Maternal care within the treehopper subfamily Centrotinae has been considered a rare trait. We present observations on maternal care and nymphal behaviour made in 16 rain forest plots in Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah, Borneo, from 1996 to 1998. Females of 11 Centrotinae morphospecies from the tribes Centrocharesini (Centrochares Stål), Gargarini (Ebhul Distant), and Hypsaucheniini (Gigantorhabdus Schmidt, Hybandoides Distant, Pyrgauchenia Breddin, Pyrgonota Stål) produced egg clutches and guarded them. Maternal care was restricted to egg-guarding in all species. Pyrgonota ?bulbosa Buckton eggs hatched successively over a couple of days and females deserted their clutches when most, but not all, 1st instar nymphs had hatched. Nymphs of egg-guarding species lived gregariously and/or by subaggregating, as did some non-guarding species. Leptobelus dama Germar, Gargara semibrunnea Funkhouser, and two Tricentrus Stål spp. were solitary as nymphs and adults.
The aim of this paper is to investigate the influence of COM (Cellular Organic Matter) produced by Microcystis aeruginosa on the process of water purification by destabilisation and subsequent aggregation of the impurity particles. The research was carried out with a raw water into which COM was added. The removal efficiency of the most significant components of COM, i.e. polysaccharides and proteins, was investigated. It was found that the removal efficiency of polysaccharides and proteins was dependent on the reaction conditions (pH, type of destabilisation reagent and its dosage). The removal efficiency of COM was relatively low. It was about 46% and 41% using ferric sulphate and aluminium sulphate aggregation, respectively. In comparison to the other organic components of COM, mainly polysaccharides, the proteins are removed with a higher efficiency. The GPC analyses of the residual COM showed that the proteins of higher molecular weight were aggregated with a higher efficiency. and Cílem práce je opis vlivu buněčných organických látek (COM) produkovaných sinicí Microcystis aeruginosa na proces úpravy vody pomocí destabilizace a následné agregace znečišťujících příměsí. Výzkum byl uskutečňován se syntetickou surovou vodou, do které byly přidány COM získané laboratorní kultivací M. aeruginosa. V průběhu laboratorních testů byla sledována především účinnost odstranění dvou základních složek COM, tj. polysacharidů a proteinů. Bylo zjištěno, že tato účinnost závisí především na reakčních podmínkách (typu a dávce destabilizačního činidla a pH). Účinnost odstranění COM byla poměrně nízká, maximální dosažená účinnost byla 46% při destabilizaci pomocí síranu železitého a 41% při použití síranu hlinitého. Bylo zjištěno, že s vyšší účinností jsou odstraňovány proteiny, obzvláště pak proteiny s vyšší molekulovou hmotností.
The acanthocephalan Echinorhynchus salmonis Müller, 1784 is a common parasite of salmonid fish, but it has rarely been reported from an intermediate host. Samples of benthic amphipods, Monoporeia affinis (Lindström), were taken from multiple, deep sites (usually below 70 m) in the Gulf of Bothnia over the course of more than a decade and examined for acanthocephalans. Overall, only 0.44% of 23 296 amphipods were infected, all with just a single worm. This prevalence is consistent with several previous reports of acanthocephalans in deep-water, benthic amphipods, but it appears low compared to that often reported for acanthocephalan species infecting littoral amphipods. Parasite occurrence did not exhibit a clear regional pattern (i.e. northern vs southern sites) nor did it have any relationship with site depth. At sites sampled over multiple years, parasite abundance was consistently low (mostly < 0.01), though two spikes in abundance (over 0.06) were also observed, indicating that infection can be substantially higher at particular times or in particular places. The median density of E. salmonis in samples containing the parasite was estimated as 8.4 cystacanths per m2., Daniel P. Benesh, Raija-Liisa Aura, Ann-Britt Andersin, E. Tellervo Valtonen., and Obsahuje bibliografii