeme zaznamenat nejen dlouhodobý vývoj rostlinných společenstev, ale i přírodních podmínek v horizontu tisíců let. V jezeře Šúr se během pozdního glaciálu vyskytovaly vodní rostliny rdesty, stolístky a parožnatky. Od časného holocénu se začaly objevovat na živiny a teplo náročnější druhy, jako např. šejdračka bahenní či růžkatce a během středního holocénu v jezeře expandovala kotvice plovoucí a lekníny. Na konci středního holocénu a během pozdního holocénu postupně došlo k zaplnění jezera organickým materiálem a vzniku ostřicové slatiny a posléze olšového lesa., Lake sediments are natural archives of past changes not only in the lake itself, but also in its surroundings. They preserve remains of numerous organisms, from which the species composition of the entire lake ecosystem can be reconstructed, providing information about the past environment. Thanks to gradual deposition of sediment in the lake Šúr (western Slovakia) during the Holocene period, both the long-term development of plant communities and the environmental conditions over thousands of years can be reconstructed. During the succession, aquatic communities were replaced by sedge fen and alder forest., and Anna Potůčková.
Movements, home-range size and habitat use of the European wolf (Canis lupus) are described in the Slovak Carpathians. The study was carried out in 1994–2002 in two national parks of central Slovakia. In the Tatry National Park we monitored for 11 months an adult male associated with a pack of 7. In the Nízke Tatry National Park we radio-tracked an adult female for 82 months (1995–2002). Over the course of the study the pack size in the Nízke Tatry ranged from 2 to 7 members. In this park the most intensive telemetry was conducted from 1996 to 1997 when the radio-tagged female reared her offspring. Home – ranges of radio-collared wolves calculated for the whole period of radio – tracking (MCP with 100 % of observations) were 146 km2 (male) and 191 km2 (female), respectively. Extraterritorial forays were not observed. Core areas of the home – ranges estimated by the Kernel method (50 % of locations), were small (21 km2: male; 28 km2: female) and overlapped mainly with the forest habitats heavily used by red deer (Cervus elaphus). The size of territory used in summer was 24 % – 49 % smaller than in winter.
Regional frequency analysis of heavy precipitation amounts based on the estimation of the parameters of a regional distribution function using L-moments is adopted for the specific geographical-climatological settings of Slovakia. The paper focuses on the first step of the regional L-moment algorithm (Hosking, Wallis, 1997), which is the delineation of homogeneous regions. Objective and process-based logical pooling techniques are used to form homogeneous pooling groups of rainfall gauging stations for regional frequency analysis of k-day precipitation amounts (k = 1 to 5 days). Even though the delineation of homogeneous regions by means of objective methods is generally accepted and recommended in the literature, it is concluded here that such a pooling of similar sites should not be carried out automatically in precipitation analysis. Instead, a combination of physical/geomorphological considerations and objective methods should be preferred. and Článok sa zaoberá regionálnou frekvenčnou analýzou mimoriadnych úhrnov zrážok, ktorá je založená na odhade parametrov regionálneho rozdelenia pravdepodobnosti pomocou L-momentov a ktorá sa aplikuje v špecifických geograficko-klimatických podmienkach Slovenska. Článok je užšie zameraný na prvý krok tzv. regionálneho L-momentového algoritmu (Hosking, Wallis, 1997), ktorým je vyčlenenie homogénnych regiónov pre k-denné úhrny zrážok (k = 1 až 5). Na formovanie homogénnych zoskupení klimatologických a zrážkomerných staníc sa použila objektívna aj subjektívna (logická) metodika. Napriek tomu, že odborná literatúra všeobecne uznáva a odporúča použiť objektívne postupy na vyčlenenie homogénnych regiónov, v štúdii sme usúdili, že by sa vo frekvenčnej analýze úhrnov zrážok navzájom podobné stanice nemali vyčleňovať automaticky. Namiesto toho odporúčame, aby sa k tomuto účelu použila kombinácia objektívnych postupov, resp. úvah založených na fyzicko-geografických charakteristikách krajiny
In the present study hybridization between the decaploid Cardamine enneaphyllos and hexaploid C. glanduligera (both previously assigned to Dentaria) was examined. The study area was located in the West Carpathians in Slovakia, where the distribution ranges of the putative parental species overlap, and they occur sympatrically. The putative hybrid C. ×paxiana was studied in many localities in terms of its morphological variation, pollen fertility and PCR-RFLP patterns. Prior to analyses hybrid individuals were tentatively determined based on three morphological characters reported as diagnostic: flower colour, presence of glands on leaves and length of rhizome internodes. Such tentative hybrid identification was confirmed by strongly decreased pollen fertility and an additive restriction pattern in the nuclear ITS region. The possible sources of the substantial morphological variation of hybrids, revealed by morphometric analyses, are discussed. Based on the results of the PCR-RFLP analysis of cpDNA, bidirectional hybridization occurred, although C. enneaphyllos was usually the maternal parent. Geographic distribution and sterility of hybrid individuals suggest that they are repeatedly generated from crosses between the parental species, and represent F1 or early generation hybrids maintained by vegetative reproduction.
The long-term mortality conditions in Slovakia significantly lagged for demographically most advanced European countries. Mortality is one of the two main demographic processes which in the context of demographic transition undergone significant changes. The interbellum period constitutted for the population development and reproductive behaviour in Slovakia one of the most important developmental period. it is the period in which continued and deepened considerably significant quantitative and qualitative changes in the process of mortality. The aim of this paper is to analyze intensity and character of mortality in Slovakia in interwar period and to describe their changes and development. Special attention is paid to the level and character of infant mortality, differential analysis by age, sex, nationality, religion and causes of death., Branislav Šprocha, Pavol Tišliar., and Obsahuje bibliografii